Chapter 3: The Calm Before the Storm

Sam Witwicky sat in front of his computer, his fingers dancing across the keyboard as lines of code and encrypted data scrolled across the screen. He wore a contemplative expression, his brow furrowed. The faint hum of electronics filled his room, and a sleek, polished desk held various gadgets and tools of his own creation. Behind him, a futuristic holographic interface displayed complex data diagrams and a live feed of Alfred's current processes.

A few months left, Sam thought, staring at the data with a sigh. The Autobots would be here soon. The plot he had memorized from the first "Transformers" movie was about to unfold, and as much as he tried to prepare, the sheer scale of what was coming weighed heavily on his mind.

His voice broke the silence. "Alfred, pull up everything we've discovered so far from the military's and Sector Seven's files."

"Right away, sir," Alfred replied smoothly, his British accent tinged with a hint of dry humor. "Though, might I suggest a cup of tea to calm your nerves while I retrieve the data? Stress is unbecoming."

Sam let out a light chuckle. "I'll keep that in mind, Alfred."

Within seconds, Alfred had sifted through the vast archives of stolen military data and covertly intercepted transmissions from Sector Seven. Sam had spent years hacking into the most secure government databases, taking particular interest in anything related to the mysterious NBE-1, also known as Megatron, and the AllSpark. On the screen before him appeared the classified details on both.

"The data you requested is ready, sir. Most of it revolves around our old frozen friend, NBE-1, and the AllSpark." Alfred's voice held a faint trace of sarcasm.

"Thanks, Alfred." Sam leaned closer to the screen, skimming the information. Megatron had been found in the Arctic, frozen for centuries in a dormant state. But the real enigma was the AllSpark. Sam's fingers tapped idly on the desk as he thought about the artifact. In the movie, the AllSpark was a powerful object capable of creating Cybertronian life. But something didn't add up. There had to be more to it.

In the second movie, Sam remembered that a small shard of the AllSpark had embedded memories in his mind, filling him with Cybertronian knowledge. It wasn't just a life-giving device; it was an ancient relic that held the key to unimaginable power. What was the true nature of the AllSpark? Was it merely a tool for creation, or something far more dangerous?

Sam exhaled sharply. ' because If the AllSpark is just a source of life, why would it contain that kind of data?' sam thought 

"Any insights, Alfred?" Sam asked, leaning back in his chair.

Alfred paused, as if considering. "Perhaps the AllSpark's role is not as simple as we once thought. It could be more than a creator. It may also act as a repository—a storage device of sorts, containing the very essence of Cybertronian history, knowledge, and perhaps even the code that governs their existence."

"That's what I'm thinking," Sam said, rubbing his temples. "But we won't know for sure until we get our hands on it."

"Anymore insights, Alfred?" Sam asked

"None that you haven't already considered, sir," Alfred replied thoughtfully. "Though, if I may add, contemplating the complexities of ancient alien technology before breakfast might not be ideal for your mental well-being."

Sam sighed and nodded. "You're probably right. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens when I actually get my hands on it."He leaned back, eyes closed for a moment. He had always wondered if there was more to the AllSpark, something deeper. With just a few months left, he would soon find out for himself. For now, the only thing he could do was wait.

"That's the spirit," Alfred quipped. "Don't stress too much, Master Sam,", his tone light. "You'll have the answers soon enough. No point in stressing yourself over intergalactic mysteries before your eggs are cooked."

Sam smiled slightly. "Thanks, Alfred."

"Anytime. Now, would you like me to proceed with the latest updates on the miniature Ark Reactor? It's 64% complete."

"Nah," Sam replied, standing up and stretching. "I'll take a break for now. Maybe head to the kitchen, grab something to eat."

"Excellent choice, sir. Though I must say, Master Sam, I am in complete agreement with your mother's observation that you need more human friends. As wonderful as my company is, you should perhaps widen your social circle."

Sam rolled his eyes, chuckling. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'm fine, though. You're all the company I need, Alfred."

Alfred's voice took on a slightly amused tone. "Touching, but I'm afraid I must side with your mother. Human interaction is invaluable for personal growth."

Sam let out an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, I'll think about it."

Sam chuckled again, appreciating Alfred's attempt to lighten the mood. The AI had been his constant companion for years now, a project that took him nearly five years to develop. It was one of his greatest accomplishments, and despite Alfred's sarcastic nature, Sam cherished the bond they had.

"Thanks, Alfred," Sam said genuinely. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Well, I assume you'd still be brilliant and resourceful, but far less charming without my presence," Alfred teased. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to monitoring your ongoing Ark Reactor project. '

Sam smiled. "Noted. I'll check in later. For now, I'm going to grab some breakfast."

