Chapter 5: Lets Go To France

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"Harry, when your mother was killed, it wasn't just you who lost someone. I also lost my only little sister, my only biological family," said Petunia.

Harry looked at his aunt. It was true that her treatment had changed since Dudley became a wizard, but now that he was older, he realized that the way she treated him when he was young had been too extreme.

Although Petunia never hit him, she allowed Vernon to do so, and Dudley would always bully him, especially when Harry got better grades than Dudley. Vernon would act as if it were Harry's fault that Dudley scored lower.

He had long since forgiven his aunt, but the memory of those incidents still left a scar on his heart. 'Why let me suffer?' he thought.

"Your grandparents died in an accident, and I suspect it was because of that Vol... Voldemort," said Petunia.

Dudley was equally shocked, looking at Harry, whose mouth hung open. He had known that the Evans family had died long ago, but he didn't know why. Now he believed Voldemort had been responsible.

"That's why I couldn't accept you when you were younger. I didn't want to lose my husband and son too. But when Dudley became a wizard, I knew I couldn't run anymore," Petunia explained to Harry.

She realized that Harry had grown distant. It seemed that all the trauma she had caused had backfired, and now she was trying to justify her past actions.

Listening to his aunt finally brought him some peace. He had never understood why she treated him so harshly and still held a grudge against her. If Harry put himself in her situation, he might not have been willing to care for someone like him either.

"That man, Vol-what? Is he really dangerous?" asked Vernon Dursley.

"He is dangerous, Father—very dangerous. And now no one believes that he has returned," Dudley said, handing the Daily Prophet to Vernon. "Read this, and you'll see how they're speaking badly about Harry and Professor Dumbledore."

"What?" Harry was shocked because he hadn't been reading the newspaper at all.

"Relax, Harry. Cornelius Fudge is a coward. Remember what happened to your godfather?" Dudley asked. Harry tensed up for a moment, then relaxed.

"Harry has a godfather?" asked Petunia.

"Yeah, remember Sirius Black?" Dudley said.

"That murderer?" Vernon asked, incredulous.

"He's not a murderer!" Harry shouted.

"Quiet, Harry. Talk, don't shout," Dudley warned. "Yes, that man. You can ask Harry what really happened to him."

"Wait, do you believe me?" Harry asked, recalling how he had once tried to tell Dudley the truth after the third year, but Dudley had just listened without responding.

"Of course. You might be weak, but you're not a liar. Now, tell my parents what really happened with Sirius Black," Dudley commanded.

Harry then recounted the entire story about Sirius Black, including how he had fought off Dementors.

"Dementors?" Petunia screamed. She rushed over to Harry, grabbing his face and searching his eyes. "Are you okay, honey?"

"I'm fine," Harry said, surprised by his aunt's sudden concern. "Do you know about Dementors?"

"I've heard about them from that freak, Snape," Petunia replied.

"You know Professor Snape?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"I do. He was your mother's first wizard friend," Petunia revealed.

"Friend? Then why does he torture me if he was her friend?" Harry asked.

"Snape tortures you?" Petunia asked, shocked.

"Does he ask you endless questions?" Dudley interjected.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Harry responded.

"Because he did the same thing to me," Dudley revealed. "But I always bested him. Even when he was breathing down my neck, I still excelled in Potions."

"Snape? Did he get angry because of your mother?" Petunia asked, puzzled.

"My mother? What does she have to do with this?" Harry asked.

"I believe Snape loved your mother," Petunia confessed.

"When your mother was 15, they ended their friendship. But I could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at her. It was the same look Vernon gives me." She smiled softly at Vernon.

"WHAT?" Harry exclaimed.

"Now I see why he's obsessed with both of us, Harry," Dudley said. "Remember how everyone says you look just like your father? I believe the reason Snape hates you is because you remind him that your mother chose James Potter over Severus Snape."

"So, did he target me just because my mother didn't marry him?" Harry asked.

"Most likely, yes. But I don't understand why he targeted me too," Dudley added.

"Maybe because he didn't like me. When I was young, he let a branch fall on me," Petunia revealed.

Dudley looked at Harry. "Cousin, when school opens, let's kick him out of Hogwarts."

"Wait, can we do that?" Harry asked, surprised.

"If we fail, then let's stop going there and transfer to Beauxbatons," Dudley smirked.

"Good idea," Harry agreed.

"Let me borrow your owl. We'll send a letter to the Headmaster. If Snape is still teaching at Hogwarts, we'll leave and transfer to Beauxbatons," Dudley suggested.

"Okay, let's do that... but my owl hasn't come back since I sent a letter to Ron," Harry said.

Hearing this, Dudley remembered that the owl was probably with the Weasley family.

Dumbledore had warned Ron not to reply to him, so Hedwig are living there with Weasley instead of going back to harry.

"Where is Beauxbatons?" Vernon asked.

"It's in France, Father," Dudley replied.

"Okay, I support you both. Let's move to France," Vernon declared.