
[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars.]









It's been a day since Miles had to go away for his mission when Luna got a call from him early in the morning about how he is going home today.

She... she should be happy that Miles is coming Home Early... she should.. but she couldn't bring herself to be happy when she heard his voice.. the last time his voice sounded like that was 2 nights ago when he revealed to her about the real reason of why he stopped Jaune's Training.

She have a big feeling that she would had to arrange another family trip to try and cheer up Miles... yesterday picnic trip was supposed to cheer up Miles but unfortunately Ozpin is being a bastard and just had to Ruin her Plan..

Why does he need Miles to search for a missing Maiden for? Doesn't he have his own people to do that? Miles May be close to Anbar but it's almost been 17 years since they last saw each other, Miles wouldn't magically know about where Anbar would be just because they were close years ago.

"*sigh*" Luna let out a sigh before she pick up her scroll and open it to see today's date cause she want to arrange a trip to the beach to take Miles Mind off whatever had happened on his mission.

When she look at today's date, her eyes widen before she put the scroll down. ".... that explains a lot of things.." what it explain you may ask? Today is John's Death anniversary.. Miles is always.. Depressed at this time of the year.. not that she can blame him, having to hold onto your father as he die could make anyone depressed.

She should know that there is something more going on when Miles stopped Jaune's training but now it's in the past... if she can slap her past self than she would..

Thankfully After that day, Jaune never bring up anything about becoming a hunter again... when usually that was all he would ever talk about.. how he want to be a great hunter just like his dad.. and his dad's dad.. which doesn't help with Miles trauma.

She herself can attest that after the death of his father, It took Miles about 7 to 8 months before he got a little better.. and that is only because of Artoria being born and he had to slap himself awake because he now have another child to take care of.

As for Saphron? Well in those months that he was depressed, He tried his best with Saphron.. but she can tell that he isn't his usual self.. thankfully by the time that she was pregnant with Mordred.. he had come back to his usual self.

So... planning on arranging a trip.. how would she do that today? She probably gonna look at the schedule of her kids first, Saphron most importantly.... she doesn't want Saphron to failed an exam because the day that she was out of school was the day where an exam took place or an important subject was being distribute by the teachers, yesterday Luna was Lucky because Saphron's school was flooded cause one of the student there had pulled the fire alarm and unfortunately broke most of the appliance there, they give the students a day off.

She open her scroll again and look at the day and thankfully, it is Thursday... Miles probably need a whole day to relax at home after this mission and on Saturday they can go to the beach.

Speaking of beaches... the kids thankfully also love swimming... well not Mordred..... if it's snorkeling then she can do it, but if she is floating ontop of the water and the wave is slightly too strong for her? Well the whole ocean gonna be in range from what Mordred like to call.. her 'splash zone'.

She wonder how Mordred would fare in her future career as a hunter... she gotta fight on a vehicle some day, Luna herself had experienced fighting ontop of a moving vehicle.

Well now the she thinks about it, Mordred could probably win that kind of fight by vomiting on the grimms.

Speaking of grimms, it's been a while since she last saw any.. I think the last time she saw a grimm was almost a half decade ago when mountain Glenn fell and she had to volunteer as a healer...

It was the first and hopefully the last time she had seen so many corpses left behind.m that is a tragedy.. a massacre.. no other word to say about it.

She had used her Semblance hundreds of times and had depleted her Aura at least more than a dozen in the span of 5 days.. 5 days of running with only caffeine or energy drinks.

Thankfully Saphron and Artoria was old enough to take care of their siblings and the people in the town was kind enough to help the kids with anything they needed... she have a feelings it was Jaune's doing.. cause from what she knows.. out of all of her children, the only one who help around the town is only Jaune and Mordred if he dragged her.

Luna once asked him about why does he do what he had done... because they are basically strangers to him and he was a child.. shouldn't he be playing video games with Mordred or Play with his friends?


Luna watch from the porch as her Husband mow the lawn and the rest of the children are playing with each other or just simply minding their own business.

"Saphron.. where is your brother?" She asked Saphron who is currently also on the porch snacking on some fruits.

"Jaune? The last time I saw him was an 2 hour ago.. he was with Artoria.." Saphron replied back to her Mother. "Is there something wrong?"

Luna shakes her head. "No.. there isn't anything wrong... I'm just looking for your brother.. that's all.." she then roam her eyes and look for Artoria until she found her who is currently looking over her younger sisters as they play near a tree.

"Artoria! Come here for a second!" She call out to her and Artoria nodded at her before she say something to Jeanne and the twins and walk up to her.

"What is it, mother?" Artoria asked her in her usual disclipine personality (which Luna have no Idea where it came from.. maybe its from her parents? Cause neither Miles or his parents are disclipine.. but she couldn't say for sure if Atoria's personality comes from Luna's parents considering that she is an orphan..) while tilting her head to the side and Luna would say the the strand of hair that jutted out of her head is really cute.. she sometimes wonder about the reason of why does it sometimes twitches, it could be because her control over her Aura isn't up to par... well she can chalked it up as one of the wonder of the world..

