chapter 30 battle in the sky.

[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars!!! And I just posted my longest chapter yet at patreon which is almost 5 thousand words! So go and join my patreon to read it 20 days in advance!]









The ride ride to Anima take up most of the daylight and it left Miles in the mercy of his own thoughts.

Which thankfully isn't as depressing as the ride to Beacon was.

Miles used his time wisely as he is thinking of ways that he could use to bond with his son.

It ranges from swimming to even taking a hike, Miles is a little conflicted on what he should do with Jaune but he have a better idea.

That idea is to ask Mordred..... Yes... Mordred.. his infamous rebellious Daughter that would prefer start a fight with him rather than sit down and talk with him.

Not that he can blame her for that... he deserved at least that considering that Jaune Forgive him... Miles feels unworthy of it... at least with Mordred Being angry in Jaune's stead then Miles could accept it..

Mordred... she... Miles doesn't hate her... Miles doesn't want to play favorites, But if he does play favorites then his Favorites would undoubtedly be Mordred.

His children may not know it but Mordred is much Like Miles himself when he was younger... brash.. foul-mouthed... Aggressive... Rebellious... and a whole load of other things..

The only reason he changed is because Luna beat that attitude out of him...

Mordred.... Miles doesn't think that Mordred hated him.... She's just angry at him.... she fight with him because she cares for her little brother...

Years ago Miles always thought that the one that would be closest to Jaune is either Jeanne or Saphron...

But after what he had done.... he is thankful that it is Mordred that become the person closest to Jaune.

He is thankful both for Jaune and for Mordred, as for why? Mordred isn't that close with her sisters because of her harsh personality.

Does she cares for her sisters and would fight for them? Yes.

Does her sisters cared for her? Yes.

But they aren't that close... and when she become a lot more closer to Jaune, she had... mellowed out... Jaune could control her flames.. there are many times he can feel Mordred is about to go berserk on him for not answering to Jaune whenever Jaune tried talking to him.

But Jaune calmed her down... with a single look or even just a hand on her shoulder.. he calmed her down..

Jaune and Mordred both Balanced each other out, Mordred with her making sure no one take advantage of Jaune kindness and Jaune making sure that Mordred's anger won't take over her and calming her down...

They... Miles always had a feeling that Mordred and Jaune is hiding something... as for how he knows? He had been a hunter for fucking... 19 years now.. well technically 22 years if you include the time he was in Beacon...

But would he try and pry into those secrets? No... its the least he could do... Mordred and Jaune's Bonds isn't something that he should try and disrupt...

And that bond is why Miles will ask Mordred's opinion and suggestion about where he should go with Jaune..

He once talk to Luna about what she knows about Jaune and her answer is something he both expected and not expected at the same time.. she told him about Jaune favorite foods.. his favorite music.. anything that a mother knows about her child... and what Miles didn't expect is that Jaune is Gone for most of the day from school and after that with Mordred... but she knows that it's not something bad considering that whenever she goes to town, everyone there is asking her about how Jaune or sometimes even giving her gifts to bring to Jaune.

it turns out that Jaune is the town's golden boy.. and when she asked around, everyone would say that Jaune is so kind and would help everyone with anything... from helping with the groceries to even painting the fences..

As for Mordred? Well it turns out that Jaune dragged her every where with him helping around the town... the town love the dynamic duo... the grumpy older sister and the loving little brother.

'So here's the plan... go meet up with qrow, find anbar, retrieve anbar, go home, sleep, wake up, talk to Mordred, go with Jaune.' Miles thinks to himself and in his opinion... that's a damn good plan.. and better plan that what he usually have.. considering that he is more of a plan on the go kind of guy.... Luna isn't fond of that considering that he had his ass beaten by her so many times cause they sometimes almost end up dying cause of his plan and the only reason they survived is because of Luna's Semblance and his frankly good sword skills and luck.

Miles then feels the bullhead land and and raised an eyebrow. "Damn.. time flies by really fast when you're thinking..." he then look at his watch and sees the time. ".....8 pm... a 7 hours flight... that's fast... would take the whole day if I took a commercial bullhead to mistral."

Miles then walk to the door as it open with a hiss. "Thank you, my friend! Have a safe flight!" Miles thanked the pilot and the pilot nodded at him.

"You too Miles! Godspeed!"

When Miles get off the bullhead, it then immediately take off and fly away. "Okay... so where is Qrow? Last I got updated about his location was that he is at a bar... and that was 3 hours ago... way to fucking early for anyone to go to any bar.."

Miles sighs and shake his head before he walk into the city and starts to look around. "If my memory is correct.. the bar would be in this direction..."

As for where the bar is and how would Miles Knows about it considering that Miles doesn't drink alcohol? Well it is the bar where Qrow had drink himself into the hospital after the death of Summer.. the poor fuck...

It took Miles about 30 minutes before he found the bar... its not a pretty sight to say the least... the sign is on its dying days.. there are a passed out bastard on the side of the entrance.. some blood on the pavement.. and a even a couple of teeth...

