It's about 3 in the evening when Miles finally reach the front door of his home.
"Come on Miles.... you can talk about your problems later... now.. just act normal.. you don't want to worry your children with your problems..." he let out a sigh and rest his forehead on the door.
"Pull yourself Together Miles... don't let them sees anything wrong you stupid Bastard...." he then pull away from the door and raised his fist.
"Here goes nothing." Miles then start to knock the door loud enough for at least one of his children to hear it... Miles secretly Hope that it is Luna that will open the door... but he's not stupid enough to think like that...
After a few more seconds, he knock the door again before he hear the sound of footsteps coming from the door.
When the door opened, it reveal that it was Saphron who had answered his knocking. "Dad... You're back.." He then take a step back as Saphron hugged her. "You're okay? Mom said that you got lucky that the missions finished fast... but you don't look okay."
Shit... he need to put on his stoic mask much better that it currently is.. its bad enough that Saphron is the one who suspected that something is eating up his mind... but at least it wasn't Noir.. he don't think that he could handle her crying right now...
"Everything is okay...." Come on Miles.. think up of some excuses.. don't let her suspect any more shit.
"Its just that.. I just remember that today is... your grandpa's...." His words made his daughter's eyes widen before she hugged him tighter.
"I'm sorry dad... I forgot that today is grandpa's anniversary..." her voice is muffled because her face is on his chest and he pat her back.
"Its okay... its not like your mom or I put it on the calender now did we?" He tried to joke and thankfully it managed to bring out a chuckle out of his oldest child.
Out of all of his children, Saphron is the only one who had ever met John.... she have a couple of years worth of memories about her grandpa.. he wonder sometimes about if she even remember her time with her grandpa.
If she did then how much does she remember? But he won't blame her if she forgot about it.. he himself can't remember about what had he had seen when he was only 2 years old, so he won't blame her if she forgot about her grandpa.. its only expected.. its been so long ago...
"Come on, let's go inside.. you can tell me all about your trip to the park yesterday."
Saphron then nodded before they walk inside.
"Well yesterday at the park, it was pretty fun.. Mordred was holding her vomit on the car ride and Jaune had to Massage her!" Miles's heart feels like something had Stab it at the mention of Jaune but he stays silent, letting his Oldest child talks about their day yesterday as she guides him to the living room.
"Poor Jaune had to be left behind because he is busy helping Mordred vomit her guts out when we finally arrived at the park... I think the trashcan was full of her vomit by the end of it..." Saphron chuckled and they reach the living room where Luna is folding some Laundry.
"Mom, Dad's home." Saphron told Luna as Miles walk to Luna and hug her.
"You're Home dear..." she pat his back and whispered in his ear. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Miles shakes his head before he whispered back to her. "Not now... we can talk about it later..." he then tighten his hug on her before he pull away.
"Where's the others?" He asked Luna before he sit on the couch.
Saphron was the one who answered him while Luna continue to fold the Laundry. "Well Jeanne is sleeping with Olivia in her room.. Noir was with Blancheur, I think they are playing? I don't know for sure, dad... you know what kind of weird games Noir always comes up with..."
"What about Mordred and... Jaune?" He asked Saphron because he really need to ask Mordred a few things about Jaune.. he want to go out with Jaune today but it's pretty late in the evenings for them to spend enough quality time together...
It is now Luna that answered him. "Mordred and Jaune is out like usual.. you know those two.. basically bonded at the hips... if I didn't know any better, I would say that They both are twins.." Luna let out a chuckle and Saphron nodded.
"Yeah, at breakfast Mordred told mom that she and Jaune had some plans for them today." While Saphron told him that, Miles starts to help Luna with the Laundry by folding it too.
"Well, I'm going to my room okay? See ya." Saphron announce to her parents before she walk to the stairs and go up to her room
After a couple seconds of silence, Miles look up at Luna and asked her a question about Jaune and Mordred.
"Do they say about where they are going? Any location?" Cause if they do tell about where they are going, Miles wanted too pick them up... he have a lot to make up for and he thinks that picking Jaune and Mordred up from where they are could be a good start to try and fix his relationship with them... especially Jaune... he need to do so much good for that boy... he doesn't deserve a son like Jaune.. Jaune deserve a much better father than What he have now.
Luna as if sensing Miles being lost in his thoughts, she put her hand on his knee and lightly shake it. "Hey.. get out of that spiral you're slipping on, Miles... I lived with you longer that I had been living without you... I know what you're thinking now.. and yes.. you fucked up big time.. but you're trying to fix it right?" She asked him and Miles feels stupid because of course she would know about what is going on in his minds...