Leaving his lab, Sam headed to the kitchen, where the warm, familiar smell of his mom's cooking filled the air. His mother, Judy, was at the stove, humming softly as she stirred something in a pan. Through the window, Sam could see his dad, Ron, working outside in the garden, kneeling near some flower beds with a spade in hand.

"Hey, sweetie!" his mom said, glancing over her shoulder with a bright smile. "You're up early from the lab. Taking a break?"

"Yeah, figured I'd get some air," Sam replied, walking over to the counter. "And maybe grab a snack before school ."

Judy shook her head affectionately. "You and that lab of yours. It's great that you're doing all that research, but you really should get out more, you know? Meet some people. Make friends."

Sam smiled, opening the fridge. "I've got Alfred."

His mom turned around, hands on her hips, with a knowing look in her eyes. "Alfred is lovely, but he's not exactly human. You need real friends, Sam. People your age."

From the speaker on the kitchen counter, Alfred's voice chimed in. "I must agree with your mother, Master Sam. While I am a superior conversationalist, human interaction is critical for emotional and psychological well-being."

Sam let out another sigh, grabbing a water bottle and twisting the cap open. "Even you, Alfred?"

"Indeed, sir."

Judy chuckled, shaking her head. "Listen to us, ganging up on you. We just want you to have a healthy balance, honey."

"I know," Sam said, smiling softly. "I'm fine, really. I like things the way they are."

His mom gave him a loving pat on the back. "Alright, but if you ever change your mind, there's a whole world out there waiting for you."

Sam nodded, looking out at his dad, who waved when he noticed his son by the window. He waved back, then turned to his mom. "I'll be heading to school soon. I'll see you guys tonight."

 Judy called after him as he grabbed his backpack and headed out the door.

"Be careful, sweetie!" Judy called out.

"I will!" Sam shouted back, pedaling down the driveway.

From a distance, a yellow Camaro watched as Sam rode his bike down the street, blending in seamlessly with the suburban landscape. Bumblebee's optics whirred faintly as he zoomed in, tracking Sam's movements.

Bumblebee's POV

Across town, Bumblebee remained in his alt-mode, parked inconspicuously along the side of the road. His scanners were constantly active, monitoring Sam and his surroundings. The young Witwicky had no idea he was being monitored or so bumble bee thought because sam already knows he is being monitored due to the secret drones he has all over the area. Over the years, bumble bee had grown fond of this young human, who was more capable and intelligent than most.

Bumblebee had been tasked with locating the all spark which then lead him into protecting Sam Witwicky, a mission that had brought him to Earth. While it seemed like a simple enough job, he found himself deeply fascinated by humanity. They were a curious species, fragile yet resilient, capable of great kindness and terrible cruelty. Their potential reminded him of Cybertronians, especially during his early years on Cybertron. Before the war.

Bumblebee's memories drifted back to the time before the great conflict that tore his homeworld apart. Cybertron had been a place of beauty—advanced, peaceful, a shining beacon of technological prowess. He had been a scout even then, tasked with exploring the far reaches of Cybertron's cities and outposts. Life had been different, simpler, before the rise of the Decepticons.

He remembered the first time he met Optimus Prime, back when the leader of the Autobots had been a different person—Orion Pax, a wise archivist. The two had shared many conversations about Cybertron's future, long before war became inevitable.

But then came Megatron. His rise to power brought with it chaos, and Bumblebee had no choice but to join the Autobots in the fight for freedom. Bumblebee had seen friends fall, cities crumble, and the very fabric of Cybertron ripped apart in the war. He had experienced loss and pain and even his own voice box be ripped out of him by Megatron but bumble bee had remained hopeful that someday, Cybertron might be rebuilt.

After years of fighting, Bumblebee found himself sent to Earth by Optimus on a mission to locate and protect the AllSpark and, more recently, to safeguard Sam Witwicky. Humanity, though vastly different from Cybertronians, had an undeniable spirit that reminded Bumblebee of what he had once fought to protect on Cybertron.

Watching Sam now, he felt a sense of duty stronger than ever. This young human had no idea of the storm that was coming, of the war that would soon arrive on Earth's doorstep. Bumblebee hoped that when the time came, Sam would be ready.

For now, Bumblebee would keep watching and waiting, ready to act when needed. Earth was his new home, and Sam Witwicky—whether he knew it or not—was a key part of the future.

As he continued to observe, Bumblebee couldn't help but continue to reminisce about the golden days of Cybertron before it had been consumed by war. He wondered if, after all this time, peace was still possible.

But for now, his mission was clear: Protect the young sparkling Sam Witwicky. And Bumblebee would not fail.

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