December 20, 2024
Floor 76: Arc Sophia
"Hello? Liz? You here?"
I decided to give my favorite pink-haired blacksmith a visit and see if she needed more help raising her smithing skill. As she opened the door however, I noticed her saddened expression and the lack of spirit in her eyes.
Lisbeth- Oh... hey Kazzu...
"Hey Liz. I, uh, came here to help hone your skills some more..."
Lisbeth- Yea... I have to hurry up and increase those skills huh...?
"Are you ok? You don't seem as fired up as you normally are."
She waved her hand dismissively and gave off a nervous giggle.
Lisbeth- It's nothing. Don't mind me. Why don't we get started?
"Alright... if you say so... I see you started working already."
Lisbeth- Just wanted to practice on my own. Now, let's get down to business.
She started swinging her hammer down on metal that was plastered on an anvil, trying to get the base of a sword created and forged. The only thing was, she was swinging it without her usual cheery attitude. In fact, she seemed to be nervous about something.
What's with her today? I've never seen her swing her hammer so half-heartedly...
Lisbeth- Now to dip the blade in the cold water...
As soon as the blade touched the water, it started to crack.
Lisbeth- Huh!?
The cracks grew more and more until Liz threw the blade away out of fear. That didn't help as the blade fragments shot everywhere, crashing into the walls and knocking over objects. I noticed one of the shards heading towards Liz and jumped into action.
Lisbeth- Eeeek!
I leapt in front of Liz and quickly equipped my shield, raising it up and blocking the shard, causing it to bounce of my shield and land on the floor next to us. I let out a sigh of relief as I lowered my shield, turning back over to Liz.
"Are you ok?"
Lisbeth- I-I think so. That was a close one...
She let out a sigh as her gaze turned towards the floor.
Lisbeth- The blade broke as soon as I plunged it into the water, shooting shards into the air...
"Thanks for the recap. I'm going to assume that this isn't a usual occupational hazard for blacksmiths?"
Lizbeth- It isn't... this is the first time I've almost been beheaded by one of my creations. If you hadn't been there...
"That's a bit dramatic. We are in a safe zone after all. The worse that would've happened would be the blade hitting you in the face. Still, are you sure you're ok?"
Lisbeth- Who's being dramatic now? But, for real, I'm ok... it's just... this stuff is as basic as it gets for a blacksmith. I can't believe I messed that up.
"Not to put a damper on your skills but these things happen. Nobody can be perfect every time."
Lisbeth- Says you...
"Excuse me?"
Lisbeth- You are a master fighter, a brilliant tactician and could probably be a better blacksmith than I am. You make no mistakes. It's no use. My smithing skills are gone. It's over. I thought I'd be fine with a bit of practice, but it isn't that easy.
"So that's why you're down today."
Lisbeth- You noticed?
"It's not that hard to spot Liz. You haven't been yourself since I've walked through that door."
Lisbeth- Sorry. I had no idea it was obvious.
"Did something happen before I came here? Something to put you in this mood?"
Lisbeth- Well... another one of my so called "loyal" customers abandoned me. I can't really blame them though. I'm just not that good anymore and I understand. Having the right weapon can mean the difference between life and death. No one wants a weapon made by an amateur!
I had enough of the nonsense that she was spewing from her mouth, and I quickly grabbed her hands, pulling them to my chest and pulling her closer to me. She looked up shocked only to be met by my blood red and shining gold eyes, staring back down at her with a serious glare.
"Stop it right now. I don't know who gave you that mentality, but it is not true. Just because your skills were reset, doesn't make you an amateur. The fact that you are raising your skills back up from the ground only makes you a more experienced and improved blacksmith."
Lisbeth- Kazzu...
I gave her a small smile and lowered her hands from my chest, still clenching them and not breaking eye contact.
"Liz, think you can spare some time?"
Lisbeth- I suppose so. Time is the only thing I do have since I've had so many cancelled orders.
"Don't worry about the assholes who cancelled on you right now. Just come with me."
Lisbeth- Where are we going?
"Somewhere nice, I promise."
Lisbeth- Ok...
Without letting go of her hand, I walked her out of the shop and out in the street. I noticed people looking at us with happy smiles and that only made me want to see Liz smile again. Liz on the other hand, was embarrassed having her hand held in public but ignored the embarrassment to see where I was taking her. A few minutes later and we arrived at a small part of town that was outside the city but still considered part of the safe zone. The sun was setting, and we were faced with a horizon where we could see another city in the distance.
"Here we are!"
Liz looked at the view in awe. Her mouth was agape, and her eyes were widened. It took her a while to look back at me in surprise.
Lisbeth- Where are we?
"It's one of my secret spots that I've found."
Lisbeth- Only one huh? Where are the others?
"Wouldn't really be secret if I told you now, would it?"
Lisbeth- I suppose that's true...
"So? What do you think?"
Lisbeth- It's quiet. You could really relax here.
"I thought this would be a good place to help with your smithing skills. There's no one around so you can really concentrate. Or, if smithing isn't on your mind, you could just come here to let your stress float away."
Lisbeth- Yeah, I'd prefer no one saw my lousy work. But I can't believe you took me to such a special place.
"Well of course I would Liz. You're a special girl."
Lisbeth once again looked at me with wide eyes and a stunned look.
Lisbeth- What...?
"You heard me. I think that you are special. Plus, I knew you needed a change of scenery."
We stayed quiet for a second before I broke the silence.
