Chapter 10: A Drive, a Date, and a Chase

The garage door slowly rose, sunlight spilling into the dim space as Sam revved Bumblebee's engine. His fingers tightened on the steering wheel, excitement bubbling in his chest. Today was going to be a good day—he and Bumblebee were going to stretch their legs around town, test out the new upgrades, and maybe hit up the burger joint on the corner later.

"All right, Bee," Sam said, looking at the dash. "You ready for this?"

Bumblebee responded, his voice now smooth and distinct. "Ready as ever. Let's see what these upgrades can do."

But as they were about to pull out onto the driveway, a familiar voice pierced the air.

"Sam, before you leave, can you PLEASE pick up Mojo's pills from the pharmacy?" his mom called from the back door, holding their hyperactive little chihuahua, Mojo, in her arms.

Sam groaned, leaning his head back on the seat. "Mom, do you really think Mojo still needs those pills?" he called back through the open window. "I'm pretty sure they're just making him more hyper!"

His mom's voice rose in protest. "Sam, "Of course, he needs them!" his mom shouted back, a little offended by the suggestion. "Just look at him!" She held Mojo up, and the tiny dog yapped excitedly, wriggling in her grip and barking as if in agreement.

Sam rolled his eyes at the sight. Mojo, who looked completely fine, was bouncing with his usual energy. The last thing that dog needed was more medication. Bumblebee snickered through his speakers, clearly amused by the situation.

"You know, she might have a point. He does seem… energetic," Bumblebee teased.

"Don't encourage her!" Sam muttered under his breath before turning back toward the house. "Fine, Mom! I'll pick up Mojo's pills, but I'm telling you, that dog's got more energy than both of us combined."

Mojo barked again, this time louder, as if to back up Sam's mom once more.

His mom's face lit up in victory. "Thanks, sweetie! Love you!"

"Yeah, love you too," Sam grumbled under his breath, shaking his head as he put the car in gear. "Guess we're on pill duty now, Bee."

"And don't forget, they close in an hour!" his mom said, a wide smile on her face. 

"Yeah, yeah, I got it, Mom!" he shouted back before sighing heavily. Sam waved her off as Bumblebee's engine revved, clearly ready to get out on the open road. 

"You're spark mother really cares about you " Bumblebee remarked, his voice full of sincerity.

"Trust me, I know," Sam said, shaking his head as he finally pulled out of the garage and onto the street. "Let's just hit the pharmacy and get this over with."

Driving through town with Bumblebee was always an experience. Sam glanced out the window, watching the familiar streets of Tranquility pass by. The world outside felt alive with the hum of activity people walking their dogs, mowing their lawns, and kids biking past on their way to the park. It was a normal day in Sam's quiet little corner of the world, but nothing had felt normal for a while now. But today, things were different. With Bumblebee's new upgrades, Sam could feel the raw power beneath him, the smooth handling, and the faster response times. Bee was practically a supercar now.

Sam leaned back in his seat, enjoying the comfortable silence between them. The upgrades Alfred had helped him install made Bumblebee feel like a brand new car faster, more powerful, and smoother. It was as if the bumble bee had been rejuvenated.

"So," Sam said, trying to break the silence as they cruised down the main road. "How are you feeling? You know, after all the upgrades?"

Bumblebee paused for a moment, as if considering his answer. "Stronger. Faster. More… capable." He then added, more softly, "Thank you, Sam. I appreciate what you did for me. My voice, especially."

Sam smiled. "Hey, it's the least I could do. You are my guardian , Bee. I figured it was the least i could do, so take it as a little thank you gift from me, and besides were partners now ."

Bumblebee's radio flickered to an old pop song for a brief moment something with a happy beat. He seemed content. "You and I… we're a good team. I'm grateful to be your guardian."

Sam couldn't help but grin at that. "So umh, Bee," Sam said after a few moments, breaking the silence, "now that you can actually talk... mind telling me more about Cybertron? You know, your life before you ended up here on Earth?"

Bumblebee's voice grew more thoughtful. "Cybertron was beautiful place once. Gleaming cities, bright skies. We were a proud civilization. Then the war… it tore everything apart. The Decepticons wanted power. We wanted freedom. I fought alongside my leader named Optimus Prime for as long as I could remember. But everything we knew… it's gone now."

Sam was silent for a moment, trying to imagine the kind of loss Bumblebee was talking about. It was too big to truly comprehend. "I'm sorry, Bee."

"It's not your fault," Bumblebee replied quietly. "We fight to make sure Earth doesn't suffer the same fate. And as long as we can find the allspark , there's still hope."

Sam nodded, feeling a deep sense of responsibility settle over him. "Well, whatever happens, you're not fighting alone,alfred and Iare here to help ."

Bumblebee's radio hummed in agreement. "Thank you ."

The pharmacy was just up ahead, a small family-owned place on the corner of the street. Sam pulled into the parking lot and parked Bumblebee in a shaded spot.

"I'll be quick," Sam said, grabbing his wallet from the center console. "Just gotta grab Mojo's pills."

"Take your time," Bumblebee said, his tone light. "I'll be here."

Sam stepped out and jogged toward the entrance of the pharmacy, pushing the door open with a jingle from the bell overhead. It was a small, cozy place, and the pharmacist gave him a friendly nod as he approached the counter.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up a prescription for Mojo Witwicky," Sam said, already feeling embarrassed by the fact that he had to say his dog's name in public like this.

The pharmacist smiled knowingly and retrieved the small bottle from behind the counter. "Here you go. One prescription for Mojo."

Sam nodded, paying quickly and pocketing the bottle. "Thanks," he said, turning to leave.

As he walked back out into the parking lot, he heard a familiar voice call his name from behind him.


