CHAPTER 89 Unwelcome Visits

  Dominic's POV

  "What are you doing here, Jocelyn?" I asked. She stepped further into my study, and my eyes narrowed on her form. I kept my tone even, my voice did not rise, but inside my patience was running low.

  Dominic, is that any way to greet me?" she said, hinting at a soft laugh as if we were some sort of old buddies reunited. Farther into the room, she let the door swing shut behind her; her gaze scanned across the desk, littered with maps and documents. "I was worried about the trouble with Robert, and I wanted to see how you were holding up. I'm worried about you."

  Worried?" I jeered at her, with abundant sarcasm. "When, precisely, did you get worried on my behalf, Jocelyn?"

  She shrugged that shoulder, wearing that innocently sweet smile, one she was forever using to get her way, spreading across her face. "Since you came to warn my father and me about Robert. It has weighed upon my mind ever since."