"You said I was perfect... that is far from the truth. People may see me as this tactical genius and the strongest player in the game, but that doesn't mean I'm perfect. I get knocked down... I make mistakes... sometimes I even regret my actions. But the way I grow is by learning from those mistakes, atoning for my actions and most importantly, getting back up when I'm knocked down. And I know you have the capability to do the same as me. Don't let those cancelled orders knock you down, don't let a broken weapon be a mistake that drags you down and don't you ever regret being a blacksmith."
Lisbeth- Kazzu...
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to say that you. You don't deserve to beat yourself up just because the game decides to be stupid and reset your skills, understand?"
Lisbeth's stunned expression slowly turned into a grateful smile. Her attitude made a complete 180 as she grew more cheerful.
Lisbeth- Ok... I won't... thank you Kazzu...
"Don't mention it. I'm sorry that I couldn't take you to a recreational area to tell you all of this, but I didn't want to cause a scene in front of a group of people."
Lisbeth- Although a recreational area would've been fun, there's no need to apologize. I'm happy you brought me here. Thank you so much Kazzu...
"Well, if you're happy, then I'm happy."
Lisbeth- I still can't believe you took me to such a wonderful spot. It's not like I'm anyone special.
I gave her an unamused look as I grabbed her hand again and held it gently.
"But you are Liz. You are special."
Liz's face started turning a noticeable red, even with the sunset in the background.
Lisbeth- What are you saying? Do I really mean that much to you?
"Yes... you do..."
I held her hand a bit tighter as I pulled her in for a hug. A small yelp escaped her lips, but she eventually wrapped her arms around me and reciprocated the hug.
"You are so much more than a blacksmith that makes my weapon sharp enough to cut my enemies. You are more than just a smith who upgrades my equipment so I don't die. You are more than just my exclusive blacksmith. Without you, I wouldn't have escaped the Coffin. I wouldn't be here. I owe you my life Liz..."
Lisbeth- I think you're exaggerating. But I do hope you think of me as useful.
"You are more than useful Liz..."
We stood there in silence as we kept embracing each other. We didn't want to move or let go of each other. Liz was the one who spoke up this time.
Lisbeth- Kazzu...? Can I ask you something?
"Anything Liz. What is it?"
Lisbeth- I was wondering if I could accept a little payment from you for keeping your equipment in top condition and helping you stay alive. I was wondering if you could just let me keep hugging you... just so I can recharge... I won't be long.
I smiled and held her head up to my shoulder, stroking her hair and embracing her tighter.
"Take as much time as you need. Let me know when you are fully recharged."
Liz closed her eyes and gripped my hoodie tighter as she took a deep breath and smiled.
Lisbeth- Thank you Kazzu...
We remained there for a few more minutes until the sun fully set. We both released each other, smiles on our faces, and returned to the smith shop, where Liz's attitude remained as cheery as ever.
Lisbeth- Ah, I feel so much better.
"There's the Liz I know!"
Lisbeth- You were right. I'll never hone my blacksmith skills by fussing and fretting! I just have to keep swinging my hammer and get on with it! But... if my batteries ever get drained again, could you take me back to that special place? You'll let me recharge?
"Of course I will Liz. All you have to do is ask."
We both shared a laugh as we both looked each other in the eyes again. There was something new in her eyes, a reforged fire that had just been ignited. I was entranced by it... no... looking further, I was entranced by the woman in front of me. It felt like I was looking at Ashtry but I knew the girl in front of me wasn't her. And that is what I enjoyed most of all. I wasn't falling in love with someone that I was picturing in Ashtry's place. I had feelings for Lisbeth, and today, those feelings made themselves known. My heart fought with itself. I was in love with Ashtry. I was in love with Liz. I could have them both according to Ashtry. So, what was stopping me from just going for it? Liz must have thought the same thing as we both took a step forward towards each other, then another, then another until we were face to face with each other. Her hand slowly reached up to graze my cheek while my hands gently grabbed her waist. We were lost in the other's eyes yet somehow; we knew what we were doing.
Lisbeth- Kazzu... I... I...
I knew what she wanted to say. What she was struggling to say. I placed my hand under her chin and leaned forward, whispering only one thing before connecting our lips.
"I love you too Liz..."
We closed our eyes. Our lips touched. The fireworks I felt when kissing Ashtry exploded inside my body as I kissed Liz. A small moan escaped her mouth and into my own. I didn't make any sudden movements and allowed her to set the pace. She slowly wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss as I pulled by the waist. It wasn't until a minute later that we broke apart for air, opening our eyes to see the other.
Lisbeth- Did we... just...
"Yea... we did..."
Liz pushed herself away from me slightly and felt her lips, a smile forming on her face. She looked back up into my eyes to see the same smile on my own face.
"Was it... good?"
Lisbeth- Kazzu...
She held my face with both of her hands and leaned forward again.
Lisbeth- It was magical...
We kissed each other again and let the emotions take over. We roamed around the others mouth as our tongues explored the taste. All this time of pent-up emotion towards each other finally being released in heated kisses. Before we could go further, I grabbed her arms and pulled my lips back, both of us taking deep breaths with flushed cheeks.
"I think that'll do it for tonight. I don't want to rush into something we both aren't ready for. Even if we've felt this way for a while..."
Lisbeth- I agree. Still, it was nice to finally let that out.
We both shared a laugh as I reached for the exit door. I looked back at Liz one more time with a smile.
"See you around?"
Lisbeth- Only if you say what you said again.
Letting out a chuckle, I gave Liz a loving look and nodded.
"I love you Rika Shinozaki..."
I walked out the door and closed it gently. Unknown to me, Liz had placed her hand on the door and another on her chest, smiling wide as a single tear rolled down her cheek.
Lisbeth- I love you too, Kazzu Akihiko...