A chapter where this story becomes PG

"Next? Well—Wait, what do you mean by *only ten injured*? I thought you had protective gear!"

I gestured at the plant gloves the Science Adviser was wearing. The researchers had already invented clothing, and it would've been implemented already if the Craftsmen Bees weren't making all that armor.

The Science Adviser began folding fingers.

"Four bees were injured by stone shards that flew at parts not covered by clothes. Three bees dropped rocks on their feet. Two bees had a fight over opinions, which their Sergeant didn't interrupt in time. And one bee underestimated how sharp the stone knives were compared to bone knives. But we've treated all the injuries, and all the wounded bees are ready to work."

I hid my face in my palms and looked at Science Adviser B581 between the fingers.

"Shit. Even with protective gear… Is Researcher the second most dangerous profession in our colony after being a Forager?"

B581's eyes lit up.