"But one day my influence will touch every corner of the world! I'll know all the secrets! All of them!"
Something about seeing the tiny creature claim it occupied such an enormous expanse of land made the boys unable to stop laughing.
"Hmph!" the mushroom puffed its cheeks in what had to be the most adorable display of indignation they'd ever seen. "Ren! I don't want to be in front of these mocking troglodytes! I'm going back inside!"
Without waiting for a response, the small mushroom vanished, returning to Ren's body. The mushrooms in his hair sprouted and pulsed once more with their characteristic glow.
"Well, what now?" Liu asked, still smiling at the spore's peculiar evolved personality. "How are you supposed to get your second beast?"
"It's simple," Ren smiled while approaching the hydra egg resting on his desk, its crystalline surface catching the morning light.