chapter 15!!!!!

{3rd Person POV}

'Shit, it really hurts' Modred thinks to herself while Jaune spreads the cream on her bruises.

She then winced when he pressed his fingers a little to hard on the bruises, she wanted to complain but there's no way she is going to look weak in front of him, it's bad enough that she lost the fight pretty fucking spectacularly against a kid that only fighting experience with Aura was with a single grimm! She had killed plenty of grimm before whenever went with her dad to go on a hunting trip.

It usually suprised the rest of the family whenever she even agreed to join her father but sometimes she had to know when it's time to fight with her dad or when it's time to reel in her anger so she can accumulate more experience for her future as a huntress.

"I... I'm sorry Modred." Jaune told her as he get behind her and start to apply the cream on her bruises on her back from being launched into the cave walls so hard that she broke her Aura.

'This kid... didn't I told him to stop?" Mordred thinks to herself.

She then turned her head to him and glared at him "how many times do I have to tell you Jaune, it's a fucking fight! Of course there will be injuries!" Even though she is mad at him for even pitying her at least he cared, cause she knows that if it were any other kid for example one of her classmates that had beaten her, they would fucking gloat about it and would not even think to help her patch up.

"Okay...." Jaune let out a sigh and finished applying the cream on her back. "There... I'm done... is there anywhere that hurts?"

She can feel her ribs throbs in pain because she may had lied about the extent of her injuries from Jaune, she know what a bruised ribs feels like and this ain't it, this is at the very least some crack ribs especially on her left side.

How the fuck does Jaune managed to fake being healthy for 2 weeks is beyond her because right now all she want to do is lay down on a bed and just sleep with only some crack ribs let alone broken ribs and a broken arm including got knows whatever happened to his muscles...

She shivered as she remember the feeling on her fingers when she poked Jaune's ribs to check it a couple of weeks ago.

"Nah, there's no more injuries..." Modred Lied to him before she then tried to stand up, but her legs buckled from her own weight, she would had fall face first on the ground if not for jaune catching her. "Fuck off... I can stand on my own.."

She then grabbed Jaune's shoulder and to try and use it to pull herself up on her feet. "Look.. no need to worry about me... I'm more worried about you.... how does it feel fighting with Aura for the first time? That time with the grimm doesn't count because I said so." She smirked at him before her smirks fell as she look at the ground and think of how weak she looks right now. "And... I'm sorry for giving you a good fight... I am.. its... its kinda shameful that I lost to you... I am a prodigy.. my teachers said so.. dad and even mom said so.. dad also told me that I was even better than Artoria when she was my age..."

She then see his eyes looked over her with worry and frankly more love than any of her family because she knows how difficult she is and she doesn't blame the rest of her family to not make her their favorite.

Jaune then smiled at her with so much love that she could choke on it and that alone only make it hurt more. "Why would you be ashamed? You were incredible..."

His soft and loving voice reached her ears and she can feel her eyes start to wetten. "I'm not incredible, Jaune.... I lost badly... you didn't even tried to beat me did you! Don't lie to me!" She tried to blink back her tears to make it go away but it only make it worse.

She knows that he held back because a split second before the final clash she saw a glimpse of his Reinforcement and saw how dimmed the circuits was and the small amount of Circuits on him was because he held back, it was much different from the last time Jaune showed her his reinforcement.

"Modred... i-" she cut him off with a shake of her head.

"Stop it Jaune! Just say it! I'm weak aren't I?! That you are disappointed at me right!? How am I supposed to protect you if I'm this weak Jaune!? I was supposed to be the one that protect you! I am older! More trained! I'm your big sister! I was supposed to be the one you can lean on! Not whatever the fuck this is!" Modred shouted at Jaune as she let go of him only for her to fall on the ground while holding herself back from outright bawling her eyes out.

