Chapter 68: Escalating Tensions
The aftermath of the attack left the school in a state of chaos. Broken windows, shattered furniture, and scorch marks from the battle marred the once-pristine halls. Students whispered anxiously in corners, and teachers scrambled to calm them.
Principal Davenport stood in the center of the gymnasium, addressing the faculty and student body. Her stern expression masked the fear she tried to keep hidden.
“This is unacceptable,” she said, her voice sharp and commanding. “Until we can determine the cause of these... disturbances, I am considering closing the school indefinitely.”
Gasps rippled through the crowd. Anita felt a sinking weight in her chest. She exchanged a glance with Jace, who stood quietly at the back of the room.
Max leaned closer, whispering, “We can’t let that happen. If the school shuts down, Kael wins.”
“Agreed,” Anita murmured. “We need to fix this, fast.”