Aoi advanced cautiously through the dense vegetation of the forest.
The sounds of nature blended with the rustling of his ninja shoes on the damp ground.
Every step was calculated, every breath measured.
He couldn't afford any mistakes. As he moved, his hand brushed against one of the seals he had placed along the perimeter of his route.
Ren's words echoed in his mind:"These are seals that work both as tracking and traps. Place them along the path you take. If someone follows you and activates the seal, the one you're carrying will burn, signaling that the trap has been triggered."
A simple but effective system. Aoi was not a fighter like Ren or Jun'ko, but he knew how to use intellect and strategy to compensate for his lack of brute strength.
And in a situation like this, every advantage was crucial.After a few minutes of walking, he spotted a small clearing among the trees.
Sunlight filtered through the branches, illuminating a small lake nestled between the rocks. T
he water seemed clear, a precious gift in such a hostile environment.He approached slowly, scrutinizing the surface of the water carefully. He had to make sure it was drinkable; a mistake could cost him dearly.
He crouched down, observing the slight ripples on the water when—SWOOSH!A sudden hiss tore through the air.
A flash of steel darted from the water, followed by a series of projectiles speeding toward him.
Aoi reacted instinctively, throwing himself to the side as the water exploded into a rain of sharp splashes.
He rolled onto the grass, his heart pounding in his chest. Someone was hiding underwater. But who? Or what?
- - -
Kurara clenched her jaw, her eyes locked on the shadow between the trees.
Her breath was controlled, her heartbeat marked the seconds.
The enemy had not revealed himself, but the blow she had received was clear: someone had tried to kill her without hesitation.
The bear was still trapped between the chains of her kusarigama, struggling with blind fury.
It wouldn't be a problem for long, but the real threat lurked in the mist.Kurara quickly analyzed the situation.
Two threats.
One of them is intelligent.
The other is just an animal. It was clear which one needed to be eliminated first.
She darted sideways, letting her figure blend into the trees. She moved like a shadow in the mist, silent, lethal.
With a quick motion of her hand, she loosened the chain from her weapon, freeing the bear with a sharp snap.
The beast roared, filled with rage, but its primal instinct drove it toward the last thing that had attacked it: its real enemy hidden among the trees.Kurara hid behind a trunk, waiting for the reaction of the hidden sniper.
If they were smart, they would change position.
If they were an amateur, they would shoot again. She held her breath.
One… two… three seconds of waiting. Then, the whistle of a bullet cut through the mist. Kurara smiled.The game had just begun.
- - -
Jun'ko's heart pounded in her chest, a frantic drumbeat echoing in her ears. Her breathing was rapid, controlled only by instinct.
She knew she was being followed; she had been sure of it when her illusionary seal had revealed the hesitant step of someone among the trees.
She had cast her illusion without a second thought.
The Sly Mind Affect Technique was perfect for this kind of situation: a silent, insidious illusion that manipulated the target's perception, confusing them, leading them exactly where she wanted.
But when the figure manifested among the dense branches of the forest, a chill paralyzed her.It wasn't an enemy.
Jun'ko's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat.
No… it can't be.
The shadow among the trees became clearer.
The face that appeared in the mist was familiar.
Too familiar.
An instant of absolute stillness. Her hands trembled slightly, an imperceptible flaw she immediately tried to suppress.
"Why are you here?" Her voice came out strained, almost a whisper.
He wasn't supposed to be here. At least, not now.
But there he was, standing before her, his face serious, his gaze piercing through her like a knife.The wind blew through the trees, making the mist dance between them, while the world seemed to stop around that encounter.
- - -
Ren advanced cautiously, placing seals along his path.
These weren't simple traps but a complete system of tracking and protection.
If he were discovered or forced into a fight, he wanted to have a tactical advantage.
Tracking seals to identify who passed after him.
Trap seals to immobilize or slow down an enemy.
Barrier seals in case he needed to retreat.
He was applying every guerrilla strategy he had studied at the academy.
He had no intention of being caught unprepared.
So this is what a mission feels like, he thought, finishing the last seal.
Then, a sound.
Ren turned, ready to react.
But it was just a deer.
He narrowed his eyes.
Animals usually sensed danger and kept their distance.
He stopped. Expanded his chakra.
There .Someone was there. Well hidden, but not enough.
The chakra was faint, controlled, but something didn't add up.
ANBU? No, their chakra is more refined. But this presence… there's something off.
He took a more pronounced step, pretending to be unaware. If someone wanted to attack him, they would take the chance.
[Hi There! Ito-kun here ^.^ can you help me down in the comment? I was thinking if i should keep in consideration the knowledge of Boruto too or not, from one side there are many interesting things and clarification, like the summoning technique, that does'nt work like we saw in Naruto, from the other side we can implement some interesting information.
Let me know what do you think about :)
Lately there is some bug on webnovel, in the formatting system, every time i save or update, it will remove all the space between the sentences! If you notice some error write me in the comment! Thanks in advance!
Ps: i already saw some comment regarding it, Thanks!!!
Thanks everyone specially Jayroy_63 ,Sami_Alfoheday, BagusPardana, thefarmerboy007_7, Darkosiris_Lopez, Alexx_Sejas, Werty_9247, RyuB201, shadowborn, Yasmin_Silva_3876, RyuB201, DaoistVVm1Vi, DaoistDW5XU4, Acnol,DaoistSEsItM,bndr, RyuB201, VanHellsing6969, Daoist710883, WertyTribola, LevinCloth, Daoist0thxiB, bndr, AKIB19,LevinCloth, DaoistAZmi17,Alexx_Sejas, Morgoph, Strandarn, Gothrog, Nonymous_H, Ikaro_Rodrigues, Radical_Hamburger1, Misteriboi, AKIB19, Abdul_Salam_FASAMI, Daoist9Sa84q, Gothrog, shadowborn, DarkGambit, Miguel_024 and Meltis_Pach!
Sincerely Thanks and remember about the Power Stones, these are the motivation for my work :) ]