He froze for a second before turning around. Standing there, just a few feet away, was Mikaela Banes. His heart skipped a beat as he saw her, Her dark hair fell over her shoulders and her piercing eyes locked on him., and she was dressed casually in a tank top and jeans, but she still somehow managed to take his breath away.

"Mikaela!" Sam blurted, feeling his pulse quicken. "Hey! Uh… hey, how's it going?"

Mikaela smiled, though there was a slight playful glint in her eyes. "I'm good. But you never messaged me back."

Sam's mind raced as he struggled to find an excuse. "Oh, yeah… about that… I've been super busy. Like, really, really busy. You wouldn't believe it."

Mikaela raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Oh really? Too busy to send one text?"

Sam scratched the back of his neck, chuckling nervously. "Yeah, it sounds bad, I know, but I can make it up to you. What are you doing right now? You wanna grab some ice cream or something? My treat."

Mikaela pretended to think about it for a second, then smiled. "Sure. I could go for some ice cream."

Sam's face lit up as he led her toward Bumblebee, trying to keep his cool. As they approached, Mikaela's eyes wandered over Bumblebee's sleek exterior, clearly impressed. "Wow, Sam. Your car looks… amazing . is this what you were busy with ? It looks way better than the last time I saw it."

Sam grinned, feeling a surge of pride. "Yeah, I've been making some upgrades. You know, just tweaking a few things here and there."

Mikaela nodded, still admiring the car. "Well, it's definitely a step up. Looks great."

Sam walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for her, smiling like a gentleman. "Your chariot awaits, m'lady."

Mikaela raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on her lips. "Wow, such a gentleman."

She slid into the passenger seat, and Sam quickly got into the driver's side. As soon as they were both buckled in, Bumblebee's engine rumbled to life.

Mikaela glanced around the interior, noting some of the subtle differences. "You've really been working on this, huh?"

Sam shot her a grin as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Yup. You could say I've been busy with a little… project."

Bumblebee's radio played a quick burst of applause, which Sam tried to ignore as he drove toward the ice cream parlor downtown.


"So, what have you been up to?" Sam asked as they pulled up to the shop. "Besides looking amazing, of course."

Mikaela smirked, rolling her eyes. "Smooth, Sam. Really smooth."

He chuckled, parking the car. "Hey, just calling it like I see it."

They got out of the car and headed inside the shop, the cool air hitting them as they stepped up to the counter. After ordering their ice cream Sam getting a double scoop of vanilla and Mikaela opting for chocolate they found a small table outside to sit at, enjoying the warm afternoon air.

"So, seriously " Sam said between bites of his ice cream, "what's been going on in your world? Anything exciting?"

Mikaela shrugged, licking her spoon thoughtfully. "Not much. School, work, trying to figure out life. You know, the usual."

Sam nodded. "Yeah, I hear you. Things have been... pretty crazy for me, too."

"Yeah?" Mikaela leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand. "Like what? You never really talk about what's going on in that head of yours."

Sam hesitated for a moment, wondering how much he could actually tell her about the whole alien robot situation without sounding insane. "Well... let's just say I've been dealing with some pretty big stuff. You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Mikaela raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Try me."

Sam laughed nervously, shaking his head. "Maybe another time. For now, let's just enjoy the ice cream."

She smiled, clearly not satisfied with his vague answer, but willing to let it slide. "Fine. But you owe me a real explanation later."

"Deal," Sam said, holding up his spoon in a mock salute.

Mikaela laughed, clearly enjoying his humor . "Relax, no need to salute mr solider witwicky ."

Sam shook his head, laughing as well. "You're evil, you know that?"

Mikaela's smile softened as she leaned forward slightly. "Maybe. But I like hanging out with you, Sam. You're different from most guys."

Sam blinked, caught off guard by the compliment. "Uh, thanks. I like hanging out with you too."

They spent the next hour talking, laughing, and flirting, the conversation flowing easily between them. Sam found himself enjoying Mikaela's company more than he had expected. She was funny, smart, and easy to talk to—a perfect combination. There was something easy about being with Mikaela, something that just felt… right.

Eventually, the sun dipped lower in the sky, and Sam glanced at the time. "It's getting late. Want me to drive you home?"

Mikaela nodded, standing up and tossing her napkin into the trash. "Yeah, sure. Thanks, Sam."

They walked back to Bumblebee, and Sam opened the door for her again, earning another smile from her.

As Sam got into the driver's seat, Alfred voice suddenly cut through the quiet moment in Sams ear. "Sam, we're being followed."

Sam's heart skipped a beat, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "What? By who?"

"Barricade," Alfred replied, his voice low and serious. "He's right behind us."

Sam glanced in the rearview mirror and, sure enough, he saw the telltale black-and-white police cruiser following at a distance.

He turned to Mikaela, his voice tense. "Hold on tight."

Mikaela frowned, confused. "Sam, what's going on?"

Before Sam could answer, Bumblebee's engine roared to life on its own, and the car suddenly sped up, taking control of the situation.

"Bee?!" Sam shouted, gripping the steering wheel even though it was clear Bumblebee had taken over. The Camaro weaved through traffic, accelerating toward the outskirts of town.

Mikaela's eyes widened in shock as she gripped the seat. "Sam, what's happening?!"

Sam shot her a glance, his heart racing. "Just… hold on. I'll explain everything later."

Bumblebee's voice came through, calm but urgent. "We're heading to the quarry. Brace yourselves."

The car sped toward the abandoned quarry at full speed, leaving Barricade in their dust as they raced toward their destination.


hi guys im not really good at writing romance but i hope you guys enjoy the chapter 

25 powerstones and another chapter for today hehe