POV 3rd person
"Aang there's something you need to see" Katara yelled
"Okay"Aang said.
Lifting her hands Katara pulled down a lump of snow onto the fire nation armor and onto Sokka.
"What is it?" Aang asked.
"Just a new waterbending move I learned," Katara explained.
"But enough practice. We have a whole temple to see," Aang said.
"You know you can't protect him forever" Sokka interrupted as Aang ran off.
Aang and his friends ran across the temple grounds, finally heading over a bridge to approach a statue of an old airbender.
"Katara firbenders were here. You can't pretend they weren't" Sokka said.
"I can for Aang's sake. If he finds out the fire nation invaded his home. He'll be devastated" Katara replied.
"Hey guys, I want you to meet somebody" Aang called.
"Who is that?" Sokka asked.
"Monk Gyatso, he taught me everything I know," Aang said while bowing respectfully.
Aang just stared at the statue as if lost in thought remembering times long past.
"You must miss him," Katara said.
"Yeah," Aang replied, walking up the steps.
"Where are you going?" Katara asked.
"To the Air sanctuary, there's someone I'm ready to meet," Aang replied.
The three friends walked deeper into the temple before arriving in front of an intricately carved door bearing the symbol for the air nation.
"But Aang, no one could have survived there for a hundred years," Katara commented.
"It's not impossible I survived in the iceberg for that long and it's not like there are no other airbenders. I already ran into Wukong" Aang replied.
"Yes, the strange monkey man who just happens to be an airbender carrying a staff of black and gold," Sokka said sarcastically.
"Sokka be nice," Katara said, punching his shoulder.
"Ow. I'm just saying as far as people go they don't look like monkeys and what are the chances there are two airbenders in one day?" Sokka replied.
"I don't know why Wukong was there" Anng began "but he told me to come to the air temple, he said I needed to find out what happened while I was gone"
"Alright then how do we open this door?" Sokka asked.
"With airbending," Aang replied, getting into a bending stance. Moving forward Aang released two streams of air into the door causing the mechanism to release and the door to open.
Walking inside all three craned their heads in every direction looking at the statues of past avatars. Aang himself walked straight towards a statue of an old man, hair tied up in a bun and a long beard.
"Who is that?" Katara asked.
"Avatar Roku, the avatar before me," Aang replied.
"You were a firebender, no wonder I didn't trust you when we first met" Sokka commented.
A shadow fell across the doorway's light, two points going into the air like it had horns.
"Fire nation" Sokka said as all three hid behind statues.
"On three" Sokka saidgetting nods. "One, two, three"
All three of them humped from behind the statues expecting a fight, weapons at the ready to defend themselves.
"Lemur!" Aang yelled.
"Dinner," Sokka said.
Giving each other a look both kids started running through the air temple, chasing the flying lemur one to eat it another to tame it. As they ran through the many bridges and under arches. Eventually Aang came upon a tent where ether lemur had entered. Following along, Aang entered the tent and what he saw made him drop to his knees, a skeleton, not of just anyone but of Gyatso.
Sokka entered the tent seeing Aang on his knees "Aang I wasn't really going to eat the lemur. Oh man" Sokka said seeing the body "Come on Aang everything will be alright. Let's get out of here".
In another part of the temple Katara was looking at the many statues of Aang's past lives, then all at once their eyes began to glow "Aang"
As Katara ran to find Aang. All over the world the many monuments to the Avatar began to glow for the second time, letting everyone know that the avatar wasn't just back, he was alive and getting ready to fight back.
POV Zuko
Sitting in my office abroad my flagship I looked through the various reports that claimed the avatar was there. Some seemed promising but others were just people's grievances over minor disputes, oh my cabbages went missing it has to be the avatar.
"Out of everything here there isn't one good lead. All of these are useless" I yelled, burning some of the papers.
"Prince Zuko," a soldier said, opening my door.
"What!" I yelled.
"We have arrived at port," he explained.
"Finally" I said standing "Tell the commander of the port to meet me"
"He is already waiting at the end of the gangplank," he explained.
Standing up I pushed past the soldier leaving the confines of my office. Making my way outside I walked across the deck to the gangplank. Heading down I spotted a middle aged man in fire nation armor, hair pulled up into a bun and sideburns grown out a significant amount.
Walking down the Gangplank the man introduced himself as "Prince Zuko. I am Commander Zhao, what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?"
"The avatar has returned" I said bluntly, making the man pause, eyes widening a bit.
"Are you sure?"
"This comes from the fire lord himself. I will be comendering your port has my home base as you are on a significant trade route" I explained.
"Is there anything that you would like us to begin with?" Zhao asked.
"I need you to collect as many reports as possible claiming to have found the avatar. Once we find those worthy of attention I will head out on my own ship to check them out"
"In the meantime could I interest you in a meal?" Zhao asked.
"No, I will eat on my ship. I was only delivering my orders" I replied, turning and walking back up the gangplank.
"Spoild prince"
Turning back around I looked Zhao in the eye "What did you just say commander?"
Eyes going wide Zhao replied quickly bowing "Nothing my prince"
Walking back up to him I heatedly said "I will not tolerate insubordination; my father has put me in charge of finding the avatar so I will do whatever I have to in order to find him"
"Yes my prince"
"Now get to work"
Walking back up the gangplank again I looked around at my soldiers, most of which I had transferred from my previous ship. They had been with me for two years so I know that they do their jobs.
"Men" they all stood at attention "For tonight we will let Commander Zhao deal with the work, everyone can have the rest of the night off". I guess uncle Iroh is rubbing off on me a bit.
Cheers went up as I made my way back into my own office to look at reports. Soon after food was brought in and left on the desk. Despite my determination to go through these reports I needed to eat something.
"Do you mind bringing me some jasmine tea?" I asked the soldier.
Giving me a smile he said "You are so much like your uncle. It will only be a moment"
After he closed the door, I couldn't help but let a small smile come to my face as I thought about Uncle Iroh. I haven't seen him in months and his presence is definitely missed not just by me but the men as well.
Authors note: The further we get into the story from here the more the story will change. Most chapters will not be a copy paste but in the first season they don't really enter any large cities besides Omashu for quite literally one day then northern WaterTribe at the end of the season.