Life is Good

Linfer arrived in front of Empress Epsilon's office and pushed the door slowly, a playful smile on his lips. Barely had he set foot inside when he found himself forcefully pressed against the door, Epsilon's lips crashing against his. Her mouth devoured his with an almost fierce passion, as if she had been waiting for this moment for centuries. Linfer responded to her kiss with a certain nonchalance, savoring the Empress's excess while noting the warmth of her body pressed against his.

"If only your dear Octavius could see you now," murmured Linfer, his lips barely parting from hers. "Seeing his wife behaving like a slut..."

Epsilon let out a muffled laugh while caressing Linfer's neck, her fingers entwining in his hair. "I am only your slut," she replied with a moan, her lips moving down to his neck.

With an almost beastly swiftness, Linfer seized the opportunity. He delicately bit the base of her neck, savoring the sweet taste of her blood flowing into his throat. Epsilon, immersed in a state of total euphoria, gripped his shoulders tighter, her body trembling under the bite's effect.

"Tsk," Linfer said between sips, releasing his grip before licking his blood-stained lips. "This is your punishment for your dear emperor's arrogance." Epsilon, far too intoxicated by pleasure to protest, completely surrendered to him, her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted in delight.

They continued their tryst with increasing intensity, moving from the office to his personal spa. There, immersed in the fragrant hot water, their bodies intertwined under the flickering candlelight, they extended this endless night of desire. Epsilon clung to him, whispering his name between each kiss, between each caress, until dawn finally broke on the horizon.

The next morning, Linfer rose, stretching gently, a mischievous smile still on his face. Epsilon looked at him, still languid, with a tender and affectionate gaze. "I love you," she murmured, her eyes misty with emotion.

Linfer then leaned towards her, his clawed fingers delicately brushing her skin before making a precise incision on her chest, tracing a perfect omega between her breasts. Their mixed blood turned into a reddish scar as if she had been branded with a hot iron.

"Until my return, let no one touch you," he ordered with a coldness contrasting with the tenderness of his actions. Epsilon nodded slowly, accepting his command without a hint of hesitation.

Looking at her one last time, his piercing eyes capturing the sad gleam in hers, Linfer whispered, "I will return..." Then, in a cloud of bloody mist, he disappeared, leaving the Empress alone.

Tears silently rolling down her cheeks. Deep in her heart, she felt that it might be the last time she would see the one she considered her beloved.


"Linfer, in his gaseous state, traversed the entire castle before finally arriving at the rendezvous point. As usual, he was the last one to arrive.

Leviathan stared at him coldly, arms folded behind his back. He wore a long black coat over his armor. Alderbaran, ever silent, remained in a corner, her veiled outfit revealing only her eyes.

They stood before a massive closed gate. The only other attendees were the Sage Caesto, Emperor Octavius, and two guards.

Octavius broke the silence, his deep voice echoing in the air:

'I see you are all ready.' He nodded toward the guards, who stepped forward without a word toward the gate.

The guards simultaneously inserted their keys into the massive locks, and a dull clank resounded. The chains, as if they had awaited this moment for centuries, began to loosen slowly. Then suddenly, with a thunderous crash, they shattered into pieces, scattering dark fragments. A slight tremor shook the ground, and a crack appeared across the surface of the gate.

It was a spatial rift, narrow at first but gradually widening, revealing the only passage to access the lower plane. On the opposite side, a similar rift existed, leading from the upper to the lower plane.

Octavius, a satisfied smile on his lips, looked at his son Leviathan. He placed a firm hand on his shoulder and declared in a powerful voice:

'Conquer the lower plan. '

Leviathan, tall and imposing, nodded, his expression marked by his usual stoic seriousness.

Not far off, Alderbaran, Octavius' younger daughter, observed the scene calmly. Her soft voice broke the silence:

'Goodbye, father.'

Octavius responded, his tone filled with paternal affection:

'Goodbye, my daughter. I expect great things from you as well. Don't let the Elysians intimidate you.'

'Understood...' she nodded.

Linfer let out a loud sigh.

'Isn't that too hypocritical? Who could intimidate her in this world? Just tell her to kill them all—why beat around the bush?'

Octavius' gaze landed on Linfer, who was busy eating an apple, looking utterly detached and almost bored by the entire ceremony.

'Caesto, would you brief him on the strategy?' Octavius asked, nodding toward Linfer. 'He missed last night's meeting.'

The Sage Caesto nodded in agreement, preparing to explain the tactics, information on the lower world, and especially the areas occupied by the Elysians. Linfer, finishing his apple, casually tossed the core on the ground before stepping toward the rift, a nonchalant smile on his face.

'Take care of the Empress for me, Father,' he said with a wink, preparing to step through the portal. 'I'll see you later.'

He disappeared into the rift without waiting for a response, his words lingering in the air.

'And don't forget what I told you!' Caesto called after him, his voice calm, though Linfer was already gone.

The portal trembled again as the rift stabilized, and one by one, they each entered, projected to different places in the lower plane.