chapter 31.... pretty sad..

[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon. com/Zaneninjacat I HAD POSTED THE END OF ARC 1 ON MY PATREON!!!]













Suprisingly.. Theodore is happy meeting them.. case in point, he is currently hugging both Qrow and Miles in a tight hold while behind him is a couple of his professor.

"My friend! It's been so long since I seen any of you!" He let go of them and pat their back. "Here, let me introduce you to my professor!"

Theodore then walk to a huge man that gotta at least be 7 foot tall and pat his back. "This is professor Sabri, he is our grimm class professor!"

Professor Sabri give Miles and Qrow and nod before Theodore go to a woman and pat her shoulder. "And this is our history Professor, Professor Adelai."

"Its a pleasure meeting the both of you... Headmaster Theodore had talks about you two before." She told them which suprises Miles more than Qrow.

Miles hadn't been in vacuo for more a decade.. this place brings only Pain for him.. he only came here if he was forced to like this mission..

"Really... well it's been a pleasure too, to meet you, Professor Adalai. But let me introduce myself, my name is Miles Arc." Miles introduce himself meanwhile Qrow is fixing his hair before he Greet Adalai with a bow.

"And my name, my beautiful lady, is Branwen... Qrow Branwen.. but you can call me Qro- Ouch!" Qrow hold his side in Pain as his Aura Activated to protect him from Miles's elbow but it didn't do shit against the pain..

[AN: I did my research, Aura still makes people feel pain from the impact, just not Injuries.. well they are some minor Injuries If the impact is Hard enough, what I meant by minor Injuries is scratches and bruises, case in point Yang's battle against the paladin.]

"The fuck you do that for?" Qrow glared at Miles cause why the fuck is he cockblocking him!? Don't he know that a guy want to get laid? Don't he know just how.... awesome a vacuon lady is compared to a woman from vale?

Miles sighs before he motion Qrow to get closer and when he did, Miles then whisper to him. "Look at their fingers you idiot, they're married."

Qrows eyes widen in shock before he check it for himself and indeed.. those are two matching rings... shit...

Qrow then slowly look up at Sabri. "Well.. my man... I'm sorry for hitting on your wife." Qrow silently Cross his fingers because he doesn't want to fight a guy because be couldn't stop running his mouth..

Suprisingly, Sabri didn't yell or tried to hit Qrow.. all he did was chuckled softly and shakes his head. "Do not be afraid, my friend... I didn't took offense.. who you should be apologizing too is my wife.. she is a little bit of a spirited woman..."

Miles then finally look to Adalai because he is previously focused on Sabri in case he tried to Attack Qrow... and damn... Adalai is pissed.. if not for Sabri Hand on her Shoulder, Miles would bet money on her jumping onto Qrow and ripping him a new pair of balls...

And it looks like Qrow also finally look back to Adalai because he face pales and slowly back away to hide behind Miles and thanks to Qrow much more lean Build and slightly shorter stature.. it works.

'A fiery Lady and a gentle giant huh.... well shade got its own unique professor.. but isn't there supposed to be one more? I know shade student population is less than 40 even with all of the years combined.. but still where the hell is the combat professor?' Miles ponder to himself before he look at Theodore.

"So Theodore.. where is the combat professor?" Shade couldn't be that short on money that they would be forced to fire the Combat professor right? If they were indeed short on money then they would had to fire the history professor rather than the combat professor... this is a hunter's school, a combat professor is much more useful than a history one...

Theodore let out a tired sigh before he shakes my head. "About that my friend... sadly professor Zayn is Missing In Action about 5 months ago..."

Bringing up Professor Zayn even calmed down Adalai. "Yeah.. he was a good Man.. before he went missing, he was talking about a grimm nest... we don't know where he exactly went but... but we had tried to look for him everywhere but couldn't find any... all we know is that we lost contact with him around the vicinity of the academy...."

Qrow raised an eyebrow at them before he look at Theodore because if he is missing in the vicinity of the academy.... did he found the location of where the relic is located?

Theodore shakes his head no because he get what Qrow is thinking without Qrow needing to say anything to him, Theodore had personally scoured through the location of the relic for any Whereabout of Zayn but he couldn't find any tracks or any single sign that would tell him if anyone had been there.

