December 19, 2024
Floor 76: Arc Sophia
Kiyo had just finished buying some crystals for me to use in the battlefield. A few health crystals, antidote crystals and teleport crystals were now sitting in her inventory. She gave off a happy smile and twirled herself around.
Kiyo- Papa and Mama will enjoy these gifts! I put in a lot of hard work to earn the money for these... even if they don't know that I've been working.
She let out a sigh as she lowered her head.
Kiyo- Papa and Mama work so hard to help everybody escape this game that they rarely have time to do family activities anymore... but... I can't be greedy! I have to help them in any way I can!
Yui- Hello Kiyo.
Kiyo- Ah!
Kiyo jumped back and fell on her butt as Yui had come up behind her. Yui giggled as she walked over and offered a hand to her.
Yui- Apologies. I didn't mean to scare you. I just saw you standing by yourself and wanted to give you some company.
Kiyo's cheeks flushed as she accepted Yui's offer, being pulled up to her feet. She dusted herself off and giggled.
Kiyo- No worries Yui. I should've paid more attention.
Yui- So... what are you doing here all by yourself? You seemed pretty spaced out a moment ago.
Kiyo- I was just doing a bit of shopping for some items that'll help Mama and Papa. What about you?
Yui- Mommy and Daddy are out in the field doing some monster slaying! At the rate everything is going with your parents and mine, they'll have all of the floors unlocked in no time!
Kiyo let out a small giggle at Yui's excitement.
Kiyo- I think they will too! The show of confidence means a lot.
Yui- Yea! So... you plan on taking it easy for the rest of the day?
Kiyo- Well, now that my shopping for my parents is finished, I was going to keep roaming town and see if there are any new items available in the shops.
Yui- Really? But you and your family are already so powerful! Apart from consumables, I can't imagine you'll find any items that'll come in handy...
Kiyo- You might be right. Still, no harm in trying, right? You never know when you might get lucky. Plus, we might be strong, but the monsters and bosses are getting stronger as well. Stronger enemies means that anyway to increase our strength and firepower is always welcome. Hence, item hunting.
Yui looked at Kiyo as if she was trying to understand her logic, almost as if she was planning something.
Yui- Increasing strength and firepower, huh...? When you put it like that...
Kiyo- Hm? Is something up Yui?
Yui- Nope, just realizing that what you said makes a lot of sense. Anyway, I got to go! Have fun with your shopping Kiyo!
Without another word, Yui turned her back to Kiyo and she ran away. Kiyo stood there confused and perplexed at Yui's reaction.
Kiyo- Something about how she reacted tells me that she's hiding something... I guess there's no use in worrying about it. Time to see if I can find some deals.
Kiyo started to walk around town to try and find some bargains on items, armor or weapons, but after half an hour of looking around and finding nothing, Kiyo decided to take a rest and try again another time.
Kiyo- So much for striking it lucky. I guess finding equipment better than what we already have isn't as easy as Papa makes it out to be. Even the available consumables aren't that great today. As much as it sucks, I guess it wouldn't be striking it lucky if I struck lucky every time. I guess, I can just head back and drop these items off with Mama and Papa.
Before Kiyo could leave and head back to Agil's shop, she looked around as she heard the sound of someone struggling. The sound was oddly familiar to her.
Kiyo- Is that Yui?
Yui- Gnnnnggggh... hi-yah!
Kiyo- The heck is she doing?
Yui- Yaaaah! Whew...
Kiyo kept looking around and noticed a back alley. Walking down it, she finds Yui trying to pull a giant axe behind her back.
Yui- Nnnnnnngggggh! Wh-wh-whoa!
Yui had lost her grip on the axe and fell backwards. Before she could hit the ground, Kiyo had zipped over and caught her. She looked down at the A.I. and smiled.
Kiyo- You trying to give yourself a hernia or something? What are you even doing trying to walk around with a giant axe? It's dangerous to be messing around with this stuff.
Yui- I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you worry.
Kiyo- No... it's ok... I'll admit that what I said sounded like something Papa would say to me. Just... if you need help with heavy things like this, promise that you'll ask for help, ok?
Yui- Ok...
Kiyo- Also, what kind of idiot leave an axe like this behind anyway? Someone could be using this to defend themselves. Where did you want to put it, Yui?
Yui- Actually... it wasn't... left behind... it... kind of... belongs to me...
Kiyo- Yours? What do you mean?
Yui- It's just... when you were talking about increasing firepower earlier, I thought...
Kiyo- Were you about to take this axe and go to the battlefield just because I had mentioned needing more people!?
Yui- Yes...
Kiyo- I didn't mean for you to take that conversation as an invitation to wade into battle!
Yui- Well... if it means anything... that weapon is a little difficult to master... I wouldn't have made it far...
Kiyo let out a sigh as she walked up to Yui and pet her head.
Kiyo- Yui... I know you want to help us all, but combat isn't your style. There's more than one way to help us. Try to find ways to help us in ways more suited to your abilities, ok? I would hate to see you get hurt in anyway.
Yui- Y-you would...?
Kiyo- Of course I would. I care about you Yui. You're my best friend!
Yui gave off a small blush as she smiled at Kiyo. Her facial expression changed as if she was giving her words more thought.
Yui- Ways suited to my abilities... ok... I'll take some time to find out what those abilities are and then use them to help you all out. I promise!
Kiyo- I'll hold you too that YuYu. Now, I'll go and bring this axe back. You want to help by bringing these items to my room so I can deliver them later?
Yui- You got it! You can count on me!
Kiyo transfers the items to Yui and she took off towards Agil's shop, leaving Kiyo to return the weapon. Kiyo let out a small giggle as she picked up the axe with ease and made her way back out to the street.
Kiyo- That girl... she's really energetic about helping us but sometimes she just needs to think a bit longer before acting.
Kiyo's smile widens as she holds her hand close to her chest, feeling her heart beating at a rapid rate.
Kiyo- Still... her presence makes me happy... and the fact that she cares about our safety makes my heart jump... what is this feeling...?