Chapter 31: Individual Training

Son Gohan slammed into the arena like a cannonball, creating a deep pit.

Goku returned to the pit's edge, beaming with joy. "Haha, I won! Yay, yay, yay!"

Everyone, except for Fortuneteller Baba, cheered for Goku.

Just as they were celebrating, a hand reached out and grabbed Goku's tail, rendering him weak and helpless.

Krillin was shocked and exclaimed, "Oh no! Goku's weak point is his tail. If it's grabbed, he loses all his strength."

"What?!" Master Roshi was surprised. "Why didn't I know about this weakness?"

Most of the others, except for John, were unaware that Goku had such a weakness.

Son Gohan grabbed Goku's tail and climbed out of the pit, then proceeded to slam Goku into the arena, making him cry out in pain.

"Thud, thud, thud..." The sound of Goku being slammed into the arena, along with his cries, pained Krillin, Bulma, and Yamcha.

Krillin even considered conceding on Goku's behalf.

John reassured them, "Don't concede for him. Goku isn't as weak as you think. This condition is only temporary. Trust me."

Although they were reassured, they still watched Goku with concern, waiting for the turnaround John had promised.

Suddenly, a ripping sound was heard, and Goku, clutching his buttocks, cried out in pain on the arena.

Son Gohan looked at the tail in his hand and said, "Oh no, it's broken!"

Once the pain from his broken tail subsided, Goku gritted his teeth and said, "You broke my tail! Unforgivable!"

Goku was about to attack, but Son Gohan conceded first, then slowly removed his mask, revealing the familiar and kind face of Goku's grandfather.

Seeing his deceased grandfather standing before him, Goku burst into tears of joy and sadness, running towards Son Gohan for a tight embrace. They shared the emotions of their years apart.

The heartwarming scene moved everyone present.

After some casual conversation, they learned why Son Gohan, who had passed away, could be with them. Fortuneteller Baba had the ability to freely travel between the human world and the underworld, and she could bring the dead back to the living world for a day.

Goku had hoped to live with his grandfather again, but he soon realized that he would have to part ways with him once more.

Goku wanted to resurrect his grandfather, but Son Gohan refused. He believed that even if he were resurrected, death would eventually come again. In the underworld, he lived much like he did in the human world, except for not being able to be with Goku.

Now that Goku had learned from his former teacher and made many true friends, Son Gohan had no regrets. So, he firmly refused Goku's offer to resurrect him.

The joyful time was fleeting, and Son Gohan's day in the living world came to an end. With Fortuneteller Baba's help, he returned to the underworld.

Fortuneteller Baba kept her promise and helped Goku locate the last Dragon Ball, which was inside a moving purple car.

With only one Dragon Ball left to revive Bora, Goku rode his Flying Nimbus towards it.

John and the others didn't follow him; instead, they waited at Fortuneteller Baba's estate for Goku's triumphant return. Everyone had immense faith in Goku and didn't doubt his success.

As expected, Goku soon returned with the last Dragon Ball.

Next, Goku took Upa back to Karin Holy Land to revive his father, Bora. This time, they didn't accompany him, as there wasn't much danger involved.

Meanwhile, Yamcha approached Master Roshi and requested, "Master Roshi, can I become your disciple and continue my martial arts training?"

Master Roshi was reluctant to take on disciples. In his youth, he had taught Son Gohan and Ox-King but later grew tired of it and expelled them from his tutelage after a few years.

He had accepted John as a disciple because John had saved his turtle, and Goku because of his exceptional talent. Krillin was accepted due to his good luck in arriving at the right time.

Now, Master Roshi wasn't keen on taking on another disciple, as it was a troublesome task.

So, he began thinking of a way to refuse Yamcha without hurting his feelings.

Master Roshi said, "To be honest, I'm not as great as you imagine. John and Goku's strength comes from their innate talent and climbing Karin Tower, where they drank the Super Divine Water. Even I wouldn't be a match for them now."

"So, instead of becoming my disciple, you should focus on your own training..."

As Master Roshi was speaking, Bulma suddenly interrupted, "Just take him as your disciple. What's the big deal?"

Then, she added coquettishly, "If you accept him, I might visit your Kame House more often."

Master Roshi, who had been about to refuse, immediately agreed, saying, "No problem, Yamcha. I'll take you as my disciple."

This surprised Fortuneteller Baba, who was eavesdropping nearby. She said to Master Roshi, "Can't you change your lecherous nature?"

Master Roshi retorted, "Can you change your greedy nature?"

Fortuneteller Baba replied, "Of course not! If I didn't love money, what would be the point of living in this world?"

"My lecherousness and your greed are innate. They can never be changed," Master Roshi declared.

In the end, neither could convince the other, and they turned away from each other, ending the conversation.

At that moment, Goku returned on his Flying Nimbus from the distant sky.

With their purpose at Fortuneteller Baba's estate fulfilled, it was time for everyone to return to their individual training in preparation for the next World Martial Arts Tournament.

However, Master Roshi told Goku and John, "Your current strength surpasses mine. I can no longer teach you. From now on, you must train on your own."

"Training isn't just about staying in one place. It's about traveling far and wide, encountering various extraordinary people," Master Roshi advised.

John was unbothered, as he had planned to train in the gravity chamber anyway.

Goku agreed with Master Roshi's words and promised not to use his Flying Nimbus for three years. After bidding farewell to Fortuneteller Baba, they embarked on their three-year training journey, agreeing to meet again at the next World Martial Arts Tournament.