Qrow's know about Zayn, he and Zayn had meet up a couple of times whenever he goes to Vacuo... a man of his caliber wouldn't go down without a fight... Qrow instinct is telling him that Zayn isn't missing... he has died.. and Qrow trust his instinct, it was what kept him alive for most of the time..

Zayn was an an A rank hunter... something that could kill an A Rank hunter without any tell is something that is fearsome...

Meanwhile Miles only offer his condolences to them, not because he himself isn't curious about Zayn's mysterious disappearance, but because he never even met the guy before..

he would be overstepping his boundaries if he suddenly act as if he know who Zayn is.

Miles himself would be furious if some stranger suddenly ask about how did his father died and starts asking questions, it would be a different story if the stranger turns out to be his father's old friend.

but in this situation, the stranger (Miles) doesn't even fucking how Zayn looks like and if he start asking personal question..

"As for now, i am the temporary Combat Instructor until 2 more months where a new professor will be joining us." Theodore then smile and walk to the bullhead. "So my friend... what happened to your bullheaded? There some.. damages..."

Well damages is an understatement to the word itself.. there are gashes from Miles's greatsword... some holes from also Miles's Greatsword and from the Grimm's Pincers.. the scorched marks from the fire dust... and the destroyed engine/thruster.

In the 7 hour flight it got... it seen more action than some of its comrades.

"Well I blame Qrow for that." Miles smirked and look at the offended look at Qrow's face.

"Me?! The fuck you meant it was my fault?!" He raised his eyes defensively over his chest and Theodore let out a chuckled.

"Is he the one who piloted the bullhead?" Theodore would take this chance to fuck with Qrow because it's funny seeing Qrow like this..

Miles nodded. "Yeah, he was the one who Piloted it.. I had to rescue us alone by myself."

"Wait wait wait wait! Me piloting it doesn't meant that I automatically the one at fault here!" Qrow panicked even more it isn't his fault! (It actually is) he didn't do shit! (It is technically correct... his Semblance did it.) How would he even know that Lancer could fly that high!? They should had never been attack by grimm! (... well that is true.. but again.. his Semblance caused it..)

Miles and Theodore look at each other before they chuckled.

"Come on, my friends, let's talk in my office." Theodore then start to walk ahead and both Miles and Qrow followed him.

"You scared my students you know? My students never thought that what could basically be a flaming meteor crash landed-"Hey! I didn't crash it!"- on my front yard at 2 am in the Morning." Theodore glance back at them before he lead them into his private office.

"Come in, just sit anywhere you like, my friend."

Miles and Qrow start to get comfortable with Qrow sitting on the window sill and Miles sitting on a couch.

"So what brings you here, my friend?" Theodore asked them and Qrow and Miles look at each other before they look back at Theodore.

"We are searching for a... Maiden..." Qrow revealed to Theodore.

"A Maiden? From my knowledge the only Maiden that was here was the fall Maiden.. and even then it's almost 2 decades since she last step foot in Vacuo." Theodore and look at Miles. "Is she here?"

"Well... we are not exactly sure about if she is here... but Qrow had look all over Sanus and Anima... this is the only place she could be at..." Miles then sighs and lean back on his seat. "Because.. today... today is the my father's death anniversary.."

"Oh....." Theodore thennstay silent for a few more seconds before he talks again. "Whatever help you need my friend, I'll give it to you."

{.... I need something to replace the LINE BREAK... how about some emoji? Like.. idk? <=======]==¤ that's a pretty good sword emoji... next line break imma use that until I got a better sword emoji or some shit.}

The Ride to the ruined town was in silence, Qrow wanted to start a conversation so many times but he shut his mouth knowing that this place brings bad memories for his friend..

Before they got on the Off-Road Car that Theodore had lend them, Qrow offered to drive it to the town but sadly he doesn't know where the two exactly is... all he know is that it was once a small town in the dessert before it was destroyed 17 years ago only leaving a handfuls of survivors in its ruins.

Qrow looks at Miles and sees him focused on driving but his hands.. its gripping onto the wheels like the wheels owed him money or some shit, all white knuckled grip.

