I roll over and flop my arm out to find I’m alone. I crack one eye, searching the room for Hamilton; he’s nowhere to be found. I raise myself on two elbows, quirking my ear to listen for sounds in the bathroom. Nothing. I grab my phone from the charger. It’s 9:30 a.m. Where could he be? Maybe Liberty is awake.
I tie my hair in a messy ponytail, pull on a t-shirt and sleep shorts, and make me way out into the common area. I find Memphis and Liberty; still no Hamilton.
“Mornin’. Have you seen Hamilton?” I ask, wiping at the corner of my eyes after a big yawn.
“Good morning!” Memphis wears a huge smile. “He went down to work out. Said he’d be a couple of hours, and I should let you sleep.”
My nose leads me to the dining table. I spot the remnants of Liberty and Memphis’ breakfast. Bacon.
“I’ll order you some,” Memphis offers. “Bacon, fruit, muffin. Anything else?”
“That sounds perfect.” I place my hand on my belly as it growls in answer. “Make it a double order of bacon,” I add.