Chapter 186: "A Saucier Situation"

The aftermath of the Condiment Kingdom adventure left the group both bewildered and slightly traumatized. Kazuya held the Sauce Scepter like it was Excalibur, though the golden sausage attached to its end made it look more like a bizarre meat wand.

"I don't know what's worse," Sylvara muttered, peeling dried ketchup off her arm. "The fact that we went through all that, or that we actually survived it."

"At least we have this," Kazuya said, brandishing the Sauce Scepter. "This thing holds the power of all condiments! Imagine what we can do with it!"

"Like ruin a perfectly good sandwich?" Ravynne deadpanned, stepping around a puddle of lingering ranch dressing.

The group trudged onward through the forest, sticky and reeking of mustard. Every step they took seemed to draw the attention of wildlife—specifically, animals looking for free snacks. Squirrels chittered from the trees, birds swooped dangerously close, and even a raccoon waddled behind them with unrelenting determination.

"Why are we being followed by a condiment fan club?" Brioche asked, nervously eyeing the raccoon that seemed far too interested in her ketchup-stained boots.

"Because we smell like a buffet," Sylvara snapped. "And I swear, if that raccoon gets any closer, I'm frying it."

The raccoon paused for a moment, then continued waddling forward with even more confidence.

"Quackleton," Kazuya said, nudging the duck. "Think you can handle this guy?"

Quackleton quacked imperiously, puffing out his chest like a miniature knight. He waddled over to the raccoon and began an aggressive display of wing flapping and quacking, which only served to confuse the raccoon further.

The group watched in silence as Quackleton and the raccoon engaged in what could only be described as a territorial dance battle.

"This is our life now," Sylvara said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

An Unexpected Encounter

As the group continued their journey, they stumbled upon an odd clearing in the forest. In the center of the clearing stood a small, rickety shack with a sign above the door that read: "Myrtle's Magical Mayonnaise Emporium."

"Nope," Sylvara said immediately, turning to leave.

"Wait!" Kazuya grabbed her arm. "This could be important. What if this mayonnaise emporium holds the key to unlocking the full potential of the Sauce Scepter?"

"It's mayonnaise, Kazuya," Sylvara said flatly. "There is no full potential."

Ignoring her, Kazuya pushed open the shack's door. Inside, they found an elderly woman with wild gray hair and a smock covered in suspicious white stains. She was stirring a massive cauldron of what could only be mayonnaise.

"Welcome to Myrtle's!" the woman croaked, her voice crackling like frying bacon. "Have you come to seek the secrets of the Sauce?"

Kazuya held up the Sauce Scepter. "Actually, yeah. Do you know anything about this?"

Myrtle's eyes widened as she dropped her spoon into the cauldron. "The Sauce Scepter?! It's real?! I thought it was a myth!"

"Apparently, it's very real," Sylvara muttered.

Myrtle hobbled over to Kazuya, peering at the scepter like it was the holy grail. "You must be the Chosen One! Only the Chosen One can wield such a saucy relic!"

"See?" Kazuya said, grinning at Sylvara. "I'm the Chosen One. Again."

Sylvara rolled her eyes so hard she nearly gave herself whiplash.

The Power of Mayo

Myrtle explained that the Sauce Scepter had one final, hidden ability: the power to summon the Condiment Guardian, an ancient being capable of controlling the balance of flavors in the world. But to unlock this ability, the wielder needed to complete one last task.

"You must brave the Pool of Perfect Emulsification," Myrtle said dramatically. "Only then will the scepter's true power be revealed."

"The Pool of Perfect Emulsification?" Brioche repeated, raising an eyebrow. "That sounds… weirdly gross."

"It is a place of legend," Myrtle said, ignoring the comment. "A sacred pool where oil and vinegar merge into harmony. Only those with a pure heart and a strong stomach can survive its trials."

"Sounds like a glorified salad dressing recipe," Sylvara muttered.

But Kazuya was already sold. "Where do we find this pool?"

The Journey to the Pool

The group set off with directions from Myrtle, who insisted they bring several jars of her homemade mayonnaise "just in case."

"This better not end with us being chased by another raccoon," Sylvara grumbled as they trekked through the forest.

The journey to the Pool of Perfect Emulsification was surprisingly uneventful—until they reached a massive field filled with bizarre, humanoid creatures made entirely of bread.

"Are those… bread people?" Ravynne asked, squinting.

"Looks like it," Kazuya said. "Should we… talk to them?"

Before anyone could respond, the bread people turned to face them, their crusty faces filled with rage.


"Why is it always us?" Sylvara groaned, drawing her weapon.

Battle of the Bread Brigade

What followed was perhaps the most ridiculous battle the group had ever faced. Kazuya used the Sauce Scepter to spray streams of ketchup and mustard at the bread people, who screamed in horror as the condiments soaked into their crusts.

Quackleton, riding on the back of a particularly angry baguette, quacked triumphantly as he pecked at its head. Brioche wielded a jar of mayonnaise like a weapon, hurling globs of it at their attackers.

"This is the dumbest thing we've ever done," Sylvara muttered, slicing through a sourdough soldier.

"Agreed," Kazuya said, spraying a ciabatta warrior with ranch dressing.

The Pool of Perfect Emulsification

After narrowly escaping the Bread Brigade, the group finally arrived at the Pool of Perfect Emulsification. The pool shimmered with an otherworldly light, its surface swirling with oil, vinegar, and other mysterious ingredients.

Kazuya stepped forward, holding the Sauce Scepter. "Here goes nothing."

As he dipped the scepter into the pool, the ground shook, and a towering figure emerged from the water. The Condiment Guardian was a colossal, shimmering being made of every sauce imaginable.

"WHO DARES AWAKEN ME?!" it boomed.

Kazuya grinned. "It's me, the Chosen One."

To be continued...