Abhay, an ordinary teenager with a knack for the digital underworld, stumbles into a world far darker than he ever imagined. While browsing the dark web, he inadvertently offends one of the most powerful and ruthless figures in the shadows of society. What follows is a nightmare: assassins are sent to silence him. Though Abhay narrowly survives, his family falls victim to their blades.
Wracked with guilt and consumed by a thirst for revenge, Abhay prepares to abandon his home. However, a hidden door behind a family photo reveals a secret from his parents' past: an underground lab containing advanced research, tools, and weapons. Realizing his family's connection to something far greater, Abhay decides to stay and fight back.
With assassins constantly on his trail, Abhay uses his ingenuity to craft weapons and devices to outwit and defeat his pursuers. But survival is only the beginning. To avenge his family, Abhay must uncover the identity of his enemy and dismantle the vast web of power that protects them.
In this gripping tale of vengeance and survival, Abhay’s journey transforms him from a target to a force to be reckoned with.