A watch rotation of three hours had been established, and though they had tried to force her to sleep since she was our first line of defense after all, she had opted for cultivating instead. Saying it was much more preferable than sleeping and refreshing.
I envied that sight, but only a little. I felt glad to see that she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to improve. I even wondered if she would undergo her breakthrough whilst we traveled.
It would greatly better our morale.
Eiko spent the entire night in a meditative state, and thanks to my ever-present perceptive skills, I could sense how dense Solarin grew in the camp.
Generally, that entire ruin boasted a higher Solarin density than even the jungle. And many times during the day my eyes had opened to the sight of those invisible orb-like objects. I still wondered what their main purpose was.
Were they visual representations of Solarin… like a more accurate one?