Chap 13 and there's a huge announcement at the end!

[You could get up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patr30n . com / Zaneninjacat

In the newest chapter Jaune and Mordred is making some plans for something secret.... if you wanna know what that is... GO TO MY PATREON!!!!! AND JOIN IT!!!! BY THE WAY MAKE SURE TO READ THE AN! I GOT SOME GOOD NEWS FOR ALL OF YOU!!!]

{Mordred's POV}

Currently Jaune and I are trekking through the forest, I can't wait to show him our new spot cause it took me a fuckton while to find it.

I had found this new spot about a week and a half after his injuries, it took me a while to find a suitable place, hell, I even had to scour the forest for close to 5 hours a day.... almost got suspended cause I hadn't done any homework but its all worth it because this spot is fucking better than Jaune's old spot.

"Its just about here, Jaune, only a couple minutes of walking." I tell Jaune in which he answered me with a nod.

This past couple of weeks I hadn't been just dodging my homework and trekking the forest to find this spot, I had done something I kinda don't want Jaune's help with... I tried to train my Aura to do what he did.

The results you ask? Well it's a fucking waste of time... I can't even focus my Aura on one spot let alone do that reinforcement thingy that he does.

I had help him with the reinforcement thingy late at night when everybody was asleep and we both found out that he can't just pour all of his Aura into the things that he reinforced cause it'll explode.

After the first time a fucking ruler explodes on our face we decided... well I THE GREAT MODRED ARC DECIDED that it'll be best to stop using the Aura reinforcement for now until I found the new training spot.

And today is the day that I'll beat Jaune fair and square! It's fucking annoying doing the one hit rule... cause I know for a fact that I can beat him the fuck out if we didn't do that stupid ass rule..

I know its for his safety but shit... its fucking annoying.. its like... its like... shit I can't even explain it.

Imagine you play football but the referee ask your goalie to not use their hands to catch the ball.. its so fucking unfair!

I know that its more unfair to Jaune cause without Aura his stamina is shit, but I ain't gonna tell anyone shit.

{Jaune's POV}

We had been trekking through the forest for about... an hour? And hour and 30 minutes? Yeah about that much.

Compared to my old spot this new spot take way longer to arrived at, whenever I go to my old spot it only take me about 40 to 50 minutes of leisure walk through the forest to reach.

While we walk through the forest I start to look around me before I tilt my head and heeard something in the distant. "Mordred... what's that sound?" I asked Mordred.

"What sound? Oh, that sound.. that's our new spot, it's behind a waterfall." She asked with a smug look on her face.

Wait what? Behind a waterfall? I don't even know that we have a waterfall.

"Waterfall? You're serious?" I asked her but she frowned before she sling her arm around my shoulder and give me a noogie.

"Say uncle! You ungrateful brat! It took me more than a week to find this shit!"

"Uncle! Uncle! I give!" I surrendered to her and she let me go.

"Can you take it easy on me, I just got healed." I sigh and rub my head.

She actually laugh and smack my ass. "Awwww did little Jauney boy got a boo boo? Do you want me to kiss it all better little Jauney boy?"

I pout and look away from her. "You're the worst... just for that tomorrow I'm not making bacon."

Her eyes widen before she jumped on me. "Don't you dare threaten my bacon! Bacon is love! Bacon is pure! You absolutely villain!"

She then bite my skull but she winced in pain as my Aura activated and form a shield.

"Shit! It's like biting stone!" She then get off me and start to rub her jaw.

"I'll take my vengeance by hitting you with a sword later, Jaune! Arc's promise!" .... she actually said those sacred words.. Arc's promise... that's bad... because whenever an Arc uses that then that meant that the Arc must fulfilled that promise.

Hell, the reason mom and dad got married In the first place is because when they were first started dating, dad drunkenly promised to mom to marry her and have as much children as they can... both in which he fulfilled.... and how do I know about this secret information you asked? Well saphron accidentally eavesdrop dad reminiscing to mom about their past.... and Saphron cannot not tell me about it when I asked her a year ago.. sometimes it's good being the favorite.

