Chapter 147 - Taming New Beginnings

"One more thing," Lin added before leaving. "When the time comes to talk to Julius, let me prepare the ground first. As I said, he's trustworthy, but even he might have a strange reaction when he learns a first-year student achieved something supposed to be exclusive to royalty."

The silence that followed Lin's departure was heavy.

Min, Liu, and Taro watched Ren with concern, their excitement diminished by the metaphorical rain falling on his achievement while he remained unusually still, apparently lost in thought.

"Hey," Min began, "it's not so bad, you just need to keep the hydra secret for a while and…"

He stopped when a big smile began forming on Ren's lips.

"Lin..." Ren murmured, his smile growing. "Lin was so worried about the hydra issue that she..."

His eyes suddenly lit up with a mischievous realization.

"SHE FORGOT ABOUT MY TRAINING!" he jumped from his bed with explosive energy. "This is our best chance!"