Chapter 6: A simple day

The next morning, Sam Witwicky woke up to the familiar, soothing voice of Alfred. The AI's soft tone filled the room like an alarm clock that didn't feel the need to be annoying.

"Good morning, master Sam. I've processed the modifications we discussed last night, and they can indeed be implemented."

Sam rubbed his eyes and stretched. He was still lying in bed, blankets tangled around him. Last night, he and Alfred had stayed up brainstorming ways to improve Bumblebee—specifically, the idea of implementing an arc reactor into the Camaro's systems. It was wild, borderline insane, but the possibility was there.

"Great news," Sam mumbled, still waking up. "What about the arc reactor idea? Can we do it?"

"It's plausible," Alfred confirmed, "but we will need more detailed schematics. A significant amount of energy would be required, and such technology is still highly advanced—even for us."

Sam nodded, pondering the next step. 'Maybe when Ratchet the medic of the autobots as well as Ironhide the weapons expert comes down to earth I can throw the idea their way. They might have a better idea about how to handle it when i propose the idea.' Sam thought.

"We will leave it on the drawing board for now alfred,but we can first focus on the easier upgrades" said Sam.

"That sounds like a solid plan," Alfred replied.

Sam sat up in bed, the excitement of the day slowly filling him. Today felt important. Yesterday, he had officially brought Bumblebee home, the beginning of something new. The day had been surreal, but now reality was kicking in. His life was changing, and he needed to be ready for whatever came next.

He threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, heading downstairs. The smell of bacon hit him before he even entered the kitchen. His mom, as usual, was at the stove, cooking breakfast, while his dad sat at the table with his morning coffee, already engrossed in the newspaper.

"Morning, champ!" his dad greeted, looking up from the paper.

Sam smiled and waved. "Morning, Dad. Mom."

His mom turned from the stove, spatula in hand. "Morning, sweetie. Breakfast is almost ready. Sit down."

Sam took a seat at the table as his mom set a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of him. "Thanks, Mom."

"So, what's the plan for today?" his dad asked, sipping his coffee. "Working on that car all day? Or do you have something else lined up because it is summer vacation ?"

Sam shrugged as he started eating. "I'll probably just work on the car. Got a lot of plans and other things I want to figure out during the summer."

His mom shot him a look. "Oh, come on, Sam. You're young! You can't spend the entire summer vacation in that garage and lab . You should be out enjoying your life, meeting people. Maybe even find a pretty girl for yourself."

Sam nearly choked on his bacon as his dad chuckled. "Your mom's got a point," his dad said, clearly amused. "You know she's been talking about grandkids."

Sam sighed. His parents always had a way of steering the conversation toward his love life—or lack thereof. "I'm just focused on other things right now, Mom."

"Focused on things that don't involve fun?" his mom teased. "Alfred, isn't there a party happening at the lake today filled with Sam classmates ."

Sam shot Alfred a pleading look, but the AI responded promptly. "Yes, Mrs. Witwicky. There is a gathering happening at the lake today. Several of Sam's classmates will be attending."

Sam groaned as his mom turned to him, triumphant. "See? You should go! Have some fun. You can't waste your whole summer vacation tinkering in that garage of yours ."

"I don't want to waste time with a bunch of drunk teenagers, Mom," Sam retorted. "I'd rather be doing something productive."

His mom gave him a stern look. "You're going, Sam."

His dad leaned over, lowering his voice. "Trust me, son, you don't want to make her upset. Just go. She's looking out for you."

Sam sighed again but finally gave in. "Alright, alright. I'll go."

His mom beamed. "Good! You'll have fun, I promise."

Later that afternoon, Sam found himself sitting in the driver's seat of Bumblebee, heading toward the lake. He could see the crowd of high schoolers in the distance, the unmistakable chaos of a teenage party playing out on the horizon. People were drinking, laughing, and music was blasting.

"This is gonna be a waste of time," Sam muttered, shaking his head.

Alfred's voice came from the speakers. "Your mother is right, Sam. You should enjoy your teenage years."

