chapter 4:Preparation Complete

It had been a few months since Sam Witwicky had truly begun to prepare for the upcoming storm. He knew that everything would soon come crashing down—Autobots, Decepticons, the AllSpark, and the looming battle for Earth. But for now, he kept a façade of normalcy. He went to school, did his homework, hung out with Alfred, and acted like an ordinary teenager. Well, as ordinary as a genius teenager with knowledge of an alien invasion could be.

Despite the effort to blend in, Sam had noticed that he was being watched. Two distinct entities were keeping tabs on him. One was the Decepticon, Barricade, lurking in the shadows, always observing but never directly engaging. The other was Bumblebee, who Sam knew was part of the Autobots and his future protector , Sam wasn't sure how much either of them knew about his activities, but for now, he played dumb, acting oblivious to their surveillance.

In the past few months, Sam and Alfred had accomplished more than he could've imagined. They had successfully completed the Ark Reactor—a compact, sustainable energy source inspired by the designs from the "Iron Man" films. The reactor sat hidden beneath Sam's home, a constant source of clean, endless power. With it, Sam had upgraded Alfred's systems, making him more efficient, more powerful, and more self-aware. He had also begun work on an Iron Man-style suit, though it was still a work in progress. A few more tweaks were needed, but once it was finished, Sam would be ready for whatever came his way.

Sitting on the rooftop of his high school, Sam watched the clouds drift lazily in the sky, listening to the familiar voice of his AI companion through the small earpiece he'd invented.. while the warm California sun bathed the school in golden light, casting long shadows as the day drew to a close. Sam then got up and leaned against the wall of the rooftop entrance, pulling out a small earbud from his pocket. He slipped it into his ear and tapped it twice.

"Alfred, you there?" Sam asked, his voice low as he glanced out at the sprawling school grounds below.

"Of course, sir," Alfred's voice chimed in his ear, clear and crisp. "Monitoring your vitals, local traffic, and current weather patterns. I must say, it's a rather splendid afternoon."

Sam smirked. "Glad you're keeping busy.'

"You've been awfully quiet today, sir. Dare I say, reflective?" Alfred's voice came through the earpiece, its British accent carrying a note of curiosity.

Sam smiled faintly. "Yeah, I guess so, Alfred. Just thinking about everything we've done these last few months."

"You know," Sam said, his voice thoughtful, "we've come a long way since that first day. Who would've thought we'd be building an arc reactor in my garage?"

"I'd say the potential was always there, sir," Alfred replied smoothly. "Though I must admit, your progress has exceeded even my most optimistic calculations."

Sam grinned. "Thanks, Alfred. Couldn't have done it without you."

"That is quite flattering, sir, but unnecessary. You have the mind of a genius. I'm merely your assistant."

Sam leaned back onto the rooftop entrance , looking at the sky. "You know, I've been thinking and i also wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh? Does this involve that rather hazardous contraption you've been working on in the garage?"

"The suit?" Sam replied with a grin. "Yeah, kind of. It's almost ready. But that's not what I wanted to talk about."

Alfred's voice hummed with interest. "Do tell, sir."

Sam took a deep breath. "I've been thinking… I want to build you a body. A physical one. Something you can actually interact with the world through, not just be stuck in my systems or a screen."

There was a brief pause on the other end. When Alfred spoke again, his usually steady tone held a note of surprise. "Sir, while I am deeply honored by the sentiment, I must insist that you don't need to go through such trouble for me. I function perfectly well as I am."

Sam shook his head, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips."I know," Sam said " but It's not about need, Alfred. You've been more than just an AI to me. You've been my companion, my partner. Hell, you're practically family. And family deserves to be more than just a voice in someone's ear."

Alfred was silent for a moment, as though processing the weight of Sam's words and For the first time since their partnership began, Sam thought he detected a note of emotion in Alfred's voice when he replied. "Sir, I—" he hesitated. "I truly do not know what to say. I'm… appreciative, more than I can express. But you have given me more than enough by allowing me to serve you."

Sam smiled, a warmth spreading through him. He meant what he said—Alfred had been with him through thick and thin, helping him achieve things most people his age couldn't even dream of. Sam couldn't shake the feeling that giving Alfred a body of his own was the least he could do. They weren't just building things together—they were building a future.

"Come on, Alfred," Sam said with a chuckle. "You don't serve me. We're in this together. And besides, I think it's about time you get to experience things a bit more firsthand."

"I must admit," Alfred said with a tone of amusement, "the idea of having a body does sound rather intriguing. I will certainly leave the design choices to you, sir. Though, I do hope it will be something dignified and not too... garish."

Sam laughed. "Dignified it is. No worries, you won't end up looking like a sci-fi reject."

"Then I leave it in your capable hands," Alfred replied with a warmth that only an AI with a true bond could convey. "Though I do advise you to focus on more pressing matters for now. The time for you to get your first car with your dad ."