Her body starts to shake before her eyes widen when she felt a palm on her hair, she then look up and see Jaune smiled at her before he crouch and hold her face. "Don't say that about yourself Mordred... you are the best sister I could have ever asked for... you think Artoria would let me train myself? Would Saphron cover for me whenever I'm gone for too long? Would Jeanne teach me about Aura? Hell.. would any of them help me hide my injuries? No.. but you did Mordred.. you did all of that and more... not because you don't care about me Morded... but because you did all of that because you love me too much to not let me achieve my dream.. and for that you are the best Big sister for me, Mordred... on my honor as an Arc i speak truly."

Mordred stayed silent for a few second before a drop of tear run down her face... and another.. another.. and more tears starts to run down from her face until she start to sob and cried.

'He said it... on his honor as an Arc... I can't believe he said it...' she cried even harder.

She then felt Jaune wrapped his arms around her gently and rest her chin on his shoulder.

"Shuuush... shush... let it all out, Mordred.. it's alright.. I'm here... just let it all out..." he whispered lovingly into her ears and she buries face on his shoulder.

"Jaune! Do you know how worried I was when you came back that night!? You look like you were about to die!? I was so scared Jaune! So Scared! I don't want you to die, Jaune! I was supposed to be with you that night!" Mordred shouted at him while she balls her eyes out ad the damage inside of her heart finally break.

Jaune started to rub her back to calm her down. "You didn't know Mordred... its not your fault.. I would never blame you for it Mordred..."

"I don't care that I don't know Jaune! I'm your big sister! I should had known! I'm the worst!" She then bite Jaune's shoulder and start to pummel her fist on Jaune's chest not noticing that Jaune had actively turn off his Aura so she doesn't hurt herself.

"You're not the worst Mordred.. never was.. and never will be.." he then winced as Mordred teeth break through skin.

Mordred bite harder and felt the metallic taste of Jaune's blood on her tongue. "What..." she then pull her head away from Jaune and see that the the left top side of Jaune's shirt is wet with blood. "Jaune... why..."

Jaune continue to look at her with that eyes so full of love that she wonders if he could ever look someone with hate. "Why? I don't want you to get hurt, Mordred...."

"But I.... bu-" He cut her off by shaking his head.

"No buts... I would rather it be me that get hurt rather than you, Mordred... you're maybe my Big Sister but I'm also your little brother.. I won't let you hurt yourself." He speaks to her so softly that that his words only break his heart.

Her eyes widen before she start to sniffles and rub her eyes with the back of her arm. "I'm sorry Jaune... I'm Sorry..."

She heard Jaune sighs before she feels his arms wrapped around her again.

"Cmon.. don't cry... don't you want to train with me today? I planned to experiment with my Aura later.. but I can't do it without you, Mordred... so don't cry for me okay?"

She nodded at him and wipe her face by rubbing her face on his shirt before she look at him with her eyes red from crying. "Okay... but I expect you to show me something exciting okay? If not.. well I guess you'll disappoint me..." she tried to give as much bravado as she can but it even sound too fake in her own ears because she knows that she had look weak infront of her little brother.

"Don't worry Mordred.. there's no way I would disappoint the great Mordred Arc... cause if I do, we both know that you'll beat me up.."

"... you betcha."

[AN: And that's the end for Jaune's early childhood! Next chapter will include a 3 year timeskip and that will mark the official beginning of the story! The first 15 chapters of this book is just a really long prologue... By the way thank you for even reading up to this point and I hope you all will read more, and can you notice at how my writing become better after chapter 1-7? Because I had been trying to improve myself to make sure I give it my best to write this story! I love all of you, my friend! Also JOIN MY PATREON PLEAZE!!!!! YOU CAN READ UP TO CHAPTER 20 OVER THERE!!!!! join it to read 10 chapters in advance!]

[2nd AN: BTW... damn... looks like y'all didn't managed to get to the power stone goal before the reset.. lets try again until next reset cause if we reach 150 I'll post a double chapter or a triple chapter if I am in a really good mood.]