{Jaune's POV}
It's been 2 weeks since that night, and to be honest it's been really hard for my daily life after I got Injured.
I can't exactly stay in my room everyday because it'll be too suspicious considering I always spend my days outside helping the neighbours.... well not exactly neighbours considering how far away we live from them..
My body then shivered as I remember limping back to my home with my injuries and how far it was from the forest,town and then my home, I rate that experience as a 4 out of 20 stars..... those 4 stars are just because I unlocked my Aura.
Well where was I again? Oh yeah hiding my injuries, well it's a pain in my butt with me going out and acting as if everything is normal... and I still remember the time when dad and the other came back from their trips to hunt the missing Grimm.
And just as both Mordred and I suspect, they found my training spot, and maybe it was because I was too injured to see clearly but I didn't remember there being claw marks on the trees or the ground... well considering I was in too much pain and is racing against time then I guess I'm not at fault to not notice it.
But Dad and the hunters suspect that the Grimm met a traveling hunter in the woods and died in a battle against the hunter, is it bad that I am a little bit proud that they thought that I'm a hunter? Well not me per se.. but still.. they suspect a hunter killed it.. and cause I killed it so it technically meant that they think I'm good enough to be called a hunter.
Little did they know that I almost died that night, if not for my Aura being unlocked I was basically a goner at that point.
Well back to me hiding my injuries, Mordred helps a lot with me hiding my injuries cause she actually help me do the chores... like whaaaaaaat. Mordred do chores? Well she does do her chores even before this but not a lot, she'll help around the house and things but not cook.. that's what shocked mom the most because Mordred helps me cooks food.
And the fact that the food that she cooked with my instruction is still edible is a plus point too, and I actually thing Mordred purposely put too much salt on the hashbrowns... I don't know why... I felt bad for Artoria because that is her favorite way to eat potatoes..
Noir obviously is still clingy with me, she hugged me and one time a few days ago she jumped off the couch into my arms... It hurts a lot.. thought my ribs are gonna break again.. but other than that, Noir isn't that bad.
Saphron is obviously a little bit too busy with school, she is actually in her 11 grade now.. she skipped a couple of years.
Jeanne is still such a sweet little angel, she has gotten far with her sword training.. she's more into using a rapier, and cause dad isn't that good with a rapier considering how big he is, he planned to hire a rapier oriented hunter to teach Jeanne in a couple of years.
Meanwhile Blanchuer is still as quiet as ever... she is an introverted true and true, sometimes I could go for a day or two without hearing her talking but Noir always told me that Blanchuer talks a lot to her if it's only them In the room, well for that I am grateful that blanchuer have a talking buddy even though it's her twin.. not that I mind that its her twin but she need to start talking to another person.. well in the end she's only 4 years old, oum's know what I was like when I was 4 years old.. all I remembered when I was 4 years old was me begging dad for him to train me.
And as for Artoria.. well she is good... but Mordred always rope Artoria into fights even though Mordred would lose most of the time, Artoria got a couple of years more fighting experience and growth than mordred. I think the first time I actually see Artoria be the one to start the fight was from the hashbrown incident.... after we ate our breakfast Artoria straight up throw a napkin on Mordred's face and ask her to accept the duel... well it's fair to say that Mordred got her butt totally whooped..
And now for Olivia.. well she's a baby, she's innocent of all harm to my body, but it do be hurting when I carry Olivia to give mom some time for herself, I could carry her with one arm but I don't want to risk dropping her so I had to use my broken arm too hold her too.. and I can't exactly support her neck and body with one arm considering I'm still a 9 year old boy.
Dad... well dad is still the usual dad... he mostly ignore me.. well not ignore me but more like trying to not be alone in the same room as me... wait that's not exactly better anyway, no wonder Mordred like to pick fights with him.
And for mom, well she is great, even though she just gave birth 2 months ago she still insist on helping around the house as much as she can.. but I'm a little sad for her.. the doctors said that she couldn't get pregnant anymore or it would risk her health, considering that she now had given birth to like 8 children well... yeah... I don't even think that it's possible to birth 8 children, in remnant most family only have 1 or 2 child and if they want a big family they would get 3 or 4... but 8? That's a first...
Oh yeah.. I was talking about my injuries, I got side tracked a bit, well my arm is pretty much healed now, the skin is just a little red, and it's the same for my ribs.. I love having Aura because it makes life so much easier.
I even trained my Aura whenever I'm alone, I could comfortably concentrate my Aura on one spot without closing my eyes and concetrating too much on it now, Mordred said that I'm a prodigy which as much as I'm don't like to admit it.. yeah I guess I am a little bit of a prodigy.
Aura had been around for oum's know how long, it gotta predate even the first hunters right? Considering that almost everyone can unlock their Aura and the first hunter can't be the first to unlock it.
Well Mordred and I planned to spar today, she told me that she found a good spot to replace our old spot, I can't wait to fight her and she already stole some wooden swords for us to fight with.
"Jaune! Are you ready? I'm hungry!" Mordred called out after me and I nodded at her. "Just wait a couple of more minutes! I'm almost about done with the pancake!" I answered her.
The rest of my family is sitting around the dining table while putting the dishes on the table to be served.
I then hummed and think that about how would the spar goes, hopefully I beat her... but if I beat her well mordred won't go easy on me anymore like she promised..
I let out a sigh and shake my head before I finish cooking the pancake. "Cmon! Let's eat!" I put the plates full of pancakes on the table before I walk to sit next beside Mordred.
Mordred tap my lap and I then look at her.
"You ready for today Jaune?" She whispered to me.
"Yeah, I'm ready" I whispered back and she smirks at me before she replied back
"You best believe I'll beat your ass."
[AN: well... now you guys gonna be wondering, why harem? Why this? Why that? Well the answer to that is.. Jaune gonna need all the help he can get.. like really really need it.. the poor boy gonna be going through a lot a lot... I even considered using the tags tragedy and angst for what would happened to Jaune...
Confirmed harem list:
-Glynda Goodwitch
-Winter Schnee.
Okay I'm stopping at 6 cause after that I don't think it would even work anymore... the ???? Is for y'all suggestion! And don't worry there will be no romance until like chapter.. 70? 80? Even then it would just be the start of romance with one of this character.. I need to flesh out Jaune's character more and traumatized him..... I'm sorry if any of you don't like this decision but I hope you continue to read my story, and trust me... Jaune will need this to help him recover.. the poor bastard will go through a Lot a Lot... oh yeah.. JOIN MY PATREON Y'AL STUPID SKBEKWBCIWBFBEW JUST JOIN IT!!!!! THE LINK IS