Sam's expression grew contemplative . "I know. dad will be here soon."

The school bell rang loudly, signaling the end of the day. Sam tapped his earbud and opened the roof top door , making his way toward the stairs.

"Indeed, sir. Don't forget your notebook—wouldn't want to leave any of your brilliant ideas behind."

Sam chuckled and slipped the notebook into his bag. "Thanks, Alfred. Talk to you in a bit."

"Always here for you, sir," Alfred replied smoothly.

As Sam descended the stairwell, he joined the stream of students heading toward the parking lot. He was in no rush, taking his time, his thoughts already jumping to the next phase of his plans. When he finally reached the front of the school, he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry!" Sam said, turning to see who he had collided with.

The girl in front of him bent down to pick up the books she had dropped. "No, it's my fault," she said quickly. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

Sam knelt to help her gather the scattered papers. "No harm done."

When he looked up, he recognized her immediately. Mikaela Banes. The same girl from the movie, the one who would eventually become part of the whirlwind events involving the Autobots. She smiled at him as they both stood up, her dark hair catching the light.

"Thanks," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, no problem," Sam replied, slightly awkward. "I'm Sam, by the way."

"I know," Mikaela said with a small grin. "We're in the same history class."

Sam blinked, caught off guard. "Right, yeah. I knew that."

She laughed softly. "Well, thanks again, Sam. See you around."

"Yeah, see you," Sam said, watching her walk away. He stood there for a moment, his thoughts racing. Mikaela Banes. Sam watched her go for a moment before shaking his head and continuing on his way. He hadn't expected to bump into Mikaela Baines of all people, but life had a funny way of throwing surprises his way.

"Sir, are you quite alright?" Alfred's voice cut into his thoughts.

Sam snapped back to reality. "Yeah, yeah. I'm good. Just… bumped into someone."

"Ah, yes. a pretty girl i presume."

Sam just sighed. "you are spending to much time with mom again Alfred."

All Sam could here was Alfred laughing in his ear .

As he walked out of the school building, he spotted his dad, Ron, waiting for him,He made his way over to his dad's car, where Ron Witwicky was leaning against the hood, sunglasses on and arms crossed, looking like he was enjoying the sunny afternoon.

"There's my boy," Ron said with a broad smile as Sam approached.

"Hey, Dad," Sam greeted. 

Ron grinned at him. "Hey, sport! You ready to go pick out your first car?"

Sam smiled back. "Yeah, I'm ready, Dad."

As they got into the car, Sam leaned back in his seat. "You know, I could've just gone to the dealership by myself."

Ron shook his head, laughing. "No way. It's a Witwicky tradition, Sam. A father always helps his son pick out his first car, so we're doing this together."

Sam couldn't help but smile at his dad's enthusiasm. "Alright, alright. I'm not complaining."

As they pulled out of the school parking lot and headed toward Bobby Bolivia's dealership, Ron glanced over at his son. "Listen, Sam. I know we've got a bit more money now than when I was your age, but just because we can afford something fancy doesn't mean we should. Your first car… it's gotta be something special, something you can work on, you know? Make it yours."

Sam nodded, appreciating his dad's words. "Yeah, I get it. I wasn't planning on going for anything extravagant anyway. I'd rather get something I can fix up myself."

Ron smiled, clearly proud of his son. "That's my boy. Always thinking ahead."

As they drove through the town, Ron glanced over at his son, pride swelling in his chest. Sam had always been a smart kid—brilliant, even—but what made Ron most proud was how humble his son remained despite his intelligence. Sam had accomplished more than most people would in a lifetime, and yet he never flaunted it. He was down-to-earth, and that was what Ron loved most about him.

"You know, Sam," Ron said after a moment of comfortable silence, "I don't say this enough, but I'm really proud of you. You're smart, responsible, and you've got a good heart. I'm lucky to have you as my son."

Sam felt a warmth in his chest as he looked over at his dad. "Thanks, Dad. That means a lot."

They shared a quiet moment, the road stretching out ahead of them as they neared the dealership.

The rest of the drive was filled with comfortable silence as they made their way to Bobby Bolivia's dealership. Sam couldn't help but feel a little excited. Sure, he knew what was coming—he had all the knowledge of the events from this universe —but there was still something thrilling about it. Everything starts today and he was now on the verge of being swept up into something much bigger than himself.

But more importantly, he was ready. He had spent months preparing, building the tools he'd need to survive and thrive in the coming chaos. With Alfred's help, he had advanced far beyond what he could have imagined, and now it was time to step into the world that awaited him.

As they pulled into the dealership, Sam took a deep breath, ready to take the next step.

His destiny was calling, and he was more than prepared to answer.

i hope you guys enjoy 

im planning to make this fanfiction story go from the first transformers movie until the last night but after dark moon and maybe planning for sam to travel to the transformers prime universe or the transformers one universe let me know what you guys think