Sam chuckled. "Guess I can't argue with both of you." He had barely finished speaking when the radio in Bumblebee started to change stations, stopping on a song by Andrew W.K. titled It's Time to Party. Sam laughed. "Alright, alright, I get it. You want me to have fun too, huh?"

He gave the dashboard a knowing look, even though he was already fully aware that Bumblebee was far more than just a car.

As Sam was about to step out of the car, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Across the parking area, he saw Mikaela in a heated argument with her boyfriend. Sam couldn't make out the details, but he saw her storm off, walking away from the party.

Sam smirked to himself. "Fate is funny sometimes."

Without hesitation, Sam started up Bumblebee and drove slowly alongside Mikaela. He rolled down the window. "Hey, need a ride?"

Mikaela glanced over, seeming surprised to see him. After a moment, she sighed and climbed into the passenger seat. "Yeah, thanks. Didn't really feel like walking all the way home."

"No problem," Sam said as they pulled away from the lake. "You okay?"

Mikaela shrugged. "Just the usual. I have a thing for bad boys, I guess. Clearly, it's not working out."

Sam chuckled. "Maybe you should try something different."

Mikaela gave him a side glance, a small smile playing on her lips. "Like a nice guy?"

Sam shrugged with a playful grin. "Maybe. Who knows?"

They drove in comfortable silence for a few minutes, the sound of the engine filling the gap. Then, without warning, Bumblebee suddenly sputtered and came to a halt on a small hill.

Sam couldn't help but laugh. "Really? You had to pick now to break down?"

Mikaela raised an eyebrow. "You want me to take a look?"

Sam nodded, still chuckling. "Sure, why not?"

Mikaela hopped out of the car, and Sam followed, opening the hood. She immediately began inspecting the engine, talking aloud as she went. "You've got a really nice setup here. I mean, for a classic, this is impressive."

Sam stood back, watching her work. He hadn't expected her to know so much about cars, and he was genuinely impressed. "You know a lot about engines."

Mikaela stopped and glanced at him, slightly embarrassed. "Sorry. I'm rambling."

"No, it's cool," Sam said quickly. "It's actually pretty awesome."

Mikaela blushed, a rare sight for her. "Thanks. Most guys don't like it when a girl knows more about cars than they do."

Sam grinned. "Well, I'm not most guys."

She smiled at him, the tension from earlier fading. "You're definitely not." She tapped the side of the hood. "Go ahead, try starting it now."

Sam got back in the driver's seat and turned the key. Bumblebee roared back to life without a hitch. Mikaela climbed back in and shut the door.

"Looks like you saved the day," Sam said, shooting her a thankful smile.

Mikaela shrugged casually. "It's nothing. Your car just needed a little nudge."

Sam dropped her off at her house, pulling up to the curb. Before she got out, she turned to him. "You know, you're actually pretty cool. I always thought you were kind of a loner."

Sam shrugged, feeling more confident than usual. "I just like my own company, but... I enjoyed yours."

Mikaela smiled and handed him a piece of paper. "Here, call me sometime. Maybe we can hang out again."

Sam took the paper, feeling a mix of mild surprise and excitement. "Yeah, definitely."

She gave him one last smile before heading inside. As soon as the door shut, the radio in Bumblebee started playing a love song, something Sam couldn't help but laugh at.

"Seriously?" Sam said, shaking his head.

Alfred's voice cut in. "I'm happy to see you smiling, Sam. Your mother was right. It's good to have and enjoy moments like these as a teenager ."

Sam smiled softly. "Yeah, I guess she was."

Later that night, after dinner, Sam lay in bed, reflecting on the day. His phone buzzed, and he looked down at the piece of paper with Mikaela's number on it. For the first time in a long time, he felt a sense of possibility that had nothing to do with technology or secret plans.

But then Alfred's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Sam, Bumblebee just left the garage."

Sam sat up immediately, a smirk crossing his face. "Well, I guess it's time to officially introduce myself to Bumblebee."

With that, he hopped out of bed, ready for the introduction with his protector of his life.

hope yo guys enjoy , i dont want to make the story a harem story so you guys can give me options for future love interests here but personally i like mikeala from the transformers universe .