Breakfast was.. painful for Mordred to watch... cause even if he didn't scream out in pain.. Mordred Knows that Jaune is fucking hurting right now.
Thankfully by the time Mordred and Jaune arrive at the kitchen, Most of them had almost finished eating their food, so it meant that Jaune only need to eat for a few minutes to fill his stomach just enough to not worry the others.
'This kid...' Mordred shakes her head as she take a Bute out of her bacon when she hears Jeanne talks to their mother.
"So mom, did Dad tell you about when he would get back?" She asked her mother while she drink a glass of apple juice.
Their mother nodded and answered her. "Yeah, he told me that he would be back today.. so most likely he'll be back at noon at the latest."
Saphron raised an eyebrow at her mother in slight suprised, even Mordred is slightly suprised at this turn of event, cause how? Whenever their father goes on to an emergency mission like this.. it would take at least a few days before he comes back home.
It's not even a full 24 hours before their mother got the news that their father would be back, this is weird..
"Did... did dad got injured?" Saphron ask Luna and even then she couldn't try to believe that words that came out of her mouth.. Miles being injured? That's.. that's almost impossible to think off.. in her eyes and she would also bet money that in her siblings eyes too that their father is as close as invincible as people could get.
He is an S rank hunter... Saphron doesn't even think that anyone could beat her Father let alone injure him.... well She's not stupid enough to think that her father is immortal.. but with his large Aura reserve,experience and skills? It would take a lot to kill him.
Before any of her other children could chime in, Luna answered her. "No.. he isn't hurt.. its just that he got lucky and managed to finish his mission really fast... no need to worry about your father, children.. he is just find."
"YAY! DAD'S COMING HOME!" Noir shouted in excitement and the rest of the childrens also say some words of agreement, well except from Jaune and Mordred of course.. Jaune cause he is still trying to not show any sign of hurting and Mordred cause She's busy shoveling food into her mouth.
Well thank God for that nothing bad happened to Miles cause if Mordred found out that Miles was injured, God knows what she would do... probably egged him on and say about how if he didn't stop Jaune's training then he wouldn't get hurt.
She's petty like that and isn't ashamed for it, in her mind it's Miles fault for her pettiness.
But... under all of the sharp... prickly... venomous.. burning... interior.. Mordred still care... well she would care more about Jaune that Miles obviously, but she still cared in her own ways.. Miles is still her father for God's sake, as much as she is angry at him, she can't just completely Hate her father..
But if she had to choose between saving Jaune's life or her father's? She would choose to save Jaune every single time.. Jaune is her Little brother.. she won't abandoned him for anything in the world, even if the world decided to some day hunt Jaune? Then she will be by his side and fight everyone if she have too.
What can she say except that she is the Great Mordred Arc, Destroyer of bacon and kicker of asses..
"Mom! After we eat, Jaune and I are going out. We planned to do some shits okay?" Mordred tell her mother about that even though she never made any plans to go out today.
Jeanne raised an eyebrow at Mordred. "Where are you going?" She asked Mordred buy it only managed to make Mordred angry.
"Its none of your fucking business you blonde fucktard!" She slam her hand and point at Jeanne.
"Mordred... you're blonde too." Saphron remind Mordred which made Mordred's mouth start to bubble like a rabid dog.
"The fuck did you say to me you nerdy shit!? You wanna fight?!"
As the table turn into Chaos, Jaune is on his seat just trying to endure the pain but is also extremely fucking confused cause.... what plans? Did he planned to go out today with Mordred? Did he forgot about it? Is this a side effect from whatever happened to my heart?! What is happening!? Did I got amnesia?! Oh no!
While Jaune is wallowing in his own despair, Mordred let out a tired breath after having a shouting match which she totally win. (Nah, she lost.. Luna told her to be quiet.)
She then look at Jaune and sees his plate is empty so she take this chance to stand up and grab his hand. "We're leaving! We'll be back before dinner!"
When worried Mordred and the confused Jaune are out of the house and are out of sight from anyone, Mordred then kneel on the ground and give Jaune her back. "Come on, get on." She then motion Jaune to hurry up and get on her back cause the others could come and asked them at any moment if they become curious enough and follow them.
Jaune look at her in silence for a few moments before he let out a chuckled. "A piggy back ride? Why?"
"Bitch, just shut the fuck up, I don't want you to keel over and die." She grumbled. "Just fucking get on!"
Jaune wanted to laugh but his heart hurt too much for it so he just plopped down on her back and let her carry him.
"Just... just don't fucking move.. so you don't hurt your stupid ass heart, okay?" She tell Jaune and she can feel him nodding onto her shoulder.
As they walk to the forest she can feel Jaune shakes a little. "You okay?" Cause if he didn't.. shit.. she don't know what to do.. Aura don't work on whatever the fuck is hurting him.. why can't this just happen to her and not him? She hate knowing that Jaune is hurting and she can't do anything..
"It... it hurt a little." Jaune answers her but Mordred know that is bullshit.. hurts a little? Jaune broke his arm and faked it not being broken for 2 whole weeks until it heals in a household with a retired hunter/healer and a rank S hunter.. she won't be suprised if the pain is enough to make her bedridden..
She want to call out to him playing down his pain.. but she knows that he just want her to not get worry about him... fuck.. he really is the sweetest brother she could had ever asked for..