I let out a chuckled.

"What are you laughing about, dimwit?" Mordred glared at me while still being angry about my Aura.

"Nothing...." I then glance at her and see her still rubbing her jaw while uttering softly under her breath about how she'll beat my ass.

And before I know it we arrive at the waterfall and oum's goodness... its beautiful.

The waterfall is at least 15 meters in height and the water that fall down on it looks vicious.

I then look at Mordred and see her smug face.

"Its much better than your stupid old spot right? Now worship me and praise me for being generous enough to bestow this new spot for you, mongrel." She lift her face up and point at her feet.

I let out a chuckled and decided to play along.

"Oh great Mordred Arc, You are the most benevolent and kindest Queen there is!" I praised her and her ego got too big for her own good.

"Muahahahahaha now the great Mordred Arc will order you to make a stack of bacon for her tomorrow morning!" She let out an evil laugh.

"I will do it, oh Great Mordred Arc." After a few second we both start to laugh.

"Hahaha haha, you're an idiot Jaune, don't know where you inherit that stupidness of yours from."

I chuckled and shake my head. "So.... how are we getting behind the waterfall.. do you meant by onto of it? Or is there a cave inside the waterfall?"

"There's a cave inside the waterfall... follow me." She then start to walk to the side of the waterfall.

"... how do you know there's a cave inside of the waterfall anyway? Don't tell me that you believe the movies right?"

"..." Mordred's face start to turn pink and she walk faster.

Her silence is enough of an answer for m.

When we reach the side of the water fall she then stopped before she bend her legs slightly and activate her Aura.

"Wait.. are you doing what I think you're doi-" I got cut off because she just jumped into the waterfall and dissappear behind the water.

....that's dangerous.. if she doesn't have Aura she would not make it and even if she did, if the inside is slippery enough she could slip and hit her head.

I then sigh before I crouch slightly and activate my Aura.

"Well her goes nothing." I then jumped into the waterfall and when I land I slipped and fell on my behind.

"Hahahaha! You suck at landing Jaune!" Mordred point and laugh at me.

I let out a sigh and ignore her because I decided it's more important to look around the cave.

It's... beautiful.. its huge about 7 meters in height and about maybe 20 meters side to side.....

And the light passing through the waterfall make it not only bright enough for me to see but it makes the cave looks really beautiful.

"You're the best Mordred." I tell her before I stand up and walk deeper.

"I know right! You're big sis here is the best!" She exclaimed at me.

I then see where she put our training weapon and my eyes widen when I see we not only got wooden swords but also a few blunt steel training sword.

"How do you manages to get steel swords Mordred? Dad would notice it if you stole a few from the weapon rack." I look at her and see her looking away a little shy.

"Well I actually bought those from the blacksmith in town... I used my allowance for it." She want to say more but she don't get a chance because it's my turn to jump at her and hug her tight.

The impact from my body make us tumble down into the floor.

"You're the best Mordred! I love you!" I hug her tighter.

"W-well... of course I'm the best! I'm the great Mordred Arc!"

[AN: well hello there my friends! We meet again! Well I come here to tell you all about.... TWO GOOD NEWS! First good news is that I would start to upload once even TWO days! You hear that? Once every TWO DAYS! The second good news is that I'm going to try to learn digital art.. I am pretty decent at drawing but sadly the last time I draw shit was about 4 years ago before the whole vyrus started.. my art that I want to draw is artworks for this story because I want to show all of you what's inside of my brains! And how I pictured the scenes and shit.. and if my drawing is good enough, I'll make a discord server and post it there... and other than that? JOIN MY PATREON PLEASE!!!!! cause if I got enough income I could buy more stuff to draw and write! Also... give me all of you powerstone! And if I got 150 before the next reset well.. y'all could get triple to double chapter depend on my mood.]