chapter 7

{Jaune's POV}

I am currently in the toilet taking a quick shower while scrubbing as hard as i can without hurting my ribs even more.

Why does no one ever told me that blood is really hard to clean! The front of my shirt had some blood on it! How would i even clean that! I then start to scrub my hair to remove all of the dried blood and dirt.

I need to wash my sheets and everything or mom gonna find out! Thank oum that mom trust me with the chores to tthe point that she never had to clean my room... wait that is a good thing right? Wait.. am i too independent? Well it is good that i am that independent but i'm only 9 years old... even Saphron need mom to clean her room.. well she needs mom cause she's too busy studying, oum bless her soul.

I let out a chuckled and look at the floor and see the water is slightly red.

'Hopefully my aura is good enough to heal me cause if not.. i really need mom's semblance to heal me...'

I let out a sigh before i continue to wash myself.

'After breakfast i need to take Modred to the usual place.. i really need to ask her about the circuit thingy..." i pondered to myself before i continue to clean myself until the water that flow off me is clear.

After i grab the towel and xry myself i look to the mirror and see that my face only got some scratches. 'Probably from my aura healing me...'

I then look down to examine the rest of my body and lo and behold... i look like a road roller had dropped on me.

My left arm is obviously broken with its slightly crooked, i need to either put a sling on it or do something to heal it fast.

My torso isn't better either with the ribs obviously broken in, hell it looks like i had a dent on my left ribs..... and the bruises.. god damn the bruises... its almost black with how purple it is..

I then tried to poke my ribs but it stings a lot. "Ouch.... i don't know if i'm the luckiest boy alive or the stupidest boy alive... hahaha...." i let out a tired chuckled before i go to my bedroom while silently thanking oum for having my own bathrom/toilet fhat is connected to my room... thats the privilige of veing the only boy in a house filled with 7 girls i guess.. wait is it 8 now if i include Olivia? But she's a baby...

When i open my closet i start to hummed and look at all of my clothes. "Which one....which....which one.." i start to grab each of my shirts and test it on the mirror

"Long enough but too thin.. they could see my left arm.."

"Not long enough but really thick."

"Not good enough."

After 5 minutes of putting on my clothes i finally walk out of my room wearing a thick knitted christmas sweater that was made my Mrs.Nina.

Thank Oum for Mrs.Nina because this sweater is the only one that could hide injuries without being too stupid... and its close to christmas now so its isn't that weird.. well as close as a couple of weeks before winter.. but hey, if maria kari can play her song 2 months before christmas, why can't i put on a chrismas sweater a couple of weeks before winter?

'as much as i love Mrs.Nina for this sweater.. its really itchy... like really really itchy....' i think to myself before i arrive at the start to the stairway.

"Okay jaune.... here goes nothing..." i steel myself before i walk as casually as i can downstair and trying to hide the pain from my ribs and arm when it bounce from my steps.

'Ugh... this hurts... i really want to use my aura but none of them can know about it...'

After a couple of minutes i finally arrive at the dining table where the rest of the family is eating.

"Good morning!" I greet them and the first to reply to me is noir by launching herself at me and giving me a tight hug.

"Ugh! Noir.... don't hug me to tight." I grit my teeth in pain because she is pinning my arms to my side and burying her face on my ribs!

"Jaune! Why aren't here when i come downstairs! I wanted to eat your pancakes!" She then hug me tighter and jump up and down.

"Noir... let go of your brother.. Jaune maybe slept a bit late last night, you all did play a lot yesterday." Mom told noir and noir pout before she hug me tighter. "No! I like hugging Jaune!"

Oh oum... why did you forsake me so... please save your devoted child... and as if monty oum himself heard my prayers, Modred comes to the rescue by prying Noir off me. "Let go of him you little brat!"

"Modred!" Artoria yell out to Modred. "Don't call Noir that!"

"Fuck off bitch! Why don't you mind your own business!" Modred shouted back while she grab my right shoulder and guide me to the table and the seat where i usually sit while we eat, which is beside her.

"Modred..... please mind your language.. your sisters are too young to hear that kind of language.. and don't say that word to Artoria, she's your sister." Dad tried to interject before a full blown fight between Modred and artoria start again for the 13th time this week.

"Oh you little bas-" Modred was about to shout back at dad but i put a hand on her shoulder.

"Modred... Olivia is here..." i motion to Olivia which is being carried by Mom.

Modred open her mouths before she close it and sigh. "Okay..." we then sit on our chairs before she lean and whisper to me soft enough that only i can hear her.

"Its just that... Jaune... You're hurt..."

I nod at her before i whispered back. "I know... amd thats why i love you.. because i know that you will always have my back.." she then blinks before she smiled and chuckled.

"You betcha!"

I then hummed and look at the table before i tried to plate myself some food with one arm but Modred stop me and just put some food on my plate before i can even lift a hand.

"So Jaune... its weird that you wake up pretty late... usually its you that wake up first.. especially in the past year with you know.. mom being pregnant and all.. and you basically making us breakfast." Saphron asked me while she eat with one hand and with her other hand she is flipping through some books.

"Well i guess i am just that tired i guess? Well i did help around the town even before we go out to the mall.." i answered her before i start to eat. "Thank you." I said to Modred and which she nods and continue to eat her food.

"So dad... what are you planning to do today?" I look at dad hoping that he would at least look at me in the eyes and contrary to my wish... he didn't.

"Well i planned to grab a couple of hunters and try to track down the grimm that escaped... Oum knows what kind of mayhem that grimm will bring if it encounter a group of civilians.." he answered me while looking at his food. "You kids don't go to the woods okay?"

"Wait? There's a wild grimm that dad and his friends lost?" Jeanne said worriedly. "May Oum help dad to track down the grimm."

'Well.... i guess thats too late.. but i need more info because what if dad find my spot? There are a few evidence that a grimm had fought something on my spot... Well i could just find another spot lay low for a few days and heal up... but that place is special to me...' i thought to myself before i sigh. 'Well i guess its also not a that big of a deal if dad find my spot... only i and Modred knows about it...'

Dad then look at Artoria. "Artoria.. do you want to come with me? I can teach you on how to track a grimm?" He asked Artoria.

Artoria meanwhile continue to eat elegantly. "I would be happy too, dad..."

"Can i join?" Jeanne asked dad and it started a whole lot of noise.

"Me too! Me too! I wanna see!" Noir start to jump up and down on her seat.

"Noir! Don't jump on the seat! You'll fall and hurt yourself." Saphron put her book down and yelled at Noir.

"Noir! Listen to your sister! And don't be so loud, Olivia will wake up!" Mom scolded Both Noir and Saphron.

"Aaaaaa... its so loud..." blancheur meanwhile put her hands over her ears and her eyes to to water. "Please don't fight...."

I then look at Olivia and see her face starts to wrinkle.

'Well.... thats bad...'


The whole dining table start to turn into chaos but i look at Modred and tap her leg to get her attention.

"Modred.. after we eat.. can you go to my room? I have something to show you... about my aura and the circuit thingy i talked about.." i whispered to her and she nodded.

"How about at 10? After Dad, artoria and the 2 little brats leave to track that 'grimm' down." She smirks at me knowing that the hunt will be absolutely pointless.

I smiled and wonder how i am so lucky to have this good of a family.

[AN: Give me all of your power stone muahahahhahaha and if I magically get 150 power stone... I'll maybe... maybe give an extra chapter in the next update...]

[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars.]