"Just... just tell me if it hurt too much okay? I'll stop and let you rest and take a few breaths... shit..." she wanted to cry again now but she won't cry again in front of him.. she won't let him see her weak again.. she won't.. her eyes start to glisten with tears.. shit...
"Mordred...." he called out to her and she turn her head a little to see his face.
"Yeah?" Whatever he is trying to say to her, Mordred will do her best to listen to it.
"Did.. did we really planned to go out today? If so then I'm sorry.. I think I forgot about it..." Jaune whispered to her and she can feel her heartbreaks at the tone of his voice.
Fuck... is this what's eating him up? Not the fact that he is in pain but at the fact that she told their mother that they Noth planned to go out today?
"Jaune.." she called out to him. "That was a lie that I told mom... I want you to not fake being not in pain.. but you can't do that while you're in the house... the others will either ask your help for something or the brats want to play with you."
"Oh..... I really thought I forgot one of my promises to you...." he tell her softly and fuck... he may try to hide it again but shit.. she can hear the pain in his voice.
"Come on, save your breath.. wait until we reach the spot before you talk again.... that's an order from the great Mordred Arc..." she ordered him and continue to walk through the forest.
As they walk through the forest, Mordred can feels Jaune's faint breath on her ear... she'll do anything to take away his pain, God dammit!
"Mordred.." Jaune called out to her again.
"Yeah?" She answered him as tears wetten her eyes again.
"Thank you...." she can feel the sincerity in his voice and it only hurt her heart more.
"No Need to thank me Jaune... I'm... I'm just doing what I was supposed to do.. as.. as your... *sniffle* Big sister..." she starts to sniffles.
"Come on... just wait for 20 more minutes.. we'll reach the spot soon." She tell him because she doesn't know what to do anymore... this isn't something she can fight.. that's what she know what to do best.. fight.. but fighting is useless now...
After 20 minutes she finally reach the spot. "Shit... you sure you're okay if you got wet a little, Jaune?"
When she feel Jaune nod, Mordred then Jump straight through the waterfall and land on the cave entrance.
"Wait a second Jaune, let me make it more comfortable." Mordred gently put Jaune down beside a rock before she quickly grab some of the spare clothes that they stored here and roll it up into a makeshift pillow and put it next to Jaune.
She then grab Jaune's body and lay him down on the ground. "You're comfortable?"
"Yeah... thank you.. again..." Jaune let out a tired sigh because his heart hurt so much.. the pain is slowly decreasing but it still feels like his heart is being stabbed by knives.
"We'll stay here for as long as you need, Jaune.. I told mom to expect us to come home before dinner.. we still got like.. 10 more hours?" Mordred then sit next to Jaune and hold his hand. "For now.. just sleep Again Jaune.. I'll be here.. don't worry.."
Jaune nodded and close his eyes, but after a few minutes of silence. Jaune open his mouth again.
"I'll... I'll miss you so much, Mordred..." he tighten his grip on her hand.
"Hey Jaune.. I'll miss you too, you dumbass.. but don't worry.. after you graduate from Shade, you can team up with me!" She smiled at him and trying to not let him see just how much it'll hurt her when he leave in 2 months. "We can be the Arc Duo! It'll just be the two of us! And with us being pro hunter, no one can say shit to us! We'll just kick their asses and take names!" Oh God.. just how much it hurt her heart to know that Jaune had to run away to pursue his dream.
Right now Mordred want to curse their father and just say a lot of not good shit about him in front of Jaune... but she can't.. she knows that Jaune don't like it that she is angry at their father.
But who could blame her!? Their father is a stupid asshole who only think about what he wants! What about Jaune?! What about what he wants!? Does he have no right?!
If their father didn't basically make sure that Jaune won't get a chance to join Beacon.. she would at least have 2 year with Jaune with beacon cause she'll be in her 3rd or 4th year.. and if Jaune got into beacon a year early? Well they could get 3 years!
But that blonde fucker just had to Ruin it....
"Yeah..... we'll be the best... isn't that right Mordred? But what about your teammates?" Jaune asked her which is some good damn question.. what about her teammates? Well fortunately Mordred got the right Anwer for that.
"What about them? Who the fuck cares about them? I'll be so strong that I don't need them.. it'll just be us two against the world Jaune... you're the only one I trust with my back Jaune...." she answered him with her chin raised up high cause why would she trust some God damn strangers to watch her back?
Cause she know damn well that the only person she can trust is Jaune.. and she knows that Jaune trust her with his back too... she couldn't help but be really happy that day years ago, she decided to drag Jaune and train him in secret only to find out that he had been doing it in secret too before she even drag him.
"Thank you Mordred..... thank you..."
"Hey! The fuck did I say about you thanking me huh?! Do I need to repeat myself and say that I'm only doing what i do cause it's my job as your best big sister? Hey, fuck that! I am the best sister in the whole world Jaune! Me! The great Mordred Arc." She pound her fist onto her chest and it manages to make Jaune laugh softly.
"Yeah... you're the best, Mordred.... the best I could had ever asked for...."
[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars.
And oh yeah, I already posted the newest chapter which is chapter 44 on my patreon and let me tell you this... the next couple of Arc will be action packed.. and I meant action packed.. a lot of fight scenes because I had made the first Arc which Is this Arc to be a little slow paced and slice of life to give Jaune some character and his relationship with his family... that's why Join my patreon if you guys want to read 10 chapters in advance! Love you all! And give me more comments and review! And also powerstone! Remember 150 powerstones meant that I'll upload a bonus chapter!]