{Jaune pov}
I wake up by the feeling of my broken arm being shake by most likely Modred.
I grit my teeth to hide away the pain before i open up my eyes and it looks like i am right again.
It is indeed Modred who wake me up, +1 point for Jaune being right and -1 point for Jaune because she woke me up by shaking my broken arm.
When Modred saw my eyes open up she stop shaking my arm as she took a look at my dirty disheveled appearence.
"Jaune... the fuck?... your face... you looks like you've been fucked by a grimm..." she then come close to me and grab my arm not knowing that its my is broken.
I let out a little gasp of pain. "Modred, let go!" When she let go of my arm, i use my other arm and hold it close to my chest and use my aura to lessen the pain on my body.
Modred looked at me in shocked by the fact that i had unlocked my aura.
When i rub my broken arm with my right hand Modred finally open up her mouth. "Jaune....did you unlocked your Aura?!?" She almost shouted in excitement at my Aura being unlocked but she manage to stop it from becoming a full blown yell.
"Yeah....i did.." i told her before i let go of my arm and let it rest on my side. "Wouldn't recommend the way i did it to be honest.." i let out a chuckled.
Modred then hurruedly goes to the door and open it up a little bit before she peek her head outside to check if the coast is clear or not, she nod her head in satisfaction when she is confirmed that there are no one in the hallway beforeshe pull her head back in and close the door before she sit on the bed and look at me in curiosity.
"When did you do it Jaune? And how!?" She asked me excitedly
I cover her mouth with my right hand and start concetrate at the sound of the house, when i hear silence and conclude that they are most likely downstairs eating breakfast i then let go of her mouth and told her.
"Don't shout Modred... the other could hear you..."
"Yeah yeah. So now answer my question lil bro bro! How did you do it?" She ask me once again and i sigh at her while not as loud before its still hurts my ear.
I chuckled as i feel the excitement and pride coming out of her as she looks at me in expectant for the answer i would give her.
"Well last night... i snuck through the window to go to the woods... i know thats stupid.. you don't need to scold me for it... i already scold my self enough... hopefully... and then i got ambushed by an Alpha Beowolves that i assumed is the one that got away when dad and the other hunters hunt the reported pack of grim a few days ago." I answer her gently.
"What! Are you dumb! You could have died Jaune!" Modred grab my shoulders and start to shake me, i can see her eyes starts to waters.
"Don't cry Modred, i'm here now right? I didn't die?" She sniffles before she wipes away her eyes. "Okay, now tell me what happened." Modred tried her best to be scary.
"Well when i got ambushed by the Grimm it managed to smack me into a tree and breaking my left arm and from what i would think a few broken ribs from the impact" i told her gently not wanting her to feel guilty for aggravating my broken arm.
Modred eyes open wide when she finally understand why i react that way when she grab my arm, she feels like she is about to cry again.
Modred then reach out her hands towards me wanting to check the injuries but her hands never reach my body because she is doesnt want to make the injuries worse as she nervously look at me over.
"Oh Jaune! Im sorry! I-I sorry Jaune!" Her eyes starts to waters and her voice starts to crack.
"No no no no its alright Modred! Its okay! You didn't know!" I try my best to calm her down, and after 5 minutes of calming her down....again.. she finally managed to calm herself down even though she is crying a little now. "I-i-im sorry Jaune..... im such a bad sister...." she hiccuped a few times.
"No Modred. You are never a bad sister... you are the best big sister i could have Modred." I told her as gently as i could. "Now how about i continue my story Modred?" I ask her so she can take her mind away from my injuries.
"Yeah....that w-would be great." She softly answeres me and wipes her eyes with her hands.
"So....after i got hit by the Grimm... i did my best to stand so i atleast died standing on my feet.. and the Grimm is so scary Modred.... it was so big..." she can feel the fear in my voice as she thinks on how i could have survived my encounter with the Grimm. "But i cannot be scared Modred.... i can't leave the family behind... so i...i start to think on why i want to become a huntsman...i start to think about the family Modred.. about how much i love the family." I told her with blinding smile and she looks transfixed by the loving smile that has been plastered on to my face. "And then i start to hear the sound of chains breaking, Modred... and after that...my body glows white and i feel....powerful..." i told her "and the circuits... my body from what i had seen its covered with circuits glowing white patterns.."
"And then... i saw the Grimm tried to hit me again... but it was so slow Modred... like i am inside one of those slow motion video that you showed me..." she mindlessly nodded at that
"And then when i tried to step around the grimm to dodge it, suddenly it the world turns blurry and i arrived back at the tree.. you know.. my tree.. the usual one.." she nod mindlessly again but now she is fully engrossed with the story.
"and then when i picked up my sword and when i did, i have a feeling to flow my aura into the swrod so i did that, and lo and behold.. the sword got the same exact circuit like pattern on it! The same as my body!"
By this point she is solely focus on my story and she herself get excited wondering how i beat the Grimm. "And then next! Next!" She starts to bounce on the bed.
"And then i saw the Grimm swing at me again Modred! But i dodge under it and swing my sword upwards to the Jaw! After that the sword and Grimm's head explode!" She is looking at me in wonder as she herself doesn't even know what i had did to explode the head of an Alpha Beowolves with just a wooden sword.
"And after that... well i guess i exhaust my aura? Cause the circuit like thingy also disappeared from my body... i then fall down and fainted i guess..."
"And then?..... what happened Jaune?" Modred asked me gently trying to hide away the fear that is clawing its way out of her heart, Not wanting to make her little brother see a side that she would rather hide and throw away.
"And then when i woke up.... i think it was 4 hours before dawn... my whole body is in pain..." i answered her.
"Did you got helped by somebody Jaune?" Even if she tries to hide it her worries is palpable in her voice.
"No....i woke up alone....but dont worry though! I managed to use my Aura again and walk my way back to home." I tried to calm her down and it looks like it worked as the most important things that come out of this is me going back home alive and that is enough for her
even if it hurt her deeply knowing that her brother almost died and are only alive now because of a miracle.
She take a few deep breath calming her down. "All that matter is that you are here Jaune... i.... please don't do this again Jaune... i don't want you to die." Her eyes starts to water as she fight the tears away from hsr eyes.
I look at her lovingly knowing she cares for me that much. "Okay Modred... now how about i change my clothes and clean myself... so the others doesn't check up on use and see me being look like i've been drag through the dirt by a grimm." I joke at her and it manage make her laugh a little.
When she stands up and open the door she talk to me one last time before she leaves. "See you at breakfast, Jaune" and then she leaves me alone in my room for me to clean up and go downstairs.
I start to think about what had happened last night and can't help but smile at the outcome of the whole incident was me unlocking my Aura and becoming a step closer to my journey to become a huntsman.
[AN: Give me all of your power stone muahahahhahaha]
[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars.]