
chapter 33

Chapter 33

Sprinting from the building ronin's feet dragged in the thin layer of snow, his jacket bubbling behind him as he'd turned the corner quickly tackling the back door of the yellow car as he frantically threw himself in meeting Fraser's glare with an estatic grin, his voice high as he bounced in his seat looking back as the car sped forward, throwing the snow behind it into a smoke that his their exit.

adjusting the small grin as he walked around the car, Fraser's eyes locked on his in the mirror as he saw Ronin head whip back to the building his mouth wide with the anticipation, breaking into a lighter Fraser latched onto, at the back of the car looking up at him, Fraser's eyebrows scrunched as his face looked at Ronin with a mocking scowl. "Seriously, get your fucking ass in the front" he waved his arms dramatically befor he shrunk into his seat watching as ronin joined him, "seriously Ronin" he growled with the same grin.

"My bad, I didn't know if it was ok" Ronin answered as his grin fell to a faint smile as he crossed from the backseat.

"No you were supposed to sit in the front because you don't give a fuck, remember?" His lean figure straightened in the seat "you know, i-if you don't give a fuck then there no fucks to give, and then, then, well. Damnit you know what I'm saying" his hands had attempted to motion his words he'd tried to get across before resorting to the wheel in a defeat.

"Yeah I know that man" Ronin protested in a rough voice

"Yeah I knew you would..know that. Man." Fraser elbowed Ronin as if he made any sort of point confused by his own sentence

"Yeah man" he said nudging Fraser back, before turning to the window with a short expression he was sure Fraser copied.

Turning the radio up Fraser hid the awkward air of the car, breathing on the stirring wheel as if it were his oxygen, Ronins stature bounced with Fraser's driving. For his back had been arched and his foot could have been pushing the gas with the beat of the music, he couldn't help but grip the door with a hesitant smile. As he swerved with the words of the song, parking seamlessly at the drop off of the school. His mouth hung open slightly as he sighed, "yeah really a car like this is usually hard to control" his head tilted back on the rest as he looked at Ronin with a short glance "I mean it's a 1970 model but I keep it running if you know what I mean"

Ronin nodded leaning in as if he'd understoood everything he said in perfect detail as he began to narrate how he'd parked, pointing at the aspects of the car, and the one he created.

His head perked up as the car behind him began to honk, "shit" he said rolling down his window before gesturing to the driver behind him.

"Anyways kid I can't teach you to drive right now because this "shit head" he emphasized in a bold tone glancing at the mirror "doesn't know how to take a hint" his voice raised with his arms watching the driver behind him.

"Ok now remember, you don't give a fuck Ronin, you don't give those out, actually you keep them hidden, like in your pocket..you know what I mean" he stared blankly at Ronin as he nodded and stepped out of the car, "so just like not show my fucks?"

"Yeah" Fraser nodded, "b-but also listen to authority and all that junk...sometimes" he smirked before sending Ronin off pasting that same smirk on his face, which had soon dropped as the car behind him held its horn, sticking his head out the window Fraser glared "ok, ok!" He yelled before pulling through "oh of course your kids got to be the fat stump that can't walk an extra*ten feet" his voice grited as he narrated through the mirror.