The drive took them about 3 hours and Qrow had to kill a few grimms that tried to Attack them and Qrow is slightly unnerved at how silent Miles is.

Qrow feel sorry to Luna and her children if this is what they had to put up with everyday of the week, cause God damn.. Seriously Depressed Miles is scary Miles.. is this why they had so many kids? Because Luna want to cure his depression with fucking?

He wouldn't put it past Luna cause as good as a healer she is.. she is not a certified doctor or even a Psychiatrists.. or even a Therapist...

In Qrows's opinions, Luna's Semblance is so good that she doesn't exactly need a lot of Medical Knowledge to heal Injuries, but compared to a doctor? Her medical Knowledge is lacking.

In the distant Qrow can see some thing that Qrow could only interpret as what used to be a town cause God damn... There's almost nothing there... just a few ruined Building covered by sands.. There's not even a sign nearby, probably because it was destroyed in that battle years ago..

Qrow Doesn't exactly know about what happened that day, all he knows now is that Miles's Father died because of a new species of sentient Grimm.. a knight grimm, that was how Anbar and Miles describe them..

It can talk.. they both said that the Knight Grimm can talk... Qrow chalked it up to it being one of Salem's creation but Ozpin Reaction doesn't give him with much hope.

Ozpin asked him and the others in the inner circle to leave the room and they did, leaving Ozpin and the two injured alone in that room.

They can't hear about what they were talking about in the room but when ozpin came out.. its with a melancholic and Knowing look in his eyes.. like he knows something that none of them known.. which is true most if not all of the time, that bastard had lived way too long for anyone could ever fuck8ng dreamed off.

He probably got secrets ontop of secrets ontop of secrets..

Qrow's musing got cut off when the Car stop and Miles get out of the Car with Qrow following just behind.

Qrow wanted to say something but he stopped when he sees that in the distant, that there is a camp fire and there is cloaked figure sitting next to it..

When they got closer to the figure, Qrow is slightly suspicious of it but Miles walked on ahead before she casually sit down next to it on the Log.

"Anbar." Miles greeted the cloaked figure who is now revealed as Anbar, the Fall Maiden.

Anbar then took off the hood from her head and smiled at Miles. "Miles.... its been a while..."

Qrow decided to stand nearby as to not disturb this private moment with his... let just say.. unique personality...

"Yeah... its been... 17 years now? I think the last time we saw each other was on the hospital bed.." Miles then chuckled and Anbar follow suit with a chuckle of her own.

"Yeah... 17 years... its... its been a long 17 years..." Anbar then look at the fire. "So how is Life, Miles? How is Saphron and Artoria?"

"They.. Life had been good to me, Anbar.... I got 8 children now." Miles words made Anbar's eyes widen before Miles continue speaking. "Saphron is doing good too... she is going to become a doctor.. and Artoria had Joined Atlas academy to become a hunter or a part of Atlas Military... I don't know which one is her plan but I know that she will succeed in any of them.."

Anbar then hummed. "Tell me about the others.."

"Well.. my third oldest is Mordred... She's a spitfire.. just like me when I was her age.. all fire and spirit... Jeanne... she is gentle and kind and a prodigy too.. most of my children's are prodigies.. and then I have the twins, Noir and Blancheur... their personality is the exact opposite of each other.. while Noir is energetic and just so full of life that unfortunately made her the loudest of my children.. Blancheur is different... She's.. Quiet... shy.... she prefer to be inside her own room alone and sleeping if not for her twin dragging her outside to play.." Miles then tap his finger on his thigh. "And then the Youngest.. her name is Olivia.. she's... well.. she is like Noir in a way.. but she doesn't talk much and is too adventurous for her own good.. one time Luna put down Olivia on the ground so she can do the dishes, 6 minutes later when Luna turn back, she found Olivia ontop of the fridge.." Miles then laugh softly.

"Miles... as much I love hearing you talk about your children.. I only counted 7... who is the last one?" Anbar doesn't need to be a genius to know that there must be a reason that Miles is leaving out one of his children.

"I know.. I was leaving him as the last one..." Miles then let out a tired sigh. "He... his name is Jaune..." Anbar's eyes widen in slight suprised and her heart starts to ache because she hoped that she misheard about the name.