"*sigh*... well here goes nothing." Miles then push open the entrance and move his head back as he smell the stench of alcohol. "Shit... fucking hate the smell of that..."

Miles then force himself to walk deeper into the bar and thank God that he sees Qrow's Back... cause if he isn't here then Miles don't know what Bar Qrow would be in.. he doesn't exactly have the map for every bar here in mistral.. well now that he thinks about it, Qrow would probably have that map ingrained in his brain.. the only reason Qrow doesn't have a beer belly or a fucked up Liver is because of his activities as a hunter... contrary to how Qrow looked, he is currently the most Active Hunter... from his missions from Ozpin though and the fact that those missions could go for weeks or even months depending on it...

"Qrow." Miles call out to Qrow as he take a sit on the empty seat beside him.

"Miles." Qrow Greet back before he down a shot of alcohol which if Miles would had guess to be vodka..

"So... how's life? And really... you are going to drink knowing what we're about to do?" Miles smirked at Qrow because he is happy seeing an old friend again, considering that Miles's own team of four had become two before their time at beacon even ended.

The team broke up not because of the fact that any of them had died or is severely injured... its just that they don't get along well with each other and rather they split up rather than fighting with each other in the middle of a mission... they don't talk anymore but Miles knows from grapevines that they are still Alive..

"Knowing what we're about to do is a hell of a good reason to drink." Qrow let our a pessimistic chuckled and refill his own shot glass with a bottle of vodka that Miles is sure belong to someone else considering the state of the guy seating beside Qrow.. the poor fuck is knocked out with a bruise on his face. "To be honest, I don't have a good feeling about this fucked up mission... knowing my bad luck, it would most likely end with a fight or some shit."

"As for life? Well I am planning to take a break from Ozpin..." Qrow then take another shot of alcohol. "Damn, this shit hits like a bull.."

Miles raised an eyebrow at that. "You? Taking a break from Ozpin? What you're planning to do?" Miles is genuinely suprised and happy that Qrow is taking a break... he deserve it for all the shit had had done and gone through.

Qrow let out a hummed and raised the shot glass and peer into it. "...well my oldest niece, Yang, is about to start her training at signal.... so I'm planning to be a combat teacher there..."

If anybody expect Miles to scoff and Laugh at Qrow then they are stupid, because Miles is genuinely happy that Qrow finally could take a break from all of this bullshit. "You? A teacher? That would be good... you could prepare the next generation to survive.. and as a combat teacher? The kid you trained would be absolute monsters by the time they got into hunter academy."

Qrow let out another chuckle and refill his shot glass and raise it up. "To being a good teacher." He drink drink it before he grab another empty shot glass and slide it in front of Miles and fill it. "Here, drink up for my new job."

Miles look at the glass before he shakes his head. "... no.. I'm sorry Qrow, but you know that I have been 17 years sober... last time I went out to grab a couple of drinks.. it didn't end well for me.."

Qrows start to feel guilty because he is too drunk to remember about it. "Shit.. sorry Miles.. I genuinely forgot about here... *sigh* I'm suck a fuck up... I think I have enough drink for now."

"Hey, it's okay... you're drunk right now and it is expected that you would forgot about a couple of shit.." Miles pat the back of Qrow's shoulder.

"So... you got any idea about where to find her?" Qrow glance at Miles and asked him that because by now, Qrow doesn't know where the fuck the Fall Maiden could be.. for all he knows she can be ontop of a fucking mountain alone inside of a cave.. or in multiple places at the same time... one limb in atlas, another limb in vacuo so on and so forth.. damn, he thinks that his thought had gone one a darker path.. probably the alcohol talking.

Miles nod at Qrow. "Yeah... I think I have an Idea of where she could be at... you know what's tomorrow right?"

Qrow tilt his head to the side. "Tomorrow? Well that would be Friday... or is it Thursday.. shit.. what day is it again?"

Miles laugh softly and shake his head. "Today is Monday.. and tomorrow is the... Anni... anniversary of my..... of my father's....."

'Shit.... fuck me....' Qrow thinks to himself. "So.... you think She's going to be there?"

Miles nodded at him. "Yeah... she loved him too much to not be there now.. and I.... I have a feeling that her time as a Maiden is going to end.. She's really old now.."

"Well shit.. we best hurry up then..." Qrow then stand up and Miles quickly follow suit.

"Yeah.. if we go fast enough, we could arrive there before dawn at most."

















"MOVE! MOVE DUMBASS! MOVE!" Miles shouted as he cling to his seat.

"I'M FUCKING TRYING!!!" And by trying, heeant that he is doing a barrel roll midair.


"How the fuck did we lost a thruster?!" Miles looks out of the window and see a couple of Lancer Grimm perched up on the engine/thruster and is stabbing it with their pincers.

"Shit! We got a Lancer on the engine!" Miles shouted at Qrow and Qrow's eyes widen in panicked.

