71. Onslaught

Chaos unfolded at that point, as every man tried his best to protect himself from those deadly weapons. But to what avail?

I crouched, dodging many by sheer luck. Many of those darts and arrows struck the ground, but the ones that struck those men proved deadly. Running in that crouched posture, I aimed for the shattered buildings in the distance. They served as protection even if most were barely standing.

Alas, our attackers had thought that out too, and that approach ended up leading to deaths.

I had not been the only one to think of that escape method, however, when the sight of men falling to the ground from slash wounds; played out before me; I knew not to follow that plan.

Turning back to look at the exit, I decided it was the best action.


A blast of orange flames flickered into existence as Eiko stepped into the scene with her might on display.

"Come to me!" She yelled, and we did no less.