"John?" Anbar eyes glistened with tears.

"No... Jaune.. J-A-U-N-E... Luna Named him after my father..." Miles then look at Anbars and reach out to hold her hand. "My... My father would love him, Anbar.. he is everything Dad ever wanted in a son.." Miles eyes is wet with tears and he shake his head to stop himself from crying.

"Miles..." Anbar hold his hand tighter.

"I failed him as a father, Anbar.. God fuck I failed him.." Anbar then reach out to pull Miles into a hug

"Hey.. come on... don't cry.. you didn't failed anyone, Miles.." Anbar pat his back.

"But I did, Anbar! I failed him! All he ever wanted was to become a hunter! That is his dream! But I took it away! I took it away because whenever I sees him.. as see the face of my father, Anbar." Miles revelation made her eyes widen but she hold him tighter.

"He look just like him.... I still have pictures of my dad when he was Jaune's age.. and God fuck Anbar.. its like looking at the same person.." he hold her tighter.

"I don't want him to die... and because of what I did.. one of my Daughter hated me and I don't even feel worthy of his forgiveness."

Anbar then continue to comfort Miles. "Miles.. come on.. he forgive you did he not?" Miles nodded at him. "Then it's okay then.. if he is as good as you say then he would understand why you do what you had done.."

Anbar then let out a sigh. "Is what you did right? No... and yes.. what you did is something a parent should had never done to their child.. you took away his dreams.. but you also did what every parent should had do... you did your best to protect him.."

She then chuckled and let go of him and pull away from the hug.

"I... I really want to talk more about your children with you Miles.. but unfortunately, I don't think I have much time left.." Anbar revealed with a sigh as she sit tiredly.

Miles eyes widen before he wipes his tears. "What? What are you talking about?"

"I'm old Miles... and i lost so many people I cared about in this long 70 years..." she then look at Miles and hold his hand. "I'm tired Miles... I want to rest... i want to see him again.."

"But-" "no buts" Anbar cut him off.

"Please... let me rest, Miles... I had died oh so many years ago... I'm just staying alive for the past 17 years because I have a responsibility to do so.." she then look to her side and call out to Qrow.

"Kid! Come here!"

Qrow then sighs before he walks over to Anbar.

"You're the Crow that Ozpin sent to watched me these past few years, are you not?" Anbar asked Qrow with a knowing look in her eyes.

Qrow wanted to ask about how she knows about his ability to turn into a Crow.. but he decided not too considering that she is a 70 year old Maiden, she probably can sense him when he is perched on a tree or some shit. "Yeah..."

"Tell the old Bastard that he doesn't need to search for the next Fall Maiden.. I already trained her for the past 5 years to shoulder the burden of being one..."

Both Miles and Qrows eyes widen, Miles because he didn't think about what would happen when a Maiden dies cause he is too focused at the fact that Anbar is going to die and Qrow because he didn't expect that Anbar had already prepare a replacement.

Hopefully she would tell them about where the new Maiden will be.

"So.. where is she then?" Qrow asked her in which it resulted in both Miles and Anbar glaring at him.

"Fuck off, kid.. I ain't gonna tell you who she is or where she is... I won't turn her into a prisoner.." she then look back to the campfire. "Because that is what I am.. a prisoner to Ozpin.. before enough say shit, I know.. I know that Ozpin meant well.. but it is still wrong at the same time.. you can't turn someone into a glorified Prisoner just because she is a Maiden." She then sigh. "So no.. I'm not telling you anything.... she's strong enough to fight any one who is trying to hunt her.. and she promised me to use the power as sparingly as possible.."

"Well.. its worth a shot.." Qrow grumbled to himself.

Miles then reach out to hold her hand. "... when?"

"In a few more minutes Miles.. I already drank the potion 10 minutes before you came here.." she then hold Miles's hand tighter. "I miss him, Miles... god.. I love him so much that it hurts thinking about him..." she then start to cry and it's not Miles turn to hug her tight and hold her.

"Anbar.. I never seen him as happy as he was when he was with you... he love you too, Anbar..." Miles revealed to Anbar and she cried harder.

"Oh, John.. you stupid Bastard.. why did you had to leave me!?" She tightened her hold on Miles. "I love you! I fucking love you! And you just had to leave me! Why is it you! Why!"