"The fuck you meant by Lancer!? We're too high for them!" Qrow is trying his best to steer the bullhead with only his right engine/thruster. "Do something!? Like I don't fucking know!? Kill those fuckers!"

"Are you dumb!? You think imma go out when we are this high off the ground!?" Even if Miles is complaining about the height, he still take off his seat belt and grab a rope.

"Don't you fucking make me fall of!" He tie one end of the rope to Qrow's seat before he tie the other end around his own body.

"Open the side door!" Qrow quickly open the side door just in time for Miles to run and jump out of it with his greatsword.

Miles got slammed into the side of the bullhead with a loud crash. "Shit!" If not for the rope he would probably fall and die by now.

But Miles doesn't have enough time to regret his decision because he had to Stab his greatsword into the bullhead and move himself to the top of it just in time to dodge a couple of pincers as the Lancer had focus on him now rather than the engine/thruster.

'Why the fuck do I don't have any gun? Oh yeah, because I SUCK AT IT!' Miles tried his best to stand on his feet but the winds is much too strong for him cause it'll just blow him away.

So Miles has to improvise by stabbing his sword on the roof of the bullhead and use it as a support.

"Hey! I'm over here!" Miles flare his Aura to aggro the Grimms and it works as it slowly but surely used their pincers to crawl to him.

Miles smirked as he sees that the bullhead is flying much too fast for the Lancer to use their wings because it'll just blow them away.

'Okay.. they can't fly.. that's good.. but I can't exactly use my sword now cause the wind would blow me away... I really should had gotten a gun because this is stupid.'

"QROW! PREPARE YOURSELF!" He hoped that Qrow can hear hik because he is going to do something really stupid.

Miles reach into his pocket and pull out a couple of fire dust. "Try chewing on this you bugs!" He throw the dust to the Lancer and it hit one of them managing to explode its upper body off but that also meant that it fucking rocked the bullhead. "Shit!"

"MILES! THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" Miles can hear Qrow's Faint scream, Miles want to reply to Qrow but he is currently to busy holding on for dear life.

'One more to go!' Miles then feel the rope start to creaking and sees that the shrapnel from the grimm's skull had slice through the rope's side, its not even a 1 inches slice but it's enough to make the rope Snap.

"SHIT!" Miles got blown away by the wind because the rope isn't supporting him or his sword anymore, thankfully with his sword in his hand he could do what he does best...


"SCREEEEECH!" The grimm screech as it use its pincers to Stab Miles who is flying to it but Miles is faster that it because by the time it had raised its pincers, Miles had cut it into two before he stabbed into the roof of thr bullhead to stop himself.

"Holy shit....." Miles starts to pants.. not out of exhaustion but out of the fact that he almost fall down from this fucking height.. they are abive the clouds now.. holy shit...

He then slowly used his sword to crawl into the side door and get inside before he quickly shut the door and crumpled to the floor.

"I ain't fucking doing that again..." Miles then let out a sigh as he hear Qrow Laughs outlook.

"HAHAHHAHAHA You crazy Bastard! How the fuck did you survived?! I thought I lost you when the rope snapped!" Qrow looks back at Miles but he quickly put his eye on his front because the bullhead start to tilt. "SHIT!"

"Hands on the fucking wheel!" Miles quickly get back to his seat and put on the seatbelt.

"I know! I know!" Qrow then sighs. "Shit.. we won't make it."

Miles let out a sigh. "I guess so.. we lost an engine and the bullhead is all fucked up... can you land it in shade academy?"

Qrow then nodded. "Yeah, I could... but after that we go on foot either gotta borrow a vehicle from Theodore... don't think he would be happy with us basically dumping a useless bullhead on his front yard.. "

"Yeah....." Miles then chuckled. "Can't believe I didn't fall off..."

Qrow joined him with a smile on his face. "Yeah.. and what was the explosion? I almost lost control of the bullhead, did the lacerations fucked up the other thruster? I didn't got any notification on the control panel."

Miles shakes his head before he explain. "Nah.. that was just me throwing a fire dust at the Grimm."

Qrow's eyes become wide open before he look at Miles. "You're one crazy bastard you know that? No wonder Luna likes to beat some senses into you..."

"I know... I know... but hey.. I managed to charm Luna with my dumbassery... I call that a win in my book."














[AN: Before anyone ask about why does it looks Like Miles is scared/struggling against a couple of pincers... he's a God damn S rank for God's sake, he could beat those grimms with only one hand.. the problem is that he is on top of a flying bullhead high above the clouds... he is afraid of falling... could he survive falling from that height? Yeah but with severe injuries... they are higher than the fucking clouds to avoid detection and grimms both... the height is much more of a problem than the grimm

Btw 3k words! Expect chapters to be around 2k+ to 3k+ words... maybe if i have the time i could make it into 4k or even 5k... also give me fucking POWERSTONES because 150 POWERSTONES = FREE BONUS CHAPTER!]