Chapter 6: Taboo

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"So what should we do now? Aren't our lives in danger?" asked Vernon.

"Don't worry. There's a reason why Dumbledore placed Harry in this house. Blood wards are protecting us from the enemy. They can't enter this house without risking being burned alive," Dudley explained.

"You know about the wards?" asked Harry.

"Of course I know. I might seem like a boring guy at Hogwarts, but I'm not stupid," Dudley replied.

"Wait," Vernon suddenly remembered something he had forgotten. The reason they had taken Harry in the first place was for their own safety. Otherwise, they would have just sent him to an orphanage. But before he could speak, Petunia interrupted, "We can't move to France!"

"Why?" asked Harry, confused.

"Because if we go to France, the ward will be canceled. The protection Dumbledore placed on this house won't extend there, and he definitely won't let you leave to France," Dudley answered, already knowing the reason.

"What?" Harry said, dumbfounded, as he recalled Dumbledore telling him in his first year why he needed to return to the Dursleys.

Everyone fell silent, except for Dudley, who pretended to be deep in thought.

"So, what's your next move?" Vernon asked.

"I'll call my friend for help," said Dudley.

"Your friend? For what?" Harry asked.

"Susan Bones. Her aunt is Amelia Bones, one of the prominent figures in the wizarding world. Her family was killed in the last war against Voldemort. I'll invite her, and you need to show her the memory of what really happened that night," Dudley explained.

"You mean during Voldemort's resurrection?" asked Harry.

"Yes, but also your first encounter with Voldemort," Dudley replied. "And this will be the last time we speak his name. From now on, don't say it as a precaution."

"Are you scared, Dudley? I thought you weren't afraid to say his name, unlike others," Harry said, prompting a sharp look from Vernon.

"You mean Voldemort? No, I'm not afraid to say his name, but you need to remember that my parents are Muggles—they can't use magic," Dudley reminded him.

"What happens if we say his name?" Vernon asked.

"During the last war, Voldemort put a Taboo on his name. Whenever someone said 'Voldemort,' his followers could find them, and they'd send a squad to kill the entire family," Dudley warned.

Vernon and Petunia paled at this revelation.

"I didn't know that," Harry exclaimed.

"Didn't Ron tell you about the Taboo?" Dudley asked, puzzled by Harry's lack of awareness.

"He mentioned it, but…" Harry trailed off, shocked at the impact Voldemort's name had on everyone. No wonder they were all too afraid to say it.

"Never mind. Just remember, don't say his name unless we're prepared to face a group of Death Eaters," Dudley warned once again.

"So, should we start calling him 'You-Know-Who' like the others?" Harry asked.

"Calling him 'You-Know-Who' only makes people more afraid of him. The point of the Taboo was to instill fear," Dudley explained. "I recommend something funnier."

"Funnier? His name is Tom. How about we call him Tommie?" Harry suggested.

"That's fun, but what about 'Moldyshorts'?" Dudley proposed with a grin.

"Moldyshorts? But his name is Voldemort," Harry said, confused.

"I mean, 'Moldy' sounds like 'Volde,' right? So Moldyshorts makes for a great nickname," Dudley suggested, chuckling.

Petunia, who had been watching, suddenly burst into laughter. Earlier, they had been discussing how dangerous Voldemort was, and now they were making jokes about his name.

"Mom, do you have a suggestion for his name?" Dudley asked.

"No, I just think this is funny," Petunia replied. "Earlier, we were terrified about the Dark Lord's return, and now you're all debating how to make fun of him."

Upon hearing this, they all laughed together.


"After what Mom said, I find this whole thing even funnier," Dudley admitted.

Harry couldn't help but smile too.

"So, it's confirmed? Moldyshorts?" Harry asked.

"I think it's better to give him multiple nicknames. Don't stick with just one," Dudley advised. "I'm afraid he might curse the nicknames too, not just his real name."

"Let's say, in front of others, we call him 'Tom,' among friends, 'Moldyshorts,' and for family… something else. Since evil represents Satan, how about we call him 'Satanyahu'?" Dudley suggested.

"I agree, but why 'yahu'?"

"Oh, the name just stuck in my mind," Dudley said, suddenly remembering a search engine from the past. He didn't want to call him 'Satangoogy,' so Satanyahu it was.

"I think it's better to stick with 'Tommie' among friends and 'Tom' for everyone else. There are lots of Toms in the UK. I doubt he'll curse all people with the name Tom," Petunia said.

"So, 'Tom,' right? Okay, we'll call him Tom," Vernon finally agreed, relieved.