ORIGIN: Scotland

The Nuckelavee is a creature from Orcadian folklore, originating from the Orkney Islands in Scotland. 

It is widely regarded as one of the most horrifying beings in Scottish mythology. 

The Nuckelavee is also known as a demon of the sea, and is said to emerge from the depths of the sea to bring with it all sorts of diseases, drought, and death to both humans and animals. 

Just its presence is considered a harbinger (bringer) of disaster.

The descriptions of the Nuckelavee so far is a nightmarish image. 

It is often said to be a fusion of man and horse. 

Its horse-like body is flayed— practically see through—-, showing raw muscles that pulsate and black blood coursing through its veins. 

The creature's skinless appearance is awfully disgusting and a nauseating stench is said to accompany it. 

Fused to this horrific horse is a human like torso, extremely large, with very unnaturally long arms. 

Its head is oversized, with a mouth that gapes wide and a single, fiery eye that literally burns with evil.

The Nuckelavee is known to bring plague and blight to crops and livestock, poisoning the very air with its breath.

It despises fresh water, and those pursued by the creature can only escape by crossing a stream, as it cannot follow. 

This monstrous legend has dipped much fear in the hearts of Orcadians for centuries.