When Vexx entered the shop he felt a weird pressure around him. It made him want to leave the place immediately but because Blake and Kamari didn't he just stood still. After standing in the shop for around 1 minute a man and a woman came out from a room on the side. Both had light clothing on and looked at the students in front of them.
When they came out of the room the pressure he felt disappeared and he looked around the shop and saw that there were weapons hanging on the walls. He also noticed the heat coming from the room in the back.
"Hello, What can we do for you today?" the woman said looking at Blake, Vexx and Kamari who stood right in front of the door. Before any of them could answer her question the man started speaking "It's not often we have customers from the academy. Why don't you look around to see if there is something you like."
Blake nodded and started going towards weapons on the wall that looked like some type of dagger. When Vexx looked at them He got a bad feeling and looked at them and asked the system if it could show the strongest dagger on the wall. To his surprise a screen appeared and he saw how the screen had information about the dagger he was looking at.
[Type: Dagger]
[Grade: Basic]
[Stats: +4 Strength]
[Ability: None]
When Vexx looked through the daggers and saw that none of them really stood out to him, he started looking around the room and saw a pair of daggers lying in a bin full with different types of weapons. When he saw the stats he knew that the daggers were good.
[Type: Dagger]
[Grade: Menace]
[Stats: +30% strength +25% Dexterity]
[Ability: Extreme sharpness(Lets the user cut through almost anything cooldown: 3 hours)]
Vexx started walking towards the daggers. When he was close enough to grab them the man started to look towards Vexx instead of Blake who looked like the one to buy something. Vexx took up the daggers and felt like he had gotten a good boost in his stats. When he tried a swing he saw how Blake looked at him and started to smile. "Do you mind if I try them?" he said
When Vexx gave the pair to Blake he saw how he was surprised with the boost in his stats that he got. When looking towards Vexx he asked. "Is it okay if I buy them?" Vexx Looked at him and said "I don't have money for any of these things. I already have a weapon and I think that they suit you better anyway." When Blake had tested them for a while Kamari also wanted to test them. "They are amazing. I can feel how I really have become stronger just holding them.
When they were done with testing them they walked to the counter and asked how much they were. To their surprise they were very cheap. When Blake had paid. And ready to leave Blake saw that Vexx wasn't going with them. "Aren't you coming?" He said. "I will look around a little more and I will come out in a minute. You can go ahead of me." After that Blake and Kamari left, leaving Vexx alone with the couple.
"I have some questions regarding the daggers my friend just bought. Who forged them?" Vexx said confidently. The man then laughed "I knew that you have a good eye for equipment. How did you know their true worth?" The man asked back. Vexx thought about it for a while and then answered. "Just luck. But how did you obtain the materials for the daggers and why did you sell them that cheap?"
When the man heard Vexx answer he shook his head and pointed to the woman who stood next to him. "My wife took down the beasts and I forged the weapons," he answered. "As for why I sold it cheap. I thought it was a fun thing to do. The people who come in here usually only look at the weapons hanging on the wall and therefore I wanted them to be for someone who needed a good weapon. but maybe couldn't afford the weapons on the wall."
Vexx listened and then asked. "If I would come in here with crystal cores would you be able to make me something with it?" The man thought about it for a while and then started to smile. "I usually don't but if you bring me something good i might do it. And you did know the value of the weapon so I think I could do it."
When Vexx heard his decision he stretched out his hand towards him and said "My name is Vexx. It is nice doing business with you." The man shook his hand "My name is sebastian. The pleasure is mine." After that Vexx left and went out to Blake and Kamari thinking that the trip really had been fruitful.
"What did you want to check?" Kamari asked. "There was a sword that looked good but I think my sword is better." Vexx answered and they decided that they should go back and eat lunch at the school cafeteria.
When they came to the school they saw many students fighting. When they had eaten Blake and Kamari had decided to go and fight at the practice fields. "Do you want to come with us?" Kamari asked. I said I already had plans and said maybe next time.
When Vexx was gone he started walking out of the school but what he didn't know was the two girls who were behind him. When Vexx left the school and felt the wind blowing in his face again he thought it was a nice day for some experimenting.
Vexx started to jog towards a forest that they had walked by on their way to the city. After a few minutes of running he stopped and looked around him and all the trees surrounded him so no one would be able to see him if they weren't following him from the beginning.