Miles continue to hold her until she calm down.

"Thank you, Miles... Thank you... John would had been proud for you.." she then kissed his forehead before her body start to glow orange and flakes away until her body slowly dissapeared like golden dust in the winds leaving Miles and Qrow alone on the campfire.


"..... Lancel.. can you help me with delivering this to Ozma?" A blond young man asked his dearest friend for help as he look over some papers on his table.

"You do not need to ask, My king, I will do as you orders." A purple haired man walked to his king and take the papers. "Consider it done.."

When Lancel open the door to deliver a paper, back away a few steps cause a brown haired missile had launched herself into him. "Your highness!?"

The brown haired missile turns out to be a 11 year old girl. "Lancel!? I didn't know it was you! Where is he!?" She then get off him and start to Bounce on her feet which resulted in Lancel letting out a soft chuckled.

"Well your highness, if you were to look behind me.. you would see that his Majesty is behind me." He then step to the side revealing the king looking at them with a small.

"Hello there."

"There you are!" The brown haired girl then run up to him and jumped over the table before she crashed onto his body making him fall of the chair.

"Ouch!" She exclaimed dramatically as if the king hadn't caught her and made sure that its his body that hit the ground.

"That hurt!" She start to pummel her fist at his chest.

"Okay... okay.. my fault.." he then carry her and stand up, but just as he tried to put her down on the floor, she shakes her head and start to squirm.

"No! I want you to carry me!" She then squels in excitement when follow her request and princess carry her.

"Is this okay, fall?" The young man asked her as he walked to the balcony with her in his arms.

"Hey... I heard that you are planning to get married soon." She pouted at him which resulted in him chuckling.

"Yeah.. I guess I am.. and why are you pouting? I thought you would be happy?" He asked her and she answers him by shaking her head.

"No! Why would I be happy that my big brother will marry some strange princess from god knows where?!" She pout even harder.

"Some strange princess? Well.. i guess I should tell her that next time you practice magic with her then... let's see what she have to say then..." He revealed a hint to her in which she instantly locked onto and after a few seconds her eyes lit up with magic as elemental flare lit up on the corner of her eyes.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! You're marrying her!? The Witch of the tower herself!?" And when he nodded she got extremely excited.

"YAY! My brother is marrying the strongest Witch in the world! Wooo!" after a few second she calm down and look up at him nervously.

"You... you won't leave me or the others right?" She asked him softly as if she fears what his answer would be.

"No... of course not.. why would you think like that? I would never leave you.. all 4 of you are my little sisters.. mom and dad promised me to never leave you girls." He then chuckled. "And you know me.. whenever I give my word?"

"You would never take it back..." she continue it for him.

"Have I ever tell you about how much I love all of you?" He asked her and kissed her forehead.

"Of course! You practically tell that to us everyday!"

"Well I didn't think I say it enough then!" He then hummed and look onto his kingdom. "I also love all of them too you know.. each one of them.. they are my people.. my love... my banner will protect them.. my sword with fight for them.. and my scabbard will be their safe haven.."

Fall nodded and look out at the view of their kingdom. "I know.... all of them know that you are the best king they could had ever asked for.. and you're the best big brother I could ask for... Jaune."











Jaune wake up with a gasp as it feels like his heart had been stabbed.

"*GASP* what is happening!?" He grit his teeth as his hold his chest in pain and roll out of the bed and fall to the floor.

He then tried to manually activate his Aura and it activated but it doesn't help with the pain.

His heart Hurts so much that he want to cry out in pain! Someone is dying! He doesn't know who but someone is dying! And it's hurting him!

"It hurts.. my heart... it hurts... help.. Mordred..."

















[AN: THERE! I DROPPED MY LONGEST CHAPTER YET AT 4K+ and also dropped some big big lore at the end... by the way, as for why Anbar body Flakes away into golden dust? Well isn't that what happened whenever a Maiden dies? It did happened whith phyrra... Well if I get that wrong then just accept it cause this is an AU... also love all of you for reading my story! And JOIN MY PATREON AT PATREON.COM/ ZANENINJACAT and fucking give me comments and review, I love having interaction with my readers! ]