Prove my Worth

Despite the pain, Linfer did not falter, his red eyes still defiantly locked onto those of his father. 

"Octavius!" cried the Empress suddenly, striking the armrest of her throne with force, trying to interrupt her husband before the situation worsened further.

Octavius barely glanced at her, his face twisted with hatred. The grudge against Linfer had burned within him for so long. It wasn't just his insolence that exasperated him; it was mostly what Linfer's mother had done, a memory still too painful. His contempt for his son seemed boundless.

But before the situation could escalate, a calm and measured voice resonated in the hall. 

"Emperor, please, calm yourself," said Caesto. His voice, though soft, carried undeniable weight and authority. "Do not forget the importance of this meeting."

The sage's words seemed to pierce through Octavius' rage, and he finally released his Intentio. The crushing aura suddenly dissipated, freeing Linfer from its grasp.

Freed, Linfer burst into laughter, a mad laugh that echoed throughout the hall, while he breathed heavily, out of breath. His broken bones slowly began to realign with sinister cracks. The pain was evident, but on his face there was only amusement and a provocative look. He turned his attention to Octavius, a mocking smile still plastered on his bloodied lips. 

"Not bad, Father. You've still got the fire of your youth. Too bad you're impotent in bed."

The room had been silent for about ten minutes now, Octavius's expression was unreadable. He was trying his best to spare this insolent one, but he didn't make it easy. 

This silence was only broken by a faint murmur of a soft voice that sent shivers down Linfer's spine. 

"Little brother, stop bothering Father." 

The core that was on the ground suddenly burst into flames. Then it disappeared into the void without a trace. 

As Linfer watched the black flame, he swallowed hard. 

If he hated the emperor, felt jealousy towards Leviathan, there was only fear when facing Alderbaran. 

Octavius took a deep breath, his voice echoing in the vast throne room, and finally declared: 

"The Northern Elysians have descended into the lower plane." 

A heavy silence fell as all eyes turned to the emperor, waiting apprehensively for what he would say next. 

"The war for control of the lower plane has already begun," he continued. "An alliance has been formed between the three kingdoms to limit this battle to the young generation, to avoid the annihilation of mortals. I have decided to send only you three. You must conquer the lower plane, eliminate obstacles, and establish your own kingdom, with subjects devoted to you. And above all, do not forget to find the special mortals." 

"Affirmative, Your Majesty!" replied Leviathan, his face stern and solemn. 

Octavius continued, his gaze piercing: 

"They will be many, more numerous than you. Be vigilant. The one who accomplishes the greatest feats will become my heir." With these words, he conjured up a halberd as black as the abyss of his ring and threw it towards Leviathan. 

"I am counting on you, son. Make me proud." 

Linfer, a little in the background, watched the scene with disdain. 

'By giving your halberd, you have already chosen your heir. Why this dramatic spectacle?' he thought, staring at the scene with disgust. Leviathan caught the weapon without flinching. 

"It is an honor, Father. I would like to bow, but my person does not allow it." 

A booming laughter escaped from the emperor's lips. He looked at his son with undisguised pride. Leviathan, despite his excessive arrogance, embodied what Octavius saw as the perfect future emperor, a mirror of his own youth. 

"This is what I expect from a future emperor." The emperor's approval was soon followed by repeated praises from the counselors, seeking to gain favor. 

'Didn't I refuse to bow just a few minutes ago? Why are their reactions so different?' Linfer thought with a mocking smile. 

The silence was broken by an unexpected question: 

"Emperor, why send only three of us?" 

All eyes turned to Linfer, who had dared to intervene with a nonchalant yawn. 

Octavius's icy gaze settled on him. 

"I doubt that others could survive by your side, besides Leviathan and Alderbaran," he replied with evident weariness. The emperor knew that anyone standing beside Linfer would risk meeting an untimely end, whether he killed them simply for pleasure or rather with women, seducing them, bedding them, and then killing them, giving Linfer toys was pointless. Let Leviathan and Alderbaran contain him then release him into the Elysians' base. That was Octavius's plan. 

"Well, I believe everything has been said. Your mission begins tomorrow. You are free to go." 

The black flames engulfed Alderbaran, who disappeared immediately, while Leviathan nodded as he left with the halberd. 

Linfer, his eyes sparkling with cruel amusement, suddenly cleared his throat. 

"Empress Epsilon, I would like to discuss strategies regarding the conquest of the lower plane in my chamber, if you don't mind." 

The emperor's forehead furrowed in frustration. 

"It is the wise Caesto who is responsible for strategies..." 

"Father, do you call yourself Epsilon?" Linfer shot a sarcastic look at his father, whose annoyance was growing. 

The empress, calm and elegant, eased the tension. 

"Don't worry, dear. It's nothing. Linfer, come to my office instead." She left the room with light steps. 

Before leaving, Caesto gave Linfer a discreet nod. 

"Ah... Caesto. You alone seem worthy of my trust here. They all hate me." 

"You are partly responsible for this situation, Linfer." 

"What? Are you abandoning me too?" 

Caesto sighed. 

"Linfer, I believe the time has come to prove your worth." 

Linfer raised an eyebrow. 

"Prove my worth? Very well..." 

As he walked alone in the corridor, his mind was already calculating the steps of his plan. He had to first conquer the lower plane, then get rid of his father, by eliminating Leviathan and Alderbaran. Finally, he would seize the upper plane, and nothing and no one could stop him.