Naoki, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the vibrant Pokémon world. Inheriting a charming, yet modest ranch, he dreams of a tranquil life surrounded by adorable and fluffy Pokémon. Despite the challenges, Naoki's heart is set on crafting a life filled with simple joys and magical meals that bring him and his Pokémon closer together.
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cover image. If you are the rightful owner and would like it removed, I will take it down promptly.
You can read from Chapter 1 to 351 at
I have no idea why webnovel decided to take down this fic. Glad I found this novel again.
Absolutely amazing story, with no mistakes in it. Loved the story and home it continues like it is. The writing, the world building the interactions in the story are awesome. I was sacred it had been deleted forever but it hasnt. Recommed this to everyone, the best pokemon fanfic i ever read.
I will say only this...i love this story and the world building. The characters and the background characters are top notch. If you want you can continue here but I recommend to upload on scribble hub or fanfiction site. Not sure why but a lot of good stories started to be erase from this site. But keep uploading the story my good friend.
please continue the book please continue pokemon a new path
This story truly deserved to stay- it was one of the rare gems on webnovel, consistently delivering quality updates everyday
I'm glad your're back i was really sad when i saw it was deleted.
Text wall at the beginning chapters (1-13) bu..t i... like th...e st..ory overall Have i been here before?
Unas de las mejores historias que eh leido, y me asusto demaciado cuando me di cuenta que la anterior se habia borrado
sad about webnovel action against this fanfic. It's give me positive energy and help me deal with stress and depression . Also I like The storyline when The mc as bystander seeing The plotlines happened in The story understand and getting indepth within the pokemon world.
"Dude, I was right in the middle of chapter 225, and suddenly, all the chapters vanished. What’s going on?"
my god I thought my favorite novel is abandoned 😭😭
I really regret my decision when I thought I'll let you post other chapters and then read it all together 😓😮💨
I uninstalled and reinstalled webnovel because it kept giving me errors when looking for updates on this novel. I'm glad you continue this novel. hope there's a chance to reupload the older chapters for newcomers
anyone know the chinese name for this novel.................................................................................................................................................................................
I don't understand why they decided to take down this novel I love the story so much