"Yeah.. I'm trying to fix it.. but I don't know if I am good enough to fix it, Luna..." he let out a sigh and palm his face. ".. he deserve better than me Luna.. my dad would kill me if he know about what I did." His mask crumpled at the presence of his wife.. because why wouldn't it crumple? His wife is the only one he could truly be himself with... She's the only one who knows him at his worst.. and at his best.
He sometimes felt that he is the luckiest man alive to had met her in beacon.. because he don't think that any other woman would be the one other than her..
Luna let out a chuckled. "Does Jaune deserve a better father rather than the one you had been for him? Yes.. he does..." her words cut him deep but he knows what She's about to do.. she always does this.. first she break a person down and she brings them up...
"So... be the father that Jaune deserve then... I know what you're about to think and I agree with you... Jaune wanted you to train him again.. he may not say it... or even hint it... but I gave birth to that boy myself, Miles... the closest to him now maybe Mordred... but I am the one who hold him in my arms first, Miles..." Luna then squeezes his thigh.
"...you know that I can't do that, Luna....." he let out another tired sigh. "I can't train him..."
"But you can Train your daughter?" Luna raised an eyebrow and indeed.. it is one of the thing that baffled her the most.. Miles can train his Daughters but not his son.. he is a little too overprotective of Jaune.
"The others.. they.. they can handle the life of a hunter, Luna... even Jeanne as kind as she is, she knows when to stop being kind." He then look at her. "Had you ever seen Jaune being angry? Or not... kind in one way or another? That boy is like.. a God damned ray of sunshine.. he won't be able to handle the life we lead, Luna... he will break if he goes on this path..."
Luna stays silence before she sighs too. "You think I'm blind, Miles? I know that son of ours is too kind.. too loving.. it'll hurt him someday.. but that doesn't meant that you should stop him, Miles... let him learn for himself.. and we'll be there to catch him if he falls.. isn't that what the job of a parent is? To be their children's safety net?" Luna really hoped that she could change his minds.. but.. she knows that it's a futile effort.. Jaune having a too good of a heart of a hunter is not the main problem.. the problem is that.. Jaune remind Miles of his father...
"... you know I can't Luna... you know.." he let out a sigh and rub his face with his palm. "The more Jaune get older.. the more he looks like him... I cannot bury him too, Luna.. please... don't make me do this..."
Luna looks at Miles before she sigh and pat his knee. "Okay.. I won't push you again.. but you need to be a better Father to him... you failed him the most, Miles.."
Luna then pull away before she continues to fold the Laundry.
"As for where are Mordred and Jaune? Well Mordred didn't tell me or any of her sister about where they are going... you know Mordred..." she then let out a soft chuckled and look at Miles. "She takes after you, you know? She's basically a female version at you."
That manage to put a small smile on his face. "Yeah... I guess she do..."
"Sometimes I wonder about just how did Mordred and Jaune become so close? Did you remember about how those two were before.. you know... that day?" She look into his eyes and she then let out a sigh as she sees that her words didn't put down Miles's moods again. "There is never a single day where Mordred or Jaune never go out with only the two of them.. whenever one goes out, the other will go out too.. I wouldn't be suprised if Mordred skipped some of her class to meet up with Jaune..."
"Yeah... back then.. Jaune was basically attached to Saphron's Hips.. he always asked her to dance everyday... but now..." he look at his hands and sigh again... he sometimes thinks that he didn't only manage to took away Jaune's dream to become a hunter.. but also Jaune's love for dancing.. he hadn't seen Jaune dance at all since that day...
Luna continued for Miles. "Now Jaune never danced anymore... I asked Saphron you know.. if Jaune asked her to dance or what not..." she then stay silent before she continue herself. "But Saphron told me that no... She told me that the last time Jaune had danced with her was the day before you... you did what you did..."
"I fucked up.."
"Yes you did..."
"I need to be better."
"That too..."
"Can I get a kiss?" Miles looked up and smirked at Luna which resulted in Luna throwing a shirt at his face.
"No, you dummy." Luna let out an amused smirk.
Luna wanted to ask Miles about what had happened to him on the mission.. but she let her curiosity go for now, she could ask him about it tomorrow after he relax today.... sometimes she wonder about what younger her would think of the present.. the first time Luna and Miles met.. it wasn't pretty to say the least.. Luna had to beat Miles's ass quite a few times because of just how much danger he brings the team into... but slowly and surely.. they both fall in love... well.. that's a thought for another day because today, she got some work to do.
[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars! And BTW.. Jaune may or may not had killed a guy in the newest chapter on my Patreon..]