She shakes her head to clear her thoughts away before she look back to Artoria. "Had you seen your brother?"

Artoria's lone strand of hair twitches and before she shakes her head. "No..."

"When was the last time you had seen him." She inquire her own daughter.

"Jaune was with Mordred 2 hours ago after he talked to me asking if I want to join him to go to town." Artoria answered her in which it made Luna let out a sigh.

"That child of mine... well if you sees him later, can you tell your little brother that I want to talk to him about something?" Artoria nodded at her before she walks back to Jeanne and the twins.

3 hours had passed and just right before she starts to make dinner, She can hear the sound of Mordred talking Loudly. And if Mordred is there then there is a good chance that Jaune is also there.

She don't know how but for the past year, Jaune and Mordred had been really close with each other.

Not that she is complaining, their personality bounce of each other really well.

When Jaune and Mordred come to the kitchen, Mordred whispered something to Jaune before he nodded and she then go upstairs to her room most likely.

"Mom! I Artoria told me that you were looking for me!" Jaune smiled Brightly and jogged to her.

"I guess I was." She pondered coyly. "And why would a mother is searching for the whereabouts of her son? I wonder why?" She smirked before she ruffles Jaune's hair.

"Come on, let's help me make dinner for you and the others." She doesn't exactly need Jaune's help.. but its a good way for her and her son to bond with each other, it's also help that suprisingly.. Jaune is responsible enough for her to trust him to not cut his own hands off.. not that she let him use a knife, he usually helps with mixing stuff and things that doesn't involve any blades or fire..

As they both are making dinner, Luna looks at Jaune before she open her mouth to ask him somethings.

"Jaune.. you never told me why you always helps around the town? You do know that you don't need to do that right?" She glanced at him and sees that he is still smiling as usual.

"Why? Well.. I... I always have this... feelings in my heart like I want to help them.. like its.. like I must do it.. and I enjoy it too..." he then let out a hummed. "And I guess.. strangers are just friends you haven't met yet, right?"


"strangers are just friends you haven't meet yet... that's child of mine is something special... he would be a Heartbreakers when he grows up, that I can bet on." She let out a chuckle before she get off her bed planning go to the kithen and prepare breakfast before the kids wake up.

But she wouldn't say no to Jaune if he wants to help her, nowadays if she were to be sick or is away (which is never, she couldn't go away for a day or two without being worried about her kids) she could trust Jaune to make the meals with a bit of help from Saphron.

When she arrives at the kitchen, she starts to take out a couple boxes of pancake mix, eggs, bacon cause Mordred loves them.. its not an elaborate breakfast, but it'll make do and also it's not like any of her children is a picky eater... thank God for that cause if all 8 (7) of her children eater then she doesn't know if she could survive.. imagine making 8 (7) different meals each time food is served.

After 20 minutes a Saphron had come down with Olivia and walk up to her.

"Mom..." Saphron let out a yawn. "Good morning mom." She Greet her mother and put Olivia down on her chair. "Good morning mama.."

"Good Morning to you too, Saphron, Olivia.." she then start to plate the food on the table as the rest of her children trickled in with a good morning of their own.. except for Jaune.. which is weird..

It's weird enough that he didn't come down and helped her.. and it's weirder that he isn't here now to eat.....

Well Maybe he is just tired, which is understandable. Yesterday at the park, Jaune had played anything that her daughters had asked him to play, from freeze tag to even climbing a tree cause Noir kicked a ball way to hard and get it stuck up there.

As the rest of her kids starts to eat, Jeanne look around before she look at Luna. "Mom, did Jaune already ate? Why isn't he here?"

Luna shakes her head no. "No, I have a feeling that maybe Jaune is a little tired from Yesterday, How about one of you wake him up?"

Mordred who is silent the whole time quickly shovel a few piece of bacon into her mouth before she stands up. "Don't worry mom, I'll drag his ass back here." She then leave before any of them could reply back to her.

When Mordred goes upstairs and reach Jaune's door, she doesn't even bother to knock because his room is basically her room now with how many times she had come and stay until late at night to get tutored by Jaune.. which she hate.. She's the big sister for fuck sake.. its supposed to be the other way round.

When she get inside his room, it took everything she had to stop herself screaming for their mother because Jaune curled is on the floor with sweat all over his body and is holding onto his chest in pain.










[AN: BTW sorry that I didn't upload yesterday, I was too tired from work and had to take a day off from writing! BTW you guys could check up on my patreon for general news too because I made sure to tell some news there completely for free! Also check out my patreon cause I'm conducting a vote/suggestion on which name would be good for Jaune fake name for the next Arc!

You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars.]