Harry opened his eyes, he was all alone in a small cramped room. There was nothing remarkable about the room other than the bed in the middle, the blue paint had begun washing off and there was hardly any ventilation, just a window facing another room.
Harry reached for his bag, to get his pills and found nothing. He poured out the contents of the bag on the bed and still couldn't find it. He got up and headed outside to go find Lucy, he remembered that she was on guide duty when he went to sleep. It was still early so he wasn't expecting to run into anybody new. He came out of the room wearing only a singlet and a pair of shorts.
"Lucy!" He yelled, realizing she must be close by
"Yes?" Lucy replied, as she rushed in.
"What's wrong?" Lucy asked.
"You know exactly what's wrong!" Harry yelled.
Lucy stood by the door waiting for his reaction.
"Give it to me, we don't have time" Harry said stretching his right hand and stepping towards Lucy. Lucy stepped back slowly,