Town of Ralia

Rion made his way down the path leading to town. Along the way, dotted among the fields, were clear blobs squirming about—they were slimes. Seeing them struck a feeling of excitement in Rion for reasons he couldn't explain, and without thinking, he charged at them with only his "wand" in hand.

Unfortunately, things did not go as expected. Before he knew it, he was swarmed and jumped, leaving his body covered from head to toe in slime. Thankfully, it didn't stink, so that was nice.

Once he reached the village, Rion slowly trudged toward the town square. Some people were staring but Rion didn't notice as he was enamored by everything around him. There was an inn, a tavern, a library, a public bath, and even a small building with a sign hanging from the door that read "Guild." Each one filled him with excitement for reasons he couldn't quite understand.

"But first… I should probably get cleaned up," Rion muttered to himself as he was still wet and sticky due to the slime.

He wandered into the public bath and asked if he could use it. The man behind the counter gave a slight nod and mentioned it could be used for one bronze coin. Instinctively, Rion reached for his pocket, and to his surprise, he felt a small pouch of coins. After handing over the coin, he was directed to the public bath down the hall. Rion headed inside, changed out of his clothes, and stepped into the bath. As the water submerged him, his thoughts began to wander.

"So I woke up here with no real memories… What do you even do in this situation? It's not like I can ask someone for advice—how would they even respond to that?"

He strained his brain trying to figure it out before letting out a huge sigh.

"Amnesia, huh? That sucks… but why does it kinda excite me? The story of a hero trying to regain his lost memories is just… too good."

With no new answers, Rion stepped out of the bath, only to realize he'd have to change back into his damp, slimy clothes. So really, that shower was a waste of a coin. Oh well. At least his clothes weren't soaked anymore only damp. After thanking the receptionist, he wandered back into the town square.

"I guess I'll get some food since I have the money."

He made his way to the tavern and ordered a hamburger—which was absolutely delicious—before being promptly spit right back out into the town square.

"Now I'm really lost on what to do." Rion groaned.

Then his eyes slowly drifted to the guild, and as if by instinct, he felt drawn to it. With nothing else to do, he made his way to the front doors… Once inside, he walked up to the front counter, where a pretty woman in her thirties greeted him.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She said with a smile.

Rion hesitated for a moment before finally speaking. "I—uh, think I want to become an adventurer."