Set in the golden age of an ancient kingdom, The Untold Story of King Rajavendhan unravels the forgotten legacy of a ruler whose name was buried by history but whose deeds shaped a civilization. King Rajavendhan, known for his unmatched valor and wisdom, ascended the throne during a time of turmoil—political unrest, external threats, and internal betrayals.
Under his reign, the kingdom flourished through his revolutionary reforms, courage on the battlefield, and compassion for his people. But his enemies, both within the court and beyond the borders, conspired to erase his legacy. As a mysterious chronicler uncovers Rajavendhan’s story centuries later, the audience is taken on a journey of epic battles, unbreakable alliances, and a ruler’s relentless quest for justice.
Quiero más capítulos, este es un buen fanfic, espero que el autor mantenga la integridad de la novela, no como una novela china.