Kingsly took a bottle of whiskey from the glass cabinet, "I'm surprised you and your brother know someone like William Franklin."
Her face was pale, and she didn't respond.
He poured himself half a glass, asking casually, "Franklin is the one who paid off the five million for Noah, isn't he?"
She remained silent.
She still couldn't believe he had uncovered her plan, even identifying Franklin as her backer.
He was far more terrifying than she had imagined.
"I thought we had an agreement, but it seems you had other plans," he said lightly as if he wasn't angry.
She raised her head, forcing out the words, "You forced me."
He arched an eyebrow, "How so?"
She deeply breathed, "You would never let me go, even if I gave birth to this child."
His dark eyes narrowed, examining her, "I don't think I'm someone who goes back on my word, do you?"