ORIGIN: Cassadaga, Florida

This urban legend is one that is popular across cemeteries in the United States.

These "Devil's Chairs" are stone or iron benches found beside graves or in rare cases, tombs.

Anyone who dares sit on the chair at midnight will come encounter with…

… The Devil himself. 

Some versions of the legend say that he appears as an unclear, darkish, shadow like figure, offering dark deals and fulfilment of wishes in exchange for one's soul. 

Other versions say simply sitting in the chair invites a curse which in times ends up bringing bad luck, misfortune, and death to the one who sat on it.


There is a weird version of this legend.

They say if you leave an unopened beer can on the chair overnight, it will be entirely empty by morning…

Because the Devil drank it.

The Cassadaga Devil's Chair, is right now located in a spiritualist community known for its paranormal activity and is the most famous legend there.