When he stood in the forest he took off his glove and hoodie.
The thing Vexx wanted to check was if he could see the stat of his own sword and if it was as good as he felt it was.
From nowhere a large sword appeared; it was almost as long as Vexx himself. On the blade there was a snake-like creature wrapping around the blade. With a big black handle. Vexx took the sword and took up the screen so he could see the stats of the sword.
[Type: Sword (Nodachi)]
[Grade: Basic (Evolve)]
[Dark essence 36/100]
[Stats: +25% All stats (Evolve)]
[Ability: Unbreakable (Can't be destroyed or get damaged), Dark slash (It can bend Darkness around it and make a powerful hit) (Evolve)]
Vexx looked at it and felt disappointed at first but when he saw the Evolve next to it. He thought that it would get stronger. Vexx looked at the Dark essence and thought back to when he transferred his shadows to the sword and wondered if it could have something to do with it.
Vexx looked at one of the trees in front of him and decided to see how powerful a Dark slash would be. Vexx took a stance and started sensing the darkness and taking them with his sword to create a slash that cut through the whole tree.
When Vexx saw what had happened he looked at the sword in his hand and started to grin. "This sword is pretty good for being at the basic level." He said to himself. After testing out the sword he decided to summon the werewolfs. When he asked them to come out they all were in human form.
Blake looked at them and remembered that he had only seen Cormac in his human form. When everyone stood there he could see Cormac, One beautiful lady with long black hair. Vexx could figure out that it was Zaphira. But the other two were harder. But for some reason he could sense that the man with long hair was Vorkin while the one with spiky hair was Thorne. Zaphira had a black dress on while the others had some type of suits. The suit was different from the normal suits humans used.
Before he could say anything Cormac sniffed in the air. And looked towards a tree and some bushes while started growling. Before Vexx could do anything Vokin and Zaphira had run off in the direction Cormac was growling in.
The Werewolves transformed mid sprint and got faster and when they were in the bushes they picked up people who were too frozen to do anything. The one who Vorkin held was Someone he instantly could tell was Sky while Zaphira held Naomi.
Vexx looked at them and was quite shocked. "Why were you hiding in a bush?" He asked, trying to calm himself down. "We were curious about why you left alone and we had nothing better to do." Sky answered. "How much did you see?" Vexx asked knowing that they probably had seen everything. "When we were here we saw you standing around with the sword in your hand." Vexx looked at them both and decided to summon the werewolves and just put his clothes on.
"So i will answer three of your questions in return you can't talk about what you had seen today with anyone" Vexx said looking at the two. Sky looked at him and then turned to Naomi whispering something in her ear. A second later he could see how Naomi's face turned bright red and then how she slapped Sky so a red mark could be seen on her face. Instead of being angry Sky just laughed at her reaction.
After the slap Naomi asked Him something "What was that black thing on your arm?" Vexx thought about it for a while and then answered "It's like a prosthetic arm" Vexx answered her question. Vexx saw that Naomi wanted something more because it didn't look like a prosthetic.
"What's your next question?" Vexx asked. Now it was Skys turn to ask. "Who were the four people you were with?" Sky asked while grabbing her neck where Vorkin had held her. "They were my familiars." Art said not wanting to reveal more of his ability.
Naomi knew that there were abilities which allowed people to tame monsters and make them fight for them but she had never heard of a way to summon monsters and especially Humans. "And now for your final question," Vexx said. Both Naomi and Sky looked at each other and started whispering while eventually asking.
"Do you think you can team up with us for the monster hunting practice next week? We need to be five in one group so you can choose the other too if you want.
Vexx didn't know they were going hunting but thinking about it, It wasn't really strange that one of the most influential families in the country had information most common people don't. After thinking about it for a while and at first believing it was bad to team up with them but the more he thought about it the better he felt about the offer and decided to accept it.
Because Vexx was interrupted he decided to head back to the academy with Sky and Naomi. It was very awkward on the way back as Vexx wasn't the most social type of person. When they were back Vexx walked over to the training area and decided to look for Kamari and Blake so he could talk to them about the team up.
When he walked closer to the fields outside he could see how everyone had fights on them. When he was close enough to see who it was that was fighting. Kamari was fighting a girl who was tiny if it weren't for her uniform Vexx would have thought he fought a middle schooler.
Vexx was focusing on the fight and missed Blake who now stood beside him. "Hello" Said a very familiar voice when Vexx looked at who it was he said "I need to talk with you and Kamari about a thing so if you have time after this could we maybe go somewhere more private?"
Blake nodded and started to wonder what the important thing Vexx wanted to tell them.