{Third Person POV}
Jaune then let go of Mordred before he starts to walk to the weapon's rack.
"Have I told you about how much I love you, Mordred?" He let out a big smile and turn his head to Mordred.
Mordred let out a sigh while rubbing her ass. "Yeah... you don't need to tell me about it, Jaune.... and do you really need jump on me like that? It hurts dumbass."
"Well... it's not everyday that I get to jump on you." Jaune then let out a hummed before he pick up a sword
He then feel the weight and thinks that its much heavier than what he used to, well it's not that much of a suprise considering that he usually used a wooden sword rather than a damn steel training sword.
"Is this... safe?" Jaune asked Mordred while running a finger on the blunt blade of the sword.
Even though the blade are blunt, it's still a steel sword.. it could break bones if you hit someone hard enough, especially with Aura induced strength.
"Of course it's not safe dumb dumb, it's not a wooden sword.. there's a reason why dad only trained the cold bitch and me with a steel sword, it's because we're old enough to know better and take it seriously." She looks at him like he's a dumbass before she take a deep breath.
"Jaune... do you ever.. hate dad for what he did."
The question took Jaune by suprise but he quickly compose himself before He let out a hummed as he think while testing the sword by twirling it with on hands. "Hate him?... sometimes.. but never for long.. because I know as much as it hurt me for him to do that.. he think that it's the best choice for me.." he then tossed the sword in the air and catch it.
"..... you're really weird sometimes Jaune... you're just so... mature.. especially for a 9 year old.." she then shake her hand before she walk over to Jaune and catches his sword when he tossed it in the air again.
"And stop playing with this shit, don't want it to hit your head and make you lose more braincell, we both know that you only have 2 left in that brain of yours." She smirks and rest the sword on her shoulder.
"Are we fighting or what? Cause I've been waiting for this day for years, you know? It's fucking annoying holding back." She told him while she walk to the middle of the cave. "Come on, don't be a slow poke!"
Jaune look at her for a few second before he chuckled and shake his head. "You're unbelievable, Mordred." He then pick up a longer sword and walk to Mordred.
Mordred raised her eyebrows at him not expecting him to pick a longer sword. "Thought you'll pick a shorter one.. with your dancing style or whatever the fuck it's called." She then compare him to the sword, even though the sword is just a normal length sword but it's made for adults, compared to his body size it's practically in the middle of a bastard sword or a slightly shorter Long sword.
"Well it would make more sense if I picked a shorter sword but this one felt better on my hand.. don't know why but it felt familiar.. like I had used one this size before." He then shrugged his shoulder before he stand relaxedly with his sword at his side pointed downward.
"Dejavu?" She asked Jaune while she hold her sword in front of her and close to her hips with the sword pointing at Jaune.
"...yeah.. dejavu..." Jaune then take a deep breath and activate his aura, he can already feel his senses and strength become stronger. "Any rules?"
Mordred then smirked at him before she shake her head and activate he Aura. "Rules? Fuck that! I want to go all out! This shit is 2 years in the making! You can use that reinforcement of yours whenever you want!" There's no way in hell that she is letting shit like rules stopping her to fight all out especially after 2 years of her losing to an Auraless person!
Jaune then nod but he only planned to not use reinforcement for now because he need to see how strong he would be without using Aura reinforcement like that night with the grimm.
Without waiting for a signal, Mordred start to rush at Jaune and thrust her sword at him.
'She's Fast!' Jaune's eyes widen not expecting her to be this fast but he quickly calm down and smack her sword that is to the side with his sword. 'I know she has been holding back against me but I don't know that Aura make this much of a difference.'
"You're suprised?! Jauney boy!" She let out a wild smile and use the momentum from Jaune smacking her sword away by spinning into it and swinging her sword at Jaune.
Jaune then take a simple step back and her sword sword missed by an inch before he take a step forward and his swing his sword straight into her chest and knocking her a few meter back.
"Shit" Mordred cursed before she launch at jaune again but this time she aim her foot at his face.
Jaune then smirked and used his superior footwork by turning his body to the side and catch her leg. "Gotcha!"
Mordred eyes widen when she felt the pull on her leg because Jaune had used her leg to smack her onto the ground.
'Shit that hurt.'
But she is no slouch because she use her other foot to stomp Jaune's hand.
'That gotta hurt.' Jaune think to himself and is forced to let go of her leg or his hand would get kicked stomped by her foot.
Mordred then quickly stand up and swing her sword at him.
"Stop dodging!" She shouted at Jaune while their blade clashes.
She then swing downward but Jaune stop it halfway by elbowing her on the stomach and before she can react he grab one of her hand that had let go of her sword and use it to spin her around like their waltz dancing.
"Come on Mordred! Let's dance!" Jaune felt a smile growing on his face and he then let go of her hand before he spin to her side and hit her with his sword.
"Fuck off!" She then rolled on the ground and let out a smirk. "How about you try this!" Her body then to start to let out red electricity.
