Exploring all the ants

Military Adviser B1374 reported to me with anger on her youthful face.

"Father, our trained Commando Bees have tracked the ants that tried to come past our border patrols, and ants that came through them despite everything. They discovered that there are ant colonies living even in our territory! Father, I suggest we destroy them."

I shrugged.

"But *those* ants aren't a problem to our food production, so… This can wait. More importantly—I must know if these ants did *agriculture*!"

I wish I could tell just by looking at them, but innate technologies weren't part of a creature's special abilities.

"Agri… culture?" B1374 frowned. "Is that dangerous?"

"It's precious. I guess… Even if this won't do much, I will feel better if I take a look at these colonies."

"Going out again, Father?" B1374 frowned deeper. "You get in trouble every time you do."