I wanted the money

Noir laid across his bed, holding the seed up between his fingers. He thought back to what Littis told him, how all his powers would be gone upon consuming the seed. However shortly after she specified…


"So my powers will be gone for good?" Noir asked Littis.

"Well, when I say 'vanish,' I more mean like... greatly repressed to the point they're basically gone," Littis replied.

"Isn't that... the same thing?"

"Not necessarily. Did you even read the full entry in the Goblin King's journal?"

Noir simply shook his head. Littis let out a deep sigh.

"This seed acts kinda like a curse or a seal. Your powers don't just up and leave you for good—you just can't use them. Back in the ancient days, people would request seeds from me to kneecap their enemies. The only way to undo the curse was to get another seed from me, which, by the way, made me a huge profit."

Noir rolled his eyes as she continued.

"Anyway, I'm afraid to say, with your powers, I'm pretty sure you could disable the effects of the seed whenever you want. Or at least find a way around them with your knowledge of magic manipulation."

"HUH!? But that defeats the whole point!" Noir shouted.

"Pretty much."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!?"

Littis smiled. "I wanted the money."



Back in his room Noir was still staring at the seed, "Even if I "lose" all my powers, I can still regain them whenever I want huh. UGHHHH!" Noir complained

He sighed, knowing he only had one thing to do.

"I suppose I'll have to play around with my memories then."

Noir sat up and closed his eyes. He didn't need to seek out someone to help him—memory manipulation was well within his abilities.

That being said, he had never tried altering his own memories before. Only those of others. Drifting aimlessly through his memories, he quickly realized something—his mental defenses were too strong for even himself to penetrate.

The way memory control worked was simple: if the opponent was weaker than Noir, he could manipulate their memories with ease. The weaker they were, the more efficient the process became. However, people equal to or stronger than Noir were completely immune. And in this case, his opponent was himself.

Noir racked his brain, trying to figure out a way around this, until he finally thought of something. A simple solution, really—he just needed to lower the magical output coming from his mind and concentrate all of it into memory control.

Sure enough, it worked and he was free to alter his memories at will.

"Well then, I suppose that solves my issue," Nior said with a grin. "How's that Nittis, can't manipulate my magic if I can't remember a thing.

"Let's do this."

He rushed to his massive closet and changed into an outfit worthy of starting a journey—a gray tunic, khaki pants, and boots. In his hand was a crappy wand he had found lying around somewhere (most likely just a stick).

With everything set, Noir teleported away.