Chap 33.

[You could read up to 10 chapter in advance if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars. Btw the chapter that i just uploaded at my Patreon which is Chapter 43.. Jaune had done something pretry gruesome to a couple of guys.. like trumatic brain injury kind of gruesome and Jaune couldn't care less if they Survive or not... so go join my patreon if you guys wanna read the newest chapter in which Jaune give a couple of guys a brain injuries. ]









"Jaune!" Mordred run up to Jaune's curled body and picked him up.

"Shit! We gotta go to mom!" Right now Mordred is panicking like hell, because she never seen Jaune this hurt before! Not even injuries that he got when he unlocked his Aura had managed to make him this in pain!

But before she can take a step to the door, She stopped as she hear Jaune soft pained whisper.

"Mordred... no... not.. mom...." it took a lot of Jaune's strength to even whispered those words..

Mordred turn her head to Jaune and glared at him. "The fuck do you meant by not mom!? You're fucking hurting you stupid blonde fuck!"

She thinks that Jaune is being ridiculous now, cause what he need is mom to heal him from whatever the fuck is causing him pain.

Jaune shakes his head at her. "No... Aura.. don't.. work..." As if to prove a point, he activated his Aura.

'The fuck does he meant by Aura is not working? If Aura doesn't work then Mom's Semblance won't work either! Shit! From what Jaune told me years ago, Mom's Semblance works by pushing her Aura into another person body and using her Aura to heal the person, the effect of her Aura heal could be said to be 10 times better than if you use your own Aura, she could even reattach a limb depending on how long it had been detached for! So how the fuck does he meant by Aura is not working!?' Mordred right now is even more panicked then before, cause if Aura really does not work.. then what will!?

Mordred then slowly and gently put Jaune ontop of his bed. "Shit... what the fuck happened Jaune..."

Her eyes then widen as she remember something. "Had you used your Aura thingy!? The one that you used before you used Reinforcement?!" How the fuck does she forgot about that technique thingy!? That should give answers about what happened to Jaune, and maybe that's why Jaune doesn't want Mom to heal him.. its cause he already know the Cause for all of this shit.

"Yeah.... Stru... structural.. Analysis.." Jaune let out a tired breath. "Water.... on.. table..."

Mordred quickly grab the glass of water ontop of his table, it's probably for whenever he is thirsty mate at night and are too lazy to go down and get himself one.. that's fucking smart.

"Here, drink it.. after that you're telling me about what you find out." She then gently lift Jaune's head and slowly tip the glass into his mouth until he finished it.

"Now fess up, or I'm putting you in a chokehold." She glared at him not out of anger but out of worry cause who can blame her.. imagine you are trying to just wake up your brother from breakfast and found him curled up on the ground holding his chest in pain... the same brother that can fake not having a broken arm at 9 fucking years old...

"I... there... there is nothing... nothing is wrong..." Jaune's Answers suprised her by a fuck ton cause what did he meant by nothing? This is clearly not nothing..

"Jaune.. you better explain before I throw you out of the window..." Mordred can feel her hand shaking.. not iut of anger.. but out of fear... she doesn't like seeing Jaune like this... 'stop shaking you stupid fuck, don't let him see you scared, you're supposed to be strong! Not weak! Stop fuck8ng shaking!'

No matter how hard she try to stop shaking, she can't, her body just won't do as she told.

'Please god dammit! Stop it!' Her eyes starts to glisten with tears which Jaune Quickly noticed.

"Mordred..." Jaune softly Called out and Mordred body stiffen. "Don't.... cry..."

Mordred want to shout to Jaune that she isn't crying but all that came out of her is a chocked whimpers.

Jaune seeing his sister crying, couldn't just lay down anymore. He then tried his best to sit up. "Come here... its okay..."

Mordred's wall starts to crumble before she shot herself at Jaune and hug him. "I thought you were dying you asshole!" She start to cry on his shoulders. "You weren't this hurt back then! What the fuck happened?! Did you go out alone again!? Why didn't you tell me!?"

While she cried even harder on his shoulder, Jaune's heart felt like it's going to break on two.

He doesn't know if it's just his imagination but his heart hurt even more when he sees Mordred Crying... he always hated it whenever he made Mordred Cried.. and he had make her cried more time than he want to.. the last time she cried like this was when they had their first fight after he had unlocked his Aura..

But this time it's not his fault, he didn't do anything dangerous last night.. he didn't even trained last night cause he was studying... he doesn't know what to say to Mordred other than that he really didn't do anything and that he doesn't even know what had happened to him.

"Shh.. shh.. its okay Mordred.." he pat his back. "And I promise you Mordred.. I didn't go out last night.. all I had done was have a little study lessons.. and that's it.."

She let out a sniffle and pull back from Jaune. "Then how? You're hurt Jaune.. so how?"

Jaune let out a sigh before he shakes his head. "I... I don't know.. I woke up after having a weird dream.. and suddenly my heart feels like it's being stabbed..."

Mordred tilt her head at him. "Another weird dream? Is it the same like the one you told me about?" Jaune had told her about his weird dream. "The blonde girl and the brown haired man?" She then wipes the tear away from her eyes.

Jaune nodded. "Yeah.... but this one is a bit different.. in the dream I was talking to a purple haired man who also used a purple colored armor.. and there was this girl... I couldn't remember her name because I was too busy on the ground in pain.. but she jumped at me.. and I don't know why.. I know that she said my name.. after that I immediately woke up and my heart feels like it's been stabbed."

"..... that's weird... you got any... inkling on why? Not why you have those weird ass dreams.. all dreams are weird, last night I was dreaming of.. something..." she had dreamt becoming a seal and was swimming in the ocean. "Yeah.. something indeed... but what I meant is that do you have any hunch on why your heart feels like that?"

Jaune nodded. "Yeah... I don't know how or why... but I know that someone had died.. that's why it hurts me.. don't know who... but someone that died.."

"Shit... you sure?" Jaune nodded at her. "Well double shit.. then."

"So... why were you here?" Jaune asked her cause frankly.. he is too tired to ask any other questions..

"Well.. mom asked me to wake you up for breakfast.. damn.. now that I think about it.. this is basically what happened back then too when I found you the morning you unlocked your Aura.. but this time it's your heart that got hurt, not your whole body." Mordred let out a chuckle.

"Can you stand? Or do I need to tell to mom that you're just sleepy?" She stand up and look at him.

Jaune shakes his head. "No.. no need.. I'll go down and eat breakfast.. you being here made it hurt less..." Jaune then let out a tired sigh before he try his best to stand up, it's a little wobbly but he is indeed standing up. "Come on, let's not worry the others."

Mordred got a tick mark on her Forehead. "... if you're not hurt, I would had smacked you on the back of your head for scaring me.. I thought you were dying you dumbass.."










[AN: Sorry for the shorter chapter, I was sick again when I wrote this.. vomit and all that.. but the next chapter should be longer with the usual length of 2k-3k+]