Chapter 24


Maybe this was another way for the universe to give me another chance. Maybe, with time, I would be able to actually have a better life and forget about my past.

I looked at the bar sadly. When I had nothing, this was the only place where I had true friends who actually comforted me when I felt alone.

Leaving town would mean losing my friends and my life in New York. I had already lost my job here. What was next, getting kicked out of the apartment or losing my friends?

"I want you to think about this carefully, Karliah, because this is the only way I can help you."

I sighed softly.

"And I appreciate that, Jace, but it's just too much to take in, especially after what happened a few hours ago."

"First, Nick comes into my life, and now this opportunity that completely leaves me speechless."

"This is when I'm actually finding out that I had an affair with an engaged man, and going after him just sounds absurd."