Linfer Vamp 2

The throne room of Emperor Octavius Vamp was a spectacle of opulence and terror. A vast chamber with black marble walls, adorned with rich purple drapes and ancient symbols. The vaulted ceiling, infinite and seemingly lost in darkness, as if even the sky could not escape it. Massive chandeliers, suspended by heavy chains, cast flickering light on the assembly.

At the center of this majestic hall, on a dais made of pure black marble, sat Emperor Octavius Vamp, an imposing figure whose aura radiated an unyielding authority. His long, black hair contrasted against his alabaster skin, and his blood-red eyes pierced through the shadows. Clad in dark armor encrusted with rubies, his face, though marked by age, retained a chilling elegance, reinforced by his regal bearing and upright posture on the throne.

Beside him, on a smaller yet equally impressive throne, sat Epsilone Vamp, his wife and Empress. Her beauty was deadly, almost unreal. Her long red hair cascaded around her shoulders. Her face, perfectly symmetrical, exuded a coldness that seemed to freeze the air around her. Her eyes, two obsidian stones, gleamed with an icy brilliance. She wore a black gown embroidered with silver threads.

Surrounding the main throne, the seats of the kingdom's advisors and nobles were arranged in a circle. Among them, in a place of honor, sat Caesto, the Sage of the empire. His face was covered by a wide black band, in the center of which an eye symbol was engraved, representing his supposed omniscience. The rest of his body was draped in a simple, almost outdated gray robe. His silence was heavy, and despite his frail, bent appearance, a formidable presence emanated from him, like a hidden blade under a veil of silk.

At the center of the room, drawing every gaze like a magnet, stood a man with an imposing silhouette. He was tall, like the emperor, and his mere presence seemed to cool the air around him. His short black hair framed a harsh, stern face, marked by severity. His eyes, two black abysses, seemed to devour everything they crossed.

A supernatural cold emanated from him, chilling the blood of those who dared meet his gaze. He was clad in dark armor, imbued with eternal ice. Black ice that seemed to absorb all light. This man was Leviathan Vamp, Linfer's half-brother and a feared warrior throughout the empire and the upper plane.

Yet, even Leviathan was not the most terrifying figure in this room. In the shadows, hidden in one of the darkest corners of the hall, stood Alderbaran, Leviathan's twin sister.

Her face was almost never visible, concealed behind a veil of darkness. Only the glint of her eyes, two deep and menacing black flames, sparkled in the darkness. She wore a black robe adorned with runic patterns. Her hair, black as a starless night, flowed gently around her, creating the illusion that even light dared not touch her.

Alderbaran was the embodiment of destruction, wielding a black flame capable of reducing everything to nothing. Her presence inspired deep unease. Even the emperor feared his own daughter. It wasn't her calm and silent demeanor that troubled them, but rather the extent of her devastating abilities. Only Leviathan seemed immune to the terror she inspired, as his DarkIce could restrain his sister's black flame.

The atmosphere was heavy and silent, waiting. The emperor had called a meeting of utmost importance for this day.

Suddenly, the great doors slammed open. Linfer made his entrance, walking nonchalantly, biting casually into a deep red apple. The juice dripped down his lips, bright red, almost like blood, and he didn't bother to wipe it away. The sound of his steps echoed through the hall, and every gaze turned toward him. His relaxed, almost insolent posture contrasted with the solemn atmosphere of the room.

Emperor Octavius Vamp frowned as he saw him approach in this manner. This blatant lack of respect ignited his inner fury, but he held back from speaking, waiting for Linfer to take his place. The young prince wasn't in a hurry. Biting into his apple once more, he smiled at the Empress, who blushed slightly in response to his piercing gaze. A scene unnoticed by the others.

"Linfer, show some restraint!" Leviathan said sternly, his icy aura overflowing toward Linfer.

Linfer knew he incited disdain for his debauched behavior, but he didn't care at all about the others.

"Don't talk to me..." he replied without even glancing at Leviathan.

It wasn't Leviathan who frightened him, despite everyone's admiration for his half-brother. No, the one who haunted his nightmares was Alderbaran. Every time he laid eyes on her, an uncontrollable shiver ran down his spine. Even Octavius feared her, and that was enough for him to understand that this woman was not to be underestimated.

Finally reaching the throne, Linfer stopped, took one last bite of his apple, and carelessly tossed the core to the floor, under the emperor's dark gaze.

"Linfer greets the Emperor of the Infernos," he declared with a mocking smile, his lazy voice dripping with nonchalance.

Octavius Vamp, the emperor feared by all, gripped the armrest of his throne, the muscles in his hand tense with anger. He closed his eyes for a moment, attempting to control the rage that boiled within him, ready to explode at any moment.

"Where were you, Linfer? We've been waiting for you for hours," he said in a low, icy voice.

Linfer shrugged indifferently. "Sorry, Father. Who would've thought those girls would be so delicious... in both ways." He licked his lips, his canines still stained with blood, a provocative smile on his face.

The gaze of Empress Epsilone darkened, but it was Octavius' face that twisted, his veins pulsing under his pale skin as his fury rose.

"What disrespect!" hissed a counselor, his face red with anger. "To dare behave like this before His Majesty!"

A noble, seated near the throne, stood up abruptly, fists clenched. "How dare he defile this sacred hall with his filthy words? It's a disgrace to the empire!"

Others began whispering among themselves, their disdain and indignation palpable. "That boy is a plague upon the empire! How does the emperor tolerate such insolence?" murmured another, casting dark looks at Linfer.

"He's nothing but a debauched fool! A spoiled child who thinks he's above everything!" spat a counselor, pounding the table before him. "He's no prince; he's a disgrace!"

The room became a cacophony of insults and reproaches, each noble trying to outdo the other in expressing their disgust. Some even suggested that Linfer be banished from the domain, or worse, severely punished for his insolence. Glares shot toward the young prince, murmurs and invectives flying from all directions.

"Let His Majesty punish him! Let him pay for this affront!"

Without another word, the terrifying aura of the emperor swept through the room like a wave of raw energy. An overwhelming power, almost tangible, crashed down on Linfer, forcing him to bend under the infernal pressure. The air grew heavy, as if the entire room was caught in a vice.

But Linfer, though wavering, still stood. His legs trembled violently, his bones creaked under the strain of the emperor's Intentio, breaking little by little under the enormous pressure. An excruciating pain radiated from his lower limbs, but he didn't kneel. He gritted his teeth, his jaw clenched as blood began to trickle from his mouth. Around him, the floor cracked, carved by the furious Intentio of Octavius, which sought to utterly subdue him.