{Jaune's POV}
Semblance!? Really?! Well this is bad! Calm yourself down Jaune and treat this like.. a dance.. yeah.. this is no different than fighting Mordred like usual, just dance around her attacks.. as easy as that..
I then see her launch herself at me like she always does so I take a few step to her left because she usually attack from her right but my eyes widen because she swing her body around and use it to swing her sword straight at me.
I then bring up my sword and slide it against her until she passed me.
'She's changing her pattern... that's smart!' I then close my eyes before I focus my Aura on my leg.
'But so can i!'
I then launch myself at her and her eyes widen. "You don't think I would rush right!" I shouted at her and slm my sword downward at her.
She used her sword to block my attack and her knees shakes before she smirk.
'This is bad'
"You forgot about this Jaune!" She then used her Semblance and launch electricity at me.
My body start to locked up from the electricity coursing through my body. 'I forgot about her Semblance! I never fought her with it before!'
I then close my eyes and focus my Aura on my body to counteract her Semblance.
'Dad can tank through this because of his Aura, and if he can do it then I can too!'
She closed her eyes when my Aura light up so bright that it become a flashback, I then kick her body and launched her away as soon as my body can move again.
I then start to pant from the pain. "That's cheating Mordred...."
Contrary to my suprise she also start to pant. "You're the one cheating Jaune... your attack hurt really bad you know? It take chunks out of my Aura.."
My eyes widen at her because i can feel that throughout the fight that my Aura felt like it's at least 80% and I lost most of the missing 20% to counter her Semblance.
I then shake my head and focus on the fight. "Well if you're using Aura then you can't blame me for using my Reinforcement right?"
She then glare at me. "Don't you fucking dare hold back on me Jaune!" She then launch herself at me agin but this time her sword is filled with red electricity as he semblance is coursing through it like there's no tomorrow.
I then close my eyes and recreate the process to make the circuits and use it on my whole body and my sword.
When I open my eyes both my body and sword is filled with as little as reinforcement as I can do while maintaining the Reinforcement.
I then look at her and see her moving much slower than before because of my reinforced body.
'Its just like with the grimm... but with less of an effect, she's still really fast.'
I then launched myself at her and Intercept her sword with mine as we meet in the middle.
with a small explosion both of our sword clashed and it looks like its a stalemate but suddenly mine cut through hers before it hit her chest, her Aura is working overtime trying to protect her as much as possible but my attack launched her to the cave's wall.
The impact on the cave's wall break her Aura after the abuse it went through.
"Mordred!" I throw my sword to the side and stop using my Aura Reinforcement while I run to her.
"Are you okay!?" I slide next to her and grab her body and sit her up.
She weakly slap my hand away and let out a chuckled. "Fuck off Jaune.. I ain't a bitch."
I let out a sigh. "How bad is it?"
She then let out a groan and hold her chest. "At best? a couple of bruises.. at worst? Some bruised ribs.. definitely some bruises on my back... shit you hit hard."
"I.... I'm sorry Mordred.. i-" she then cut me off.
"Shut the fuck up and stop saying sorry, Jaune... I told you that you can use that Reinforcement Aura thingy!" She then let out a human and tried to stand up. "Help me up, fuck face! I stashed a medkit behind the weapon's rack!"
I nodded at her and swing her arm over my shoulder and guide her to where she put our weapons at.
"Here, let me do it for you." I then gently set her down before I quickly grab the medkit and open it.
"Stop putting on that sorry ass face! It's a fight! Of course one of us will get hurt!" She shouted at me and pill up her shirt.
I winced when I see the bruises. "... but I shouldn't had gone that far." I then grab the bruise cream and open it before I gently put the cream on her bruised chest.
"If you didn't go this far I would get mad Jaune! You think I want an easy fight!? Fuck off with that bullshit!" She then winced when I put too much pressure on the bruise but other than that she is taking it like a pro.
"And next time I don't want you to hold back because of this okay!? I don't want any pity win!" She scowled at me but all I can do is chuckled and nod at her.
"Okay... okay.."
"And I want more bacon tomorrow!"
"And a foot massage!"
"Yes Mordred."
We then both start to giggle.
".... thank you.. Mordred.. really.. for everything.."
She then scoff and look away. "No need to thank me dumbass.. I'm doing this just because I'm bored and you look like a hurt puppy."
"Okay.. I completely believe you."
I don't believe her at all but even then.. i still love her for all that she had done for me.. she doesn't have to train with me but she did.. she doesn't have to go out of her way to lie to the others for me but she did.. i really can't ask for a better sister other than her.
{????? POV}
This... this feeling... its... its the same as him... as my knight in shining armor.... as my only love.... my...
My King.
[AN: so... once again... thank you for reading my story.. i love alm of you... and you guys can read one the hints i will try and put into the lore.. its going to be important in the future... other than that.. JOIN MY PATREON NOW!!! AT