gotta say i got carried away with the dragon ball one. (you can tell which fandom i like the most) but if you are tired of reading back story. go to the bottom where there is a
Now, my 11th life? Oh, that one was a fun one. I ended up in the Dragon Ball universe, and somehow, I became friends with the Bulma. Yep, that Bulma. pretty lucky aren't I.
I met her when i was around 4. She thought we were "besto frendo's" because we were both "geniuses" and kids. this was great for me since that would mean i could get closer to her father, and with me being her daughters friend he could teach me as well as bulma since, thanks to my past actions of going ham in upping my knowledge in robotics. i was as good as most workers at only 6. now, bulma didn't know i was using her, but no harm no foul. she don't gotta know.
anyway, after about 6 years of learning from him, bulma found a dragon ball from idk somewhere. since she had no idea what it was at the moment, she kinda just put it to the side. but for me, i knew exactly what I could do with it. this was the sole reason why I learned even more about engineering to this degree. obviously so i could use the dragon ball and make a dragon ball radar.
now, i wasn't going to go on an adventure to get the balls, no no no. there is no way i could get that lucky to survive that shit at this very moment, the only reason i wanted the radar was so i could find master roshi so i could get him to train me. and believe me, i knew he would.
sadly it took me little time to realise that i am no bulma, so it took me another 2 whole years of making, tinkering and doing all that shit to make a fully functional radar. after which i said my good bye's to the family as quickly as i could.
oh right forgot to mention, at 7 my parents died, so with me being bulma's best friend and briefs student. they adopted me. now i was thankful but being thankful does not mean you can easily survive. so I felt nothing when I left, yet they were quite saddened. oh well, their problem, not mine.
so anyway before I left, I took a lot capsules since obviously I learned how to make those as well. took a plane and flew over to kami house, well i mean i didn't really fly right then and there, since it took me another month of learning how to fly a plane, but that is just a minor detail.
at kami house, i met roshi who was definitely being a perv to me. i mean i was 14 goddamn. but thanks to my face which was some how like a modal but only barely. yeah, forgot to mention that during each life, i kinda just got better looking. dunno how. but i guess that's the perk for dying?
anyway, thanks to me being quote unquote "cute" he gave me a chance for training, but first he wanted to test me. obviously since i was basically at peak normal human performance, he accepted.
now, thankfully i didn't have to ware the outfit that Goku and krillen wore, you know the one. the pink 100% NFSW one that a child should DEFINITLY not be wearing. at least he wasn't THAT bad. now, sadly I had to do that very fucking hard training that Goku and krillen did for an entire 2 months. but after the training i definitely grew WAY stronger.
when training me he didn't really think of me that well unlike goku who definitely was stronger, only that I was barely enough to be trained. . . that was up until we did some light sparing and... almost won against him using my tact, experience and skill, yeah he was definitely holding back and it may not seem that impressive, but roshi is 300 HUNDREDS years old. so he has a lot of experience and strength under his belt. so yeah, I impressed him by a lot.
after the 18 months of training/sparing/learning i was now at least twice as strong as Goku, but only from when he first met roshi,
now at this point I was 16, I had gotten used to living on the island with the perv. but i knew i was going to be leaving soon, since turtle came back. talking about how he got saved by a kid. - Goku obviously - and with roshi being the kind man he is, hopped onto turtles back and left.
oh right totally didn't realise i hadn't told you, but i have perfect memory, but only for past life's meaning during this life i still could forget shit, buuuut the memories of my past lives became imbedded in my brain and locked inside. now all i need was to search through brain and remember. easy enough. i was like my brain now had a vault of knowledge and all i needed to do was think of what i needed and i could remember. or is library better? anyway sadly the vault gets updated only after i die, but all memories that i had gained that life was yeeted in the vault as soon as i die. i don't know why, but I think this might be a safety feature that came with the reincarnation so i don't overload my brain with knowledge and become a vegetable.
anyway, back to story time.
i knew from my memories that pilaf, mai and the ninja dog were going to ransack the place while roshi was gone since they wanted the dragon balls. since i knew this was going to happen, i kinda just left the island on a boat, waited about 10 minutes and came back to see that pilaf and his crew were leaving cause they found out roshi gave it away to bulma. i didn't want the pilaf gang to know of me just yet.
anyway now that it was time, the plan was simple, wait for Goku to come to the island for the banshi fan. follow them, ask bulma and friends to join the journey, steal the wish. run the fuck away. train. die.
very simple plan, and it worked quite well, i followed roshi to mount fire, and he ka-me-ha-me-ha'd the mountain and all was well.
i catched up with bulma and told her about my fighting journey and she was slightly surprised that i took a warrior's root, and that i was now bullet proof.
i joined them in the journey and goku, after finding out i was roshi's student asked for a fight, in which i curb stomped him. so he was in aw at my power.
next we went to rabbit town and before anyone got turned into a carrot i sneaked up on the carrot mob boss and took him down. after the carrot mob got tooken down, goku sent em to the moon. dunno how that works but i didn't complain.
we hopped back in the car and started to drive to the location of the last dragon ball, after we nearby - like a kilometre or something - i jumped out the car and used my radar to track where pilafs base was. after finding that out, i jumped onto the top of the base and waited for him to take the ball out the case, since i knew he did that.
when he did, i smashed through the roof and since they were caught off guard, a single piss beam killed em all, well mai dodge so i had to beat her up to death. yeah, im not some benevolent person so i had to kill them to make sure they weren't going to be a problem for me in the future.
so, with that all done, i quickly grabbed the dragon ball they had and left.
then, i ran to where the crew were and showed them the ball, i handed it off to bulma and she quickly took them all out to summon shenron. i waited and watched carefully. waiting for a perfect moment.
she placed all 7 onto the floor and at that moment i acted, i quickly knocked out goku and bulma with no indication at all. they both were taken care of and before any one else could do anything i grabbed the balls and left.
i ran for at least a mile before stopping and pulling out my capsules. i threw one with a plane and flew and flew and flew until the sun was falling, after that happened i landed the plane. i then waited some more to make sure it was dark just to make sure i had no opposition. i NEEDED to make sure that it could not get stolen.
after waiting for a bit, i summoned shenron and he came out in all his dragony glory. "state your wish" he said and after taking about a minute of thinking i asked for my wish "do you know about why i keep dying on my 18th year of life, or why i reincarnated with my memories" he took a long ass pause, which was annoying but then he did answer, well answer is not the right word.
since, i did not get my answer as he seamed to . . . go blank? like a clean slate? like he stopped all movements and he looked knocked out, think of shinso's power. after a 5 or so seconds his pupils came back to life and like he had just forgot. he asked again "state your wish
obviously a bit surprised at this, i tried 3 more times to ask about my reincarnations and or deaths, but each time he got reset. it was like a god pressed the clear all button, on shenron's memories
i wasn't entirely bummed out with this response, no. this gave me more than enough information to figure out that there is an entity that is doing this, and that he has a large amount of influence. might be a like a god for the multiverse or even higher. but i'll never know why. would like to though
so instead, I wished for the ability to "learn and adapt to any skill/technique/power instantly through minimal contact or use."
i was a bit hopeful with this one but sadly shenron told me that, the wish was beyond his power. but HE did say that he could do a similar wish. now instead, i have an incredible learning speed and adaptability. like cracked up to 100x or more.
also since this wish was a mental and not a physical power, i should be able to keep it. but now, i had only around a year left to live and with no more goals to do, and with the knowledge that i wont be able to use ki anymore well i thought so back then, but besides that. with me thinking that i would not be able to use ki so there would be no point in training it.
i tried to kill my self, not because i hate life. no no no, its because i basically have no life in this world.
bulma is kinda an important person in the dragon ball world, so i wont really be able to go back with me basically being a wanted person. and well. . . a lot of people are stronger than me at the moment. and even if i beat them, i wont be able to have peaceful last year with the public fearing me. so i'd rather end it early and go to the next one.
but when i tried to i heard a voice.
it had an eery but slightly robotic tone and what it said to me was "you do not have a valid reason" and after it finished speaking. it forced me to not commit suicide. like i could not do it, like my body stopped it self.
that was fucking annoying. but at least i know that there 100% IS a force watching me. but even now i had no clue wtf it meant.
so sadly i had to live in a portable capsule house in the middle of no where. thankfully i brought a laptop. but i did have to steal quite a few things from the city.
and so i spent my days in this place for a year doing some normal stuff like, gaming, reading, training, watching porn, reading hentai, masturbating, oh and some more reading. very normal stuff.
but what was funny to me was how i died this time, this time from it was from a tree from the sky, and it impaled me. don't know how this happened but what was most sad was, i didn't even get to finish. oh well.
now for the 12th life.
summary for those that are lazy. mc in 11th life is in og db at the same age as bulma, they are both friends. mc is taught by brief in more robotics. bulma finds dragon ball, mc makes a radar. mc goes to roshi to train.
mc goes with goku and friends to "help" get the dragon balls. she runs away, kills pilaf, comes back. knocks out friends. steals all 7 balls. runs as far as she could. summons dragon at night to mask the dragon from others using the dark. finds out that she IS being watched. makes a wish to learn things quicker
makes a home in the middle of nowhere, relaxes until